[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Blergh wrote:
okay i am possibly dumb but why exactly are we using scourge and not any other high physdps claw?

anyway, respecced my aw-serker to this build...looking forward to experience it. the first 30 minutes felt very fine already.

edit: okay got it, scourge is hard to top with the 70% inc. minion damage. disregard my first blah

Very nicely done answering your own question :) thank you!

As you may have guessed, you are not the first to go WTF? And actually, if you search for "scourge" on the PoE reddit you'll see there is quite a long thread discussing the very question hehe.

But you can definitely upgrade. It just so happens that I had been trying to craft me one, and I just got super lucky with a trans + alt + regal + regular craft 417DPS:

Quite a nice DPS boost from my perfect roll claw:

Pretty much textbook example of what you might want to aim for. The more DPS the better of course, but at 417DPS a very respectable upgrade, and I can still multi-craft. I think I'll add weapon range...
Last edited by corosou on Sep 24, 2017, 5:02:50 AM
Hey let me start with my thanks for this build guide it is a lot of fun to play with it, although I have to admit I don´t really like Blade Flurry as a skill that much (it´s my first character using that skill).
The damage is great, but the targeting is horrible because it doesn´t deal aoe dmg and you can´t use multistrike on it.

Is there any way to make it easier to clear packs with blade flurry?
Doing bosses is insane so far, I pretty much face tank anything I encounter.

I was wondering why you put points into the Blade Barrier Keystone on the passive tree.
The bleed damage in this build is rather low according to Path of building so is the block chance, so are you taking those nodes only for the dual wield phys damage?

Have a nice day.

Edit: I just remembered the increased aoe gem, that actually helps a lot with the clearing. :D
Edit²: I just bought haemophilia gloves and now the aoe clear is amazing.
Last edited by JitanLeetho on Sep 24, 2017, 8:47:50 AM
I´ve run into a wall with this build.
While it is perfectly fine to clear T14/15 with most mods, i struggle on white guardian maps.
I attempeted shaper for the very first time, without knowing the fight, and made it merely to phase two, ending with a nice pile of vortex in the middle.

Having 6,7k life, maxed resis except chaos and 10k armor starts to feel very squishy again.
I could dump some hundret chaos into some nice jewels to get some more life, but i doubt that solves my issues.
But replacing bloodseeker is not an option, right? Since you lose the instant regeneration, ''vaal pact''
corosou wrote:
poepoe091 wrote:
Nice looking build. Do you think it could work as a Gladiator? You'd lose the super leech, but you'd gain a bunch of defences and free bleed explosions, and the leech nodes are right there next to iron reflexes, and the claws have leech too. Might be fun variation.

Thanks thanks :)

No idea really, that's a question only you can answer, if u decide to test it..

Well, I got to 74 as a Gladiator and ran a few Abyss maps to test. Pretty underleveled, but I'd rushed the jewel and dps nodes, so all I was missing was hp and steel ring implicits. Basically the map clear was fine, but the single target was abysmal, lol. I mean, once the frenzy charges fall off, you're basically just an unascended duelist, and then your flasks are gone and you're basically doing no damage anymore.

So, yeah. Berserker probably much better, lol. Ah well, I wanted to try something different. Still, I think I'll just reroll berserker, lol.

*I edited out a stupid question*

Leveling the berserker rn, we'll see how it performs :)
Last edited by 7VaPaLM on Sep 24, 2017, 5:36:22 PM
poepoe091 wrote:
corosou wrote:
poepoe091 wrote:
Nice looking build. Do you think it could work as a Gladiator? You'd lose the super leech, but you'd gain a bunch of defences and free bleed explosions, and the leech nodes are right there next to iron reflexes, and the claws have leech too. Might be fun variation.

Thanks thanks :)

No idea really, that's a question only you can answer, if u decide to test it..

Well, I got to 74 as a Gladiator and ran a few Abyss maps to test. Pretty underleveled, but I'd rushed the jewel and dps nodes, so all I was missing was hp and steel ring implicits. Basically the map clear was fine, but the single target was abysmal, lol. I mean, once the frenzy charges fall off, you're basically just an unascended duelist, and then your flasks are gone and you're basically doing no damage anymore.

So, yeah. Berserker probably much better, lol. Ah well, I wanted to try something different. Still, I think I'll just reroll berserker, lol.

Someone on the #Slack chat is doing a Gladiator in HC, you may want to join and ask them about it.
Quick update...

I've been working on a way to speed up map clearing with the build and have been tweaking a Cyclone-only setup optimized for movement/clear speed and weapon range/AoE.

I multi-crafted my new claw and added range to it:

Picked up this sweet ammy to get even more range, movement speed and DPS on Full Life:

Switched my helmet to the trusty and well known Devoto's for more movement and attack speed (will probably try to get a cyclone dmg enchant):

And finally crafted me a new Quicksilver flask and picked up Overflowing for more flask charges:

This all means I've gained a very nice boost in movement speed and extented my Weapon's Range considerably! Claws have 9 by default and I've extended the range by 4 points with the multi-craft and amulet. This means I now have 13, which puts me 1 point beyond "Thrusting One Handed Swords":

Here's a sneak peek of what it looks like in the last 1min 30sec of a T15 Colosseum with Full Sextants:

Youtube: SpeedCyclone - T15 Colosseum (Full Sextants)

Still a work in progress, more details to come...
Last edited by corosou on Sep 25, 2017, 11:44:46 AM
Lvl 21 Cyclone is another +1 radius and you could try the jewel Warlords Reach for another +1 radius as well.
poepoe091 wrote:
Lvl 21 Cyclone is another +1 radius and you could try the jewel Warlords Reach for another +1 radius as well.

Thanks! I was thinking of that + Bronn's chest that gives me another +2 to movement gems.

Dunno about another jewel, already very hard to fit in more uniques with the resists.


So, as you suggested, looks like 21 Cyclone is the most I'll be able to do, as I would need to get to 26 before I saw another range increase:

This means I'd have to get either Bronn's + Enhance 3 or Warlords + Enhance 4. Probably not doing that...


Actually, both of your suggestions work. I was able to fit in Warlords losing a bit of DPS/life.

This means my range is now 15, AoE 28 :)

Last edited by corosou on Sep 25, 2017, 10:20:23 AM

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