[3.7] Oro's Flicker Berserker | 3M DPS | Teleport Through Maps In Seconds

thanks for the response, just to be clear, im building on xbox, so some of the high end items are super rare/not really avail yet/ as it is pretty new here

im currently at level 48 ranking up through the story, im glad i noticed your comment those two orbs are at those levels now.

iv got the geofri till i get to 67 to switch to my oro, and i have the boots and had the helmet already from a previous character lucky drop that i got somewhere...

iv got the perandus blazon belt for now, still looking for the belt you recommend...*avail just expensive)

as for the other items, cant find fireborn on the market yet, or the amulet, but i do have araku taki there currently.

i really do feel over powerd compared to poison tornado shot build i did before, i like this so far much better, i cant wait to get to the end, any other suggestions on the body armour? as neither 2 peices have hardly any avail on the market.

i did manage to get the wise oak, was only one on the marketplace i could see and they didnt want much for it...

also looking for other options for gloves

thanks for your time.

Ambu's Charge is actually a decent chest until you get something better, but as for gloves you really just want some rare gloves with life and resists.

DerivedGod wrote:
Hi, i've been following your build to the tee, i feel like you have all your recommended items, im currently level 67, but having a hard time even leveling up at this point. i have maxed res, yet i die quite a bit to mobs in even level 1 maps.

That's really strange. You shouldn't be dying at all if you spec'd correctly. Can you link your character or Path of Building?

hey, what do you thnk about pyre sapphire ring?

It does pretty much nothing for this build, don't use it.

Zareo wrote:
Loving this build. Just wondering if there is any reason for not taking Iron Reflexes since we use Unwavering Stance so evasion rating does nothing for us otherwise.

Because we take Acrobatics our armor is halved, so IR is 50% less effective. We already barely have any evasion even when you're wearing Belly so it's not so good.

Kaladin wrote:
can someone explain why we pick up so much evasion even though we have unwavering stance? i don't get it

We don't pick up the evasion nodes for the evasion, we pick them up for the life.
Last edited by Oroboro on Sep 13, 2017, 12:34:59 AM
Best build of flickering strike. I went for huge investment in the build and i love it so far !

2 x The Taming
perfect Kaoms
199 life +1 frenzy charge roots.

let me know how you link items, id like to know your opinion on my next upgrade.
MaGxxGaM wrote:
Best build of flickering strike. I went for huge investment in the build and i love it so far !

2 x The Taming
perfect Kaoms
199 life +1 frenzy charge roots.

let me know how you link items, id like to know your opinion on my next upgrade.

I would highly recommend getting a 30% MS rare boots with 80+ life for mapping purposes. A huge QoL improvement when clear speed is put into consideration.

Something cheap like this is good to go.

Oroboro wrote:

hey, what do you thnk about pyre sapphire ring?

It does pretty much nothing for this build, don't use it.

Pyre can be useful for maps with mobs that rez/implode others.
Hey Guys,

first at all Thank YOU Very much Oro for this beautiful Build!. This Build is a Killer-Machine with the right EQ ( its a bit expensive ) you can Melt every fucking Boss including Guardians!

Here's my Gear:

And here a quick Video: How to rape Hydra.. you see if he standing still he is dying faster then light :D


Best regards
Gubert wrote:
Here is my shaper kill:

Got a huge bug at the beginning of the video, but you get the idea


POB link: https://pastebin.com/EnV1NRGH

My links on Molten Strike are Ele damage with attack skills + immolation + conc effect + multistrike + fire pen

I will update with another video pretty soon.. My damage ranked up about 40%, got xoph's blood and my build is perfect now

On POB it says I do 536k damage per molten strike ball with flasks up and i throw 12 balls, so I guess I do around 5M dps ST since probably 9-10 balls hit the bosses

POB link: https://pastebin.com/zXmwCY8m
IGN gubert
Last edited by Gubert on Sep 13, 2017, 10:18:04 PM
Why u changed Iron Reflexes to Point Blank and Acrobatics?
MaGxxGaM wrote:
Best build of flickering strike. I went for huge investment in the build and i love it so far !

2 x The Taming
perfect Kaoms
199 life +1 frenzy charge roots.

let me know how you link items, id like to know your opinion on my next upgrade.

Click on your character portrait in the top left while you're making a post and click on your items to link them :)

Why u changed Iron Reflexes to Point Blank and Acrobatics?

Because we have such low armor it's best to take Acrobatics and because Acrobatics halves our armor Iron Reflexes is really bad. Point Blank is for our single target skill on our 2nd Oro's, Molten Strike.
i love u guide and u stream . A question ,point Black need no more? Because the POE link does not show it anymore. No point on Point Black
Last edited by Ayato087 on Sep 13, 2017, 8:29:56 PM
Is this a build that ur character dies alot ?

Thanks and good luck

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