Hi hi!!!

Really keen to use this build for league starts and early Uber lab farming :)

So that I can down izaro much faster, how would I incorporate a 4 or 6 link scorching Ray ? Most rf builds seem to have sr and that helps with quicker boss kills. Could I simply swap in a balefire sceptre at league start for pseudo 5 link then work towards 6 link chest with sr?

Thanks so much for answering my noob question :))
Amarantine wrote:
Enjoying the build so far! I'm lvl 86, with 8011 health. I'm concerned about the DPS of this build. I'm doing T7-8 maps fine, but I don't see how I can scale my damage that much more for higher lvl maps (and T16, uber elder, etc.). Gear is below; any advice on what to upgrade next?

how did you get 4 blue sockets on that helm?

i got the same one and wasted so much chromes :(
SacrifXx wrote:
how did you get 4 blue sockets on that helm?
i got the same one and wasted so much chromes :(

There is literally a link in the guide to a video about how to offcolour shit.
Hint gem section.
I really wanna play this build with a Templar, but im not very experienced with the game and dont want to fuck up.

You mention it being possible with every ascendency, but im wondering which one would be the easiest/best. Guardian seems like itd be the most logical choice but again, I dont want to choose a less than optimal option(for templar).

So my questions are, which ascendency should I pick, and is it fine going with Templar or is Marauder just too much better for it to be a smart choice? I just want templar for "roleplaying" purposes, so if marauder is much better, ill just stick with my Karui.

Sorry if its been asked before, I looked for alot of pages and didnt see an answer, thanks.
Last edited by CheesyCaker on Jun 15, 2018, 1:51:40 AM
CheesyCaker wrote:
I really wanna play this build with a Templar, but im not very experienced with the game and dont want to fuck up.

You mention it being possible with every ascendency, but im wondering which one would be the easiest/best. Guardian seems like itd be the most logical choice but again, I dont want to choose a less than optimal option(for templar).

So my questions are, which ascendency should I pick, and is it fine going with Templar or is Marauder just too much better for it to be a smart choice? I just want templar for "roleplaying" purposes, so if marauder is much better, ill just stick with my Karui.

Sorry if its been asked before, I looked for alot of pages and didnt see an answer, thanks.

the next best viable Ascendancy is Juggernaut imho, especially on a low budget.
Does anyone know how's this build's dps compared to LL guardian?
Psykrom wrote:
CheesyCaker wrote:
I really wanna play this build with a Templar, but im not very experienced with the game and dont want to fuck up.

You mention it being possible with every ascendency, but im wondering which one would be the easiest/best. Guardian seems like itd be the most logical choice but again, I dont want to choose a less than optimal option(for templar).

So my questions are, which ascendency should I pick, and is it fine going with Templar or is Marauder just too much better for it to be a smart choice? I just want templar for "roleplaying" purