[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Unwavering Stance from Kaom's Roots is actually saving me a lot in maps. Purchased Death's Door and I really don't see any nice benefit from it (besides additional resistances, movespeed and the 4L for some phasing action). Should I be using it only on boss fights?
leafyr0kr wrote:
Unwavering Stance from Kaom's Roots is actually saving me a lot in maps. Purchased Death's Door and I really don't see any nice benefit from it (besides additional resistances, movespeed and the 4L for some phasing action). Should I be using it only on boss fights?

I take it you're not using a life flask with bleeding then? Because the most important benefit is that you no longer need a bleeding flask and can get another good DPS/utility flask in there.
corosou wrote:
leafyr0kr wrote:
Unwavering Stance from Kaom's Roots is actually saving me a lot in maps. Purchased Death's Door and I really don't see any nice benefit from it (besides additional resistances, movespeed and the 4L for some phasing action). Should I be using it only on boss fights?

I take it you're not using a life flask with bleeding then? Because the most important benefit is that you no longer need a bleeding flask and can get another good DPS/utility flask in there.

I'm using one, actually, but the only other nice flask that I could get would be Sin's Rebirth (quite pricey for the moment).

Dunno if I just had some bad maps to run with Death's Door, too. Felt weaker than Kaom's (and it would probably get better with 1 HP +3damage jewels instead of my current setup of +4dmg jewels)
Quick update, as the question about what other skills can be used came up..

I've been testing a link combination a homie is using with his cyclone, and I really like how it feels:

Herald of Ash is not really that important and the mobs get slowed down so much that they can't even get close enough to hit me before they are dead, and if they do, vortex is now in CWDT and slows them down even more.

I was testing high lvl CWDT to see how it felt, now I'm gonna start testing lvl4 CWDT again like I used to use in 2.6 to see if there's a noticeable difference.

Will keep you all posted on what I find...

For now, if any of you wanna check out the temporal chains aura setup, I think you will like it too.

One important thing to note is that this put me at an incredibly low mana pool of just 65. This is barely enough to self-cast your golem at 50 mana. I tested it in a no-mana/life regen map and I really didn't notice the difference. The 65 mana seems just enough to get a 6stack release of BF, so if you only use it when you can leech, then it's no problem at all from what I saw.
Last edited by corosou on Aug 30, 2017, 11:49:53 PM
nice build man
shaper with tabula!!

bpesnya87 wrote:
nice build man
shaper with tabula!!

LOL, bro, that's pretty legit ;) good stuff!
I ran a buddy through Uber Lab last night with my Slayer and neglected to bring something worthwhile to enchant. I was using Starkonja on him too and only had a Merc lab projectile weakness enchant. I figured it was worth a shot at re-rolling it since I'm planning on maining the Zerker once he's leveled up. Imagine my shock when this was the result from the enchant:

I mean, what are the odds?? (per the wiki: 396 mods per tier (about 0.253% of getting the mod you want). Crazy.

Also, leveling up with shield charge is no joke. Tabula, Warden's Brand, Deidbell, and Facebreaker, and just faceroll the first half of the game. I switched to Blade Flurry at 46 because I had 2 Ornament of the East from a previous build, but I'm sure Shield Charge would've been fine through the end of act 10 too. Which is frankly insane consider almost none of the damage nodes we take affect unarmed damage.

First shaper kill ever, all thanks to the Scourgeflurry. Didn't get to pull up stats in the excitement, level 87, WHEW

Also on a side note, i've been messing around with Shaper's Touch gloves, and i can pull a nice boost in damage with them, just not worth it unless you are min maxing on bosses, at my current dps (around 600k) they are a 20k boost, so a nice thing to keep in mind if your trying to push out damage to get down shaper or another boss!

Again big kudos to corosou, nice guide, and great build :)
I ran a buddy through Uber Lab last night with my Slayer and neglected to bring something worthwhile to enchant. I was using Starkonja on him too and only had a Merc lab projectile weakness enchant. I figured it was worth a shot at re-rolling it since I'm planning on maining the Zerker once he's leveled up. Imagine my shock when this was the result from the enchant:

I mean, what are the odds?? (per the wiki: 396 mods per tier (about 0.253% of getting the mod you want). Crazy.

Also, leveling up with shield charge is no joke. Tabula, Warden's Brand, Deidbell, and Facebreaker, and just faceroll the first half of the game. I switched to Blade Flurry at 46 because I had 2 Ornament of the East from a previous build, but I'm sure Shield Charge would've been fine through the end of act 10 too. Which is frankly insane consider almost none of the damage nodes we take affect unarmed damage.

hehe gz on that roll! try and see if u can score a ranged one too, cuz it def makes mapping feel much smoother.

Also, yah, first time I found out about that Shield Charge lvling it felt wrong but ohh so good too lol.. It's crazy how OP some lowbie items are. Warden's Brand is a few chaos and it's better than any steel ring you can buy DPS wise. And FB is just insane OP...

Always wanted to see how far I could get with a shield charge build, maybe one day I'll see what I can come up with just for the hell of it...
Akatashi wrote:

First shaper kill ever, all thanks to the Scourgeflurry. Didn't get to pull up stats in the excitement, level 87, WHEW

Also on a side note, i've been messing around with Shaper's Touch gloves, and i can pull a nice boost in damage with them, just not worth it unless you are min maxing on bosses, at my current dps (around 600k) they are a 20k boost, so a nice thing to keep in mind if your trying to push out damage to get down shaper or another boss!

Again big kudos to corosou, nice guide, and great build :)


Yeah, funny you mentioned Shaper's cuz see, with the way I create builds, I go through every slot for every unique available looking for the stats they provide in PoB. I don't look at the name, what the
stats on the item say, I just look at what gives me the most green letters in PoB and highest boost all around. Shaper's def shows up as a very solid option in PoB, so I had added it in my original build but, actually it was one of the things that really threw off Mathil. He saw Shaper's and said WTF? And pretty much the entire stream said the same thing. Which leads me to this pet theory I've sort of developed... That there's a certain bias towards the "perceived idea" or "general consensus" of how good an item is vs the actual numbers the item can provide. Because, definitely at first glance, Shaper's drops the first time for you and you go WTF is this?? Must be shit.. Look in poe.trade, 1alch, def shit... But if you take a second and look in PoB you'll go, wait a second, this shit is good? WTF is this??

Which bring me to an important lesson I've learned and want to share with those of you wanting to tweak and make your own builds. Don't discount something just because it looks weird in the stats you can read on it. Make sure you plug it into PoB, and even better, test it out mapping, before you deem it garbage.
Last edited by corosou on Aug 31, 2017, 11:10:43 AM

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