[3.4] HC RT Sunder Gladiator League Starter Build Guide

WorstSmitesEU wrote:
austeemo wrote:
how come tempestuous sword is used with the righteous passive?

If by "righteous passive" you mean Resolute Technique then it's because the "Hits can't be evaded" on Tempestuous Steel is a local mod meaning it only applies to swings with the weapon itself making it useless when used in the off-hand slot on a Sunder build. If that's not what you meant then I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate further on what exactly you want to know.

yeah thats what i meant, thanks!
I find myself constantly short on intelligence when trying to level up many of my skills. What is the best way to boost it so I can get those to a higher level?
gman103 wrote:
I find myself constantly short on intelligence when trying to level up many of my skills. What is the best way to boost it so I can get those to a higher level?

I'm using Alkaizer tree version (in my opinion much better)and i don't have any int problems.
You can get tons of int on amulet,and on jewels.

Loving this build but there is a few things I would like to know, I have The Princess and Scaeva which will be the better option and going forward looking at going crit what things do I need to change?
This is a complete noob question, ever since i got multistrike gem on my sunder it seems when i hold it down it randomly aims between different targets. this is especially annoying during boss fights when im trying to focus the boss and then i randomly turn and sunder a monster instead. How do i fix this ?
Ene wrote:
gman103 wrote:
I find myself constantly short on intelligence when trying to level up many of my skills. What is the best way to boost it so I can get those to a higher level?

I'm using Alkaizer tree version (in my opinion much better)and i don't have any int problems.
You can get tons of int on amulet,and on jewels.

What makes Alkaizer's tree considerably better? They look largely the same to me. His left side of the tree is a tad different.
Wanted to chime in and say that this build went very well for me and scales just as well. Just downed phoenix and I can say compared to my EQ mara with disfavour and pre 3.0 legacy voidheart it was nice to watch the hp really move down. Damage to bosses isn't a problem for me, and I am quite lazy/inefficient with my flasks.

The build should carry you to at least the guardians, mostly. But for clearing this is one of the very best I've used. The gladiator's blood explosions need herald of ash, however, at least for me. I tried brutality and the loss of the conversions was harsh on my damage, but the loss of ash that has synergy with blood explosions was harsher for clearing.

Tier 15's deathless, including twins tier 15;s, some guardians, and breaches are just melting like butter. I've killed every breachlord that has popped in tier 13+ maps, and all I can say is that this build is very fun. It scales well, with good gear, but can do excellent up to tier 12ish on medicore gear.
gman103 wrote:
I find myself constantly short on intelligence when trying to level up many of my skills. What is the best way to boost it so I can get those to a higher level?

Pick up "Hard Knocks" and "Wisdom of the Glade" while leveling, you can also buy a Carnage Heart. Jewellery, helmets and jewels can all have int on them, you will need int on your gear.
Ene wrote:
gman103 wrote:
I find myself constantly short on intelligence when trying to level up many of my skills. What is the best way to boost it so I can get those to a higher level?

I'm using Alkaizer tree version (in my opinion much better)and i don't have any int problems.
You can get tons of int on amulet,and on jewels.

What about it makes it much better, what am I missing?
KnightLion wrote:

Loving this build but there is a few things I would like to know, I have The Princess and Scaeva which will be the better option and going forward looking at going crit what things do I need to change?

Princess is better for non crit damage-wise. For crit spec out of RT, obviously, pick up Disembowling, Twin Terrors and Aspect of the Lynx, maybe the crit before Fencing and use a Diamond Flask. I'm afraid Sunder isn't ideal for crit as the bases it uses all have a base crit of 5.0%, at least for one handed axes and maces, that's why you will probably need the Voice of the Storm amulet to make it work properly.

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