[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Yeah i'm actually really liking this build so far. I actually bought about 60 regrets and switched to this from the "Blade flurry 16m DPS!!" (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1769014) build.

I think the thing i like the most about this build is it feels like it has a good balance of survivability to damage.
glissa484 wrote:
was my first time using blade flurry
and it was my first time killing the shaper


Glad it's doing right by you! Thanks for giving it a shot )
Malira wrote:
Yeah i'm actually really liking this build so far. I actually bought about 60 regrets and switched to this from the "Blade flurry 16m DPS!!" (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1769014) build.

I think the thing i like the most about this build is it feels like it has a good balance of survivability to damage.

I'm very glad to hear you're enjoying it! Crazy to see ppl switching over from the 16M DPS BF.. I always thought my shit build would never get that much attention ;) so thank you!

And yes balance has always been a major driver in my builds. I don't like builds that can only do one thing... I wanna play stuff that can do it all reasonably well.

And while I am at it, I fully agree with your observation that I need to cool down...

What bothered me about that particular exchange was the sort of arrogance of it. I dunno if it was intentional or not, it may just have been a poor choice of words, but in my mind, if I want to learn something from you, for example, I don't go to you and say: "I don't understand a lot, I'm new to X thing you seem familiar with, but I think what I'm doing is better than what you are doing. I don't wanna bother with trying it out though, can you just look at it and fix it for me?".

Which is paraphrasing, but that's how I interpreted the situation. That to me is not the right approach to get people to help/teach you IMHO, but maybe u feel differently.

Either way, I fully admit I can be quite harsh sometimes and I will try to tone it down for future posts ;) And hope this one didn't come off as harsh, it's hard for me to tell sometimes, but I swear I am just honestly explaining how I see things.
Last edited by corosou on Sep 18, 2017, 10:04:22 PM
Really nice build to start
Hello every1. This seems a very nice build for me. I never did shaper or uber atziri and I want to do that this league. Is this build good for some1 that need to learn end game boss fights? this build is tanky enough for someone who is learning the mechanics and hates dying? (ofc I dont wanna facetank every boss but I was playing wander so you know... I died alot). I have like 1000 chaos to start.
SO i DL 40 fucking pastebin and none have the ascendency? which one are used with this build?? thanks
Few people was asking me on priv how i playing this build and im tanky and still got good dmg so i just gona show you what setup i using
With this setup im now at over 8k hp i stun freeze and chill imune and still have 1.1 mln dmg on shaper without shock or frenzy charges. Next step gona be changing gloves for meginords but its realy hard to get that vulrnability coruption on them with it i gona lose around 15k dmg but get another 200+hp and extra 2% health regen. BTW for ppl that say it has realy slow clear speed on maps its true but you can speed it up realy hard with
the rampage helps you clear much much faster just swap those belts till rampage start and swap them back than try to maintain killing stuff my best score was spider forest in 2 minutes without boss room 15 monster left (that was this last pack in boss room) after that just kill boss and run back to pick all shit you need :)
BTW i know some of my items are expensive but you can deal with stuff without belly or those 2x dmg steelrings just get yourself 6 link with proper colors i would realy recomend skin of the loyal coz its awesome in terms of dmg/survi/price for rings just get those dmg roll in each ring or any steel ring but the flasks i would keep the way they are. I earned money for my stuff just in 1 day by farming guardians and shaper so i think everyone of you can do it.
Last edited by Iean on Sep 19, 2017, 10:08:57 AM
SO i DL 40 fucking pastebin and none have the ascendency? which one are used with this build?? thanks

yeah and 40 fucking times you were a blind ass moron...

Next time THINK and be sure you know what you are talking about before you make such an astronomical fool of yourself..
Iean wrote:
Few people was asking me on priv how i playing this build and im tanky and still got good dmg so i just gona show you what setup i using
With this setup im now at over 8k hp i stun freeze and chill imune and still have 1.1 mln dmg on shaper without shock or frenzy charges. Next step gona be changing gloves for meginords but its realy hard to get that vulrnability coruption on them with it i gona lose around 15k dmg but get another 200+hp and extra 2% health regen. BTW for ppl that say it has realy slow clear speed on maps its true but you can speed it up realy hard with
the rampage helps you clear much much faster just swap those belts till rampage start and swap them back than try to maintain killing stuff my best score was spider forest in 2 minutes without boss room 15 monster left (that was this last pack in boss room) after that just kill boss and run back to pick all shit you need :)
BTW i know some of my items are expensive but you can deal with stuff without belly or those 2x dmg steelrings just get yourself 6 link with proper colors i would realy recomend skin of the loyal coz its awesome in terms of dmg/survi/price for rings just get those dmg roll in each ring or any steel ring but the flasks i would keep the way they are. I earned money for my stuff just in 1 day by farming guardians and shaper so i think everyone of you can do it.

Very nice! Thanks for sharing ;) keep it up!
corosou wrote:
SO i DL 40 fucking pastebin and none have the ascendency? which one are used with this build?? thanks

yeah and 40 fucking times you were a blind ass moron...

What were the words you first had in mind before you wrote the toned done version? :D

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