[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

g00fy_goober wrote:
cr4ve wrote:
I'm having a hard time with this build so far. I die a lot and it seems my DPS is quite a bit lower than the PoB that's linked in the guide. I have about 2 ex to spend. Could someone please tell me what I should be upgrading. I sit at 5700 hp with 58000k total dps on my PoB. Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry, I don't know how to link profiles that show up in the fourms.


Your biggest issue though it seems small is you are currently taking 50% MORE damage everytime you use vinktar. You have to roll shock removal on your diamond flask or you will get annihilated. Taking 50% increased damage is a drastically HUGE amount of damage. It is like rolling a 50% abyssus but even then abyssus only applies to physical damage taken, where as vinktars shock is all damage period.

Rest of your gear is not perfect but decent. I would change flask and you will probably be amazed at what happens with that little change.

Holy shit, i never thought of this! Thanks for taking the time to answer questions :-)
Last edited by cr4ve on Jan 8, 2019, 10:30:45 AM

so where do i spend my currency next? i'm sitting at 35.5k dps in hideout with golem/aura's and 5.7k health. i got lvl 21 wrath and 21/20 added damage support. i'm currently level 90 with 3 gems in tree, 1 is 2-45 lightning damage & 41 life, 4-64 lightning damage & 49 life, and 1-44 lightning & 43 life. I'm obviously still short of goof's numbers, so what's the next most cost effective step from here? Or am i just shelling ex's out for small incremental upgrades from here on out at this point?

Last edited by likwidneo on Jan 8, 2019, 11:36:58 PM
Hey I'm still quite new to the game and do not know much. I am sitting at the exact items of your build and with the same gems that are shown on the PoB link. However, many of the gem abilities I'm not able to use and don't know why. Such as the lightning golem, wrath, and elemental weakness. My mana is also constantly starting at 170. I've followed everything on the build, and have no idea why.
Valikaze wrote:
Hey I'm still quite new to the game and do not know much. I am sitting at the exact items of your build and with the same gems that are shown on the PoB link. However, many of the gem abilities I'm not able to use and don't know why. Such as the lightning golem, wrath, and elemental weakness. My mana is also constantly starting at 170. I've followed everything on the build, and have no idea why.

most likely you're lacking strength and intelligence. there are 3 base stats in this game. str, int, and dex. while each gives you tiny amounts of other useful stats like HP, for the most part these stats act as minimum requirement levels for different gear and skills. this build requires 159 intelligence, particularly for level 20 wrath skill gem, but only gives you 114 in the passive tree. the other 45 you must to fit into your gear. go back and re-read the original post in closer detail and he will explain a bit more what the exact stat requirements are for this build. also note that not all character builds require all skills to be leveled to the max for this exact reason. sometimes the benefits of extra levels on a skill are outweighed by the difficulty of fulfilling the stat requirements to use the extra levels on a particular build.
Valikaze wrote:
Hey I'm still quite new to the game and do not know much. I am sitting at the exact items of your build and with the same gems that are shown on the PoB link. However, many of the gem abilities I'm not able to use and don't know why. Such as the lightning golem, wrath, and elemental weakness. My mana is also constantly starting at 170. I've followed everything on the build, and have no idea why.

Elemental Weakness and Lightning golem you will never be able to use. They are linked to setups that cast them for you. CWDT will cast your golem when you take xxx amount of damage so you will never cast it yourself. Ele weakness is linked to your orb of storms and herald of ice, so they will cast ele weakness for you.

As for wrath my guess is you have no more mana to reserve because you either put on haste or grace. The only auras you SHOULD be using are wrath and herald of ice. This should leave you with 25% of your mana left to use (which is probably around 175-180 ish, unless you are level 90+ in which case will probably be a bit higher than this.
likwidneo wrote:

so where do i spend my currency next? i'm sitting at 35.5k dps in hideout with golem/aura's and 5.7k health. i got lvl 21 wrath and 21/20 added damage support. i'm currently level 90 with 3 gems in tree, 1 is 2-45 lightning damage & 41 life, 4-64 lightning damage & 49 life, and 1-44 lightning & 43 life. I'm obviously still short of goof's numbers, so what's the next most cost effective step from here? Or am i just shelling ex's out for small incremental upgrades from here on out at this point?

Look at getting double damage jewels. You could double the damage of them for fairly cheap 15-30c at most for high 2x ele damage. Look for at least 2 rolls. Ideally a sum of 50-60 ele damage minimum with life.

Look for better rings/amulet as well. They should have flat lightning damage on them or you can craft it. so res, life, ele with attacks, flat ele damage.

Can also look at alt+regal a better claw to the tune of 400ish dps or even go ele pen which is more damage for bosses and such.


Alt for something like this(t1 ele, t1 attack) on imperial or gemini base. I like gemini for the mana on hit. :)

(This one will be same as below but with ele pen)

Then get lucky with an annul and you can do this:

Last edited by liqued on Jan 9, 2019, 12:22:05 PM
So I'm in my mid 50s with this one, the damage is not the greatest but the build is enjoyable enough. For my next step I'm considering using some Thunderfists until I can get my belly fully linked and colored properly since that gives a pretty decent 5l setup while Belly serves as a buff to survivability over the currently equipped tabula. Any thoughts on this idea?
Djoze wrote:
So I'm in my mid 50s with this one, the damage is not the greatest but the build is enjoyable enough. For my next step I'm considering using some Thunderfists until I can get my belly fully linked and colored properly since that gives a pretty decent 5l setup while Belly serves as a buff to survivability over the currently equipped tabula. Any thoughts on this idea?

Ya. Get a tabula :)
Ignore, found the answer somewhere in the middle of the 400 pages lol
Last edited by Krazy_X on Jan 10, 2019, 8:03:01 PM
Since you can now craft hits can't be evaded on your claw, what's a good substitute for Lycosidae?

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