[2.6] Norse's Earthquake Slayer / Budget Viable / Guardian & Shaper Farmable

I don't see any viablity on the budget side here... It's damn how expensive for a league starter!
This was my league starter build for this league and I'm level 87 atm, I just cant seem to progress any further. I'm stuck on two 4L, which is depressing, and I've been trying to get the 5th link for days now but to no success and was wondering if the 5th link will improve the map clearing ability alot as it is so slow in comparison to other league starter builds I have played before and gaining currency is taking forever.
Lycai wrote:
Kapaya wrote:
Lycai wrote:
I'm confused about how you generate endurance charges. You use charge on stun support, but how are you stunning? I'm probably missing something very obvious. It gets annoying casting enduring cry all the time, so what could I do to generate them as I attack/kill/whatever?

Thanks in advance.

Not sure about the mechanics, but Leap is counting as a stun when it lands on mobs which gives you a charge.

Interesting...thank you. I had been looking all over for how that could generate a charge. Weird.

I think it's the knockback property of leap slam which counts as a stun? not really sure too.
Hi thanks for the built Norse.

i have a question about the passive that u changed today.

Is it the final for 2.6 or are u still working on it?

please let me know

thank you very much

EskimoTom wrote:
This was my league starter build for this league and I'm level 87 atm, I just cant seem to progress any further. I'm stuck on two 4L, which is depressing, and I've been trying to get the 5th link for days now but to no success and was wondering if the 5th link will improve the map clearing ability alot as it is so slow in comparison to other league starter builds I have played before and gaining currency is taking forever.

word of advice, don't attempt to link your own armor..its a currency sink and it doesnt work.

Buy pre-linked armor
aykay317 wrote:
EskimoTom wrote:
This was my league starter build for this league and I'm level 87 atm, I just cant seem to progress any further. I'm stuck on two 4L, which is depressing, and I've been trying to get the 5th link for days now but to no success and was wondering if the 5th link will improve the map clearing ability alot as it is so slow in comparison to other league starter builds I have played before and gaining currency is taking forever.

word of advice, don't attempt to link your own armor..its a currency sink and it doesnt work.

Buy pre-linked armor

Well, that is true for 5links at least. It can make a bunch of sense to link your 6-links yourself because often enough the difference between a non-linked and a 6-linked version of the armor is much less than the average cost of linking it yourself. Would still be a risk of course because with bad luck you will get your six link after 2500 fusings instead of the average ~1500.

Mecielle wrote:
Going to use this build as an Uber Lab farmer. Wouldn't it make sense to get Iron Reflexes for that? As Izaro pretty much only deals physical damage, the physical damage reduction would be much more helpful to survive those potential one hits than chance to evade. Especially as both Atziris Step and Cospris give us a massive amount of evasion.

Any thoughts? Worth it to invest 3 points for that?

So I went ahead and tested this. This is SUCH a huge boost to my Uber Lab farming. Argus and Izaro are much easier to kill with 46% phys damage reduction (this is without however many endurance charges I can get). No more one shots or even near one shots. Would definitely recommend this as a valid option for lab farming.

Also, still no mention of the "poor mans" Disfavour aka Uul-Netols Embrace in the opening post... Don't really understand why not. That weapon alone enables this build without buying a 12ex axe. And it easily beats every rare high damage axe because of the bleed.
Last edited by Mecielle on Mar 11, 2017, 3:11:46 PM
sykur wrote:
That's really constructive criticism.

First of all, I'm new to this game.
Secondly, why wouldn't I wear a unique if it is better than a rare item I had beforehand?
Also, I love how easy it is for you to criticize without providing any useful and meaningful information, are you 12 years old?

Not to mention you haven't answered a single question of mine.

Those unique items were fairly cheap compared to rare items with similar stats considering the unique item usually provide you with additional "power".

bitches about dying while wearing a billion uniques with no life lul
smakst wrote:
I don't see any viablity on the budget side here... It's damn how expensive for a league starter!

the expensive variation (cospris and disfavour) are required if you want to run uber izaro, shaper, uber atziri. You can easyly play with hezmana, then uul netol, general rare armour with one curse and herald of ash.

As for the endurance charge on stun topic few post above .... every attack can stun, you just have to do enough dmg to break stun treshold which is based on targets max life, you will not stun bosses, you will most likely not stun any rares and sometimes you will stun magic packs, but whites is easy, i almost kill them with my 4l leap slam. On strand on mesa maps, i usualy pop up my enduring cry on first pack and then as im leaping true zone, i refresh charges on every pack, if i dont stop for looting or strongbox crafting ... i never loos my charges for entire map. When it comes to fight boss, i just refresh the full stack charges with enduring cry.

the enhanced helm is very very strong and also cheap, buy it if u don't have it and use some essence of grace

is a lot better than devoto
blekotacz wrote:
smakst wrote:
I don't see any viablity on the budget side here... It's damn how expensive for a league starter!

the expensive variation (cospris and disfavour) are required if you want to run uber izaro, shaper, uber atziri. You can easyly play with hezmana, then uul netol, general rare armour with one curse and herald of ash.

This so much... SOme people seem to not get the core requirements of a good league starter/budget build. It has to be good without the expensive gear and be able to farm up to the expensive gear. Then it has to be very good when you get that expensive gear. And this build is VERY good with it. With complete gear Uber Lab will be a cake walk.

I can even do it easily now with my very mediocre gear...

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