[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

For people asking for advice, be sure to actually show your characters if you want advice on stuff beyond gear, like passives, jewels, flasks, ascendancy, etc. If you upgrade from a phys dmg jewel to HP and 2 real dmg mods from wasted points or use the right flasks, the dmg will add up.

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Kamigawa1234 wrote:
blackdeath101 wrote:
we have Onslaught when we are at max Frenzy charges which is always, so seems like a waste.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but where is this mechanic coming from?

My bad, had that backwards. Phasing while Onslaught, not Onslaught while phasing. 20+% crit chance still seems better than 20% atk/move speed though.
Duskay wrote:
you are having a hard time killing guardians because of your gem choice.

ST SP add light ele damage ele focus lightning pen


ST SP add light ele damage ele focus added cold

I face tank all 4 guardians with those gems.

ice bite- add cold is not good IMO. defenitly safer choice but not better for maping or boss killing.

upgrade on gear will be significantly beneficial. also make sure you have elemental weakness in your orb of storms set up. I also use ancestral protector for the Insane added attack speed on bosses, it gives me 11k sheet dps.

gl hf my friend

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll make the changes and let you know how it went ;)

Hey bud,

I just took a peek at your gear.

Aside from the fact you are not wearing a helmet. I think you can squeeze out quite a bit more dps on rings and ammy. Also your gloves do not have attack speed. I also suggest wearing a helmet.. specifically a rats nest with 40 percent spec throw damage :)

depending on your HP. youtube some guardian videos. avoid one shot abilities and you should have no problem.

Hey bud,

I just took a peek at your gear.

Aside from the fact you are not wearing a helmet. I think you can squeeze out quite a bit more dps on rings and ammy. Also your gloves do not have attack speed. I also suggest wearing a helmet.. specifically a rats nest with 40 percent spec throw damage :)

depending on your HP. youtube some guardian videos. avoid one shot abilities and you should have no problem.



I was changing the colors on my helmet/chest to make the changes you suggested, that's why I was missing some gear :P

I'll try and get the enchant on my rat's nest, for sure. I thought my rings and neck were good as is, I'll check them out again. Attack speed on gloves is kinda hard right now with that base and lots of res/hp, but I'm after it also. And my jewels suck, gotta change them asap!

Going to test the changes I just made on my gem setup, thanks for the feedback! ;)


So, I just checked your rings and you have flat lightning damage over crit chance. That's where I'm missing damage? 'cause the elemental damage is there. Is the lightning damage >>> crit chance?


Okay, I just melted Minotaur with the new gem setup (not a single gear upgrade yet).
FeelsGoodMan :D
Last edited by Duskay on Sep 1, 2017, 9:35:32 AM
rednever wrote:
How significant is the damage increase for spectral throw damage on helmet ? Would you rather buy say a 21 wrath and 21 lightning damage or buy a rats nest with 40% increased spectral throw damage

It is pretty significant. Hard to say which is better, my answer is go for both!

Kamigawa1234 wrote:
blackdeath101 wrote:
we have Onslaught when we are at max Frenzy charges which is always, so seems like a waste.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but where is this mechanic coming from?

We have phasing not onslaught. Not sure when/where you are quoting from but the guy is mistaken.

WheresDaddy wrote:
What does make ST>WED>Ice bite>Add cold>Add lightning>GMP better than ST>WED>inc crit chance>lightning pen>Add lightning>GMP?

according to POB, the old set up has more dps ??

Also Assassin's mark shows more dps than ele weakness, am i missing some thing important here?

POB can be very tricky to use. You have to have the right calculations on or off, make sure certain flasks are on or off, charges on, etc etc. A lot of people are saying ice bite isn't that great, but its because they have frenzy charges turned off. Well most of the damage comes from ice bite by having 7+ frenzy charges. Crit/Crit Multi is the same. Say you have like 30% flat crit, and with a diamond flask its up close to like 60% or something. Well obviously any crit multi is going to be a LOT better if you are critting at 60% of the itme instead of 30% of the time.

