[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Video update for those of you still tuning in...

Here's a T14 Shaped Cove full clear using Cyclone only, under 4min, and 14mobs left.

To clear I am just "tapping" Cyclone instead of "channeling" it; a suggestion someone had in #Slack chat.

It def gives you more control over the rotational/angular momentum at the end of the skill, letting you kill and move on faster:

Youtube: ScourgeCyclone - T14 Shaped Cove (Full Clear, Double Curse, Full Life Setup, Cyclone-only)

EDIT: This is my first time playing cyclone, so I'm learning as I go...
Last edited by corosou on Sep 15, 2017, 5:27:08 PM
Hey Scorgeflurries! Hey Mr. Deephouse :)

Switch done! Here we go!

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/uVSds9xt

Regular DPS: 2.4 Millions
Shaper DPS: 1.4. Millions

The equipmentlisted below and now Rock'n Roll! Great job Corosou!

Necronos777 wrote:
Hey Scorgeflurries! Hey Mr. Deephouse :)

Switch done! Here we go!

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/uVSds9xt

Regular DPS: 2.4 Millions
Shaper DPS: 1.4. Millions

The equipmentlisted below and now Rock'n Roll! Great job Corosou!

Good monkey! ;)
Hi, is slayer a good choice for this vbuild
Can you upload shaper kill vidoe ? almost every build posted here can kill T16 bosses.... We need shaper kill !!!
You really need to upload Shaper kill + Green door kill to approve this is a strong build for end game as ur title shown ........

Looking forward to this build.
qdjjj wrote:
You really need to upload Shaper kill + Green door kill to approve this is a strong build for end game as ur title shown ........

Looking forward to this build.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. People kill Shaper with this build every day, I don't need to upload a video to prove it.
Hallo guys,

i am quite new to this game and foudn this build and thought I ll give it a try. I have to say sorry in advance for the case my english is bad :P

So I' ve downloaded the Regular Setup Building! and compared it with my building at the moment.. I do not get why the regular building is showing more DPS (for testing of course I put my blade flurry to the breast). I unchecked everything, flasks, skills (unless blade flurry), unchecked items , have set the exact same configuration and so on, but still it is showing more DPS (and its like 40:60k) ! Why???

My second question is.. Well I ve read something like this build doesnt work any more soon. And also i dont know exactly what is a good choice of uniques. I thought about the Belly to use soon. Some here do stuff with I dont know - poison? To get more damage. How is that possible? What would I have to do to really pimp my build up?`So far I ve tried Atziri once @ lvl 72. Unfortunately I died, probably related to my lag of knowledge about the boss mechanics.

Here Ive likned my POE Building build how its like at the moment:

As I run it at the moment: https://pastebin.com/WWMEJn7q
When I try to compare:
The build posted here, naked: https://pastebin.com/zr2tx2kj (61.3k dps, 10.4 k bleeding)
My build:https://pastebin.com/MurMvZ2t (46.6k dps, 8.8k bleeding)

WHY? Same settings, same everything, same version, set 3.0 and so on .. I do not understand it :( heeeelp please :) and maybe u guys can give me some advices for improving my build :) cos i am a bit confused by the possibilities given here.

corosou wrote:
qdjjj wrote:
You really need to upload Shaper kill + Green door kill to approve this is a strong build for end game as ur title shown ........

Looking forward to this build.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. People kill Shaper with this build every day, I don't need to upload a video to prove it.

Hi, Sorry for my bad English. Friends and I are very interested in this build and we want to know if this build is good for end game contents. We cannot find any shaper or Atziri kill videos uploaded by you (the builder). There are only some secreenshots posted by other players and one of them killed shaper with Tabula Rasa at lvl 78 (I personally do not believe this). No one post anything about Atziri so far.

More poeple would be attracted if you (the Builder) could upload videos for shaper & Atziri.


qdjjj wrote:
corosou wrote:
qdjjj wrote:
You really need to upload Shaper kill + Green door kill to approve this is a strong build for end game as ur title shown ........

Looking forward to this build.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. People kill Shaper with this build every day, I don't need to upload a video to prove it.

Hi, Sorry for my bad English. Friends and I are very interested in this build and we want to know if this build is good for end game contents. We cannot find any shaper or Atziri kill videos uploaded by you (the builder). There are only some secreenshots posted by other players and one of them killed shaper with Tabula Rasa at lvl 78 (I personally do not believe this). No one post anything about Atziri so far.

More poeple would be attracted if you (the Builder) could upload videos for shaper & Atziri.


Shaper Full Clear. One dumb death to the Unshaped because I wasn't paying much attention.

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