Therefore you have to figure out yourself is it worth it and when is it worth it? The same also goes for something like shaper and his resistance and inability to shock/chill/ignite vs a random normal boss which has lower resistance and such.

Luckily today is the day I will be able to fully update guide and provide a POB link and all those answers 100%. Currently it is 9:17 am and have some grocery shopping and such to do and later will go through and do all of this.
which gem will be better as 6th: add cold or ice bite?
i try both gems on 21lvl/20Q
and i stay with add cold, its simple universe gem for both map and boss fight,ice bite is better on map fights like The Beachhead rotation run.
As for elemental focus gem
i use it ONLY on shaper fight and Hydra- Minotaur fights. Only here.
P.S. I change ring and now i am near 80k GMP HD dps
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
Last edited by Jedi_blr on Sep 1, 2017, 10:37:23 AM
hello everyone and thank you for this guide
I have a small question, is there a technique to have the color socket wanted on the belly or simply use the chromatic
thank you in advance
i wanna make some global dps post (i see many Q about what i need to update):

1.Weapon t1 Light flat + t1-t3 Cold flat + 2.0+APS(for Imperial) 1.9APS(for Gemini)+27%(self craft)+ crit chance (7.62%-8%+ Crit) is ur final end game claw. If u can get crit mult or WED its rox. dont run for 350+ edps fire dmg is nothing in this build

2.Try to use 6-L armor (cos 6 gems set up give u tons of dmg)

3.U need to force ur light dmg and cold dmg to the sky by items with flat dmg and 31%+ WED->> SO on belt-amulet-2rings u need t1-t2 WED(31%+) , and flat dmg(mostly light) on Ammul-2rings.

4.Amulet is most dps item in my setup - u can get WED+flat dmg+crit chance+crit mult on 1 item!!!

5.Rings - try to use ONLY Diamond(30%crit) or Opal(25%WED)

6.APS is GOD stat for all elemental builds, so gloves + jewels need to be with attack speed, with base high aps claw its rox

7.Gems- 21lvl/20%Q add light-add cold-ST is most powerfull 21 lvl gems in setup

8.Helm- Rats Nest with 40% ST enchant(too expencive) but this helm is BIS for this build

this is only DPS tips, dont forget about HP and resists :)

sample of dps optimisation: HD no buffs

hd with 2 buffs and golem

Sorry for my english
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
Last edited by Jedi_blr on Sep 3, 2017, 2:41:30 PM
g00fy_goober wrote:

Luckily today is the day I will be able to fully update guide and provide a POB link and all those answers 100%. Currently it is 9:17 am and have some grocery shopping and such to do and later will go through and do all of this.

Just wanted to say thank you, appreciate the work you put in and much looking forward to the update!
Jedi_blr wrote:
i wanna make some global dps post (i see many Q about what i need to update):

1.Weapon t1 Light flat + t1-t3 Cold flat + 2.0+APS(for Imperial) 1.9APS(for Gemini)+27%(self craft)+ crit chance (7.62%-8%+ Crit) is ur final end game claw. If u can get crit mult or WED its rox. dont run for 350+ edps fire dmg is nothing in this build

Nice post :) so, added fire damage completely useless ?
Tysovwik wrote:
Jedi_blr wrote:
i wanna make some global dps post (i see many Q about what i need to update):

1.Weapon t1 Light flat + t1-t3 Cold flat + 2.0+APS(for Imperial) 1.9APS(for Gemini)+27%(self craft)+ crit chance (7.62%-8%+ Crit) is ur final end game claw. If u can get crit mult or WED its rox. dont run for 350+ edps fire dmg is nothing in this build

Nice post :) so, added fire damage completely useless ?
look my old post on 188 i show real 3 top claw on my char. 1 on this claw was with T1 fire
100lvl mele pvp QUIT

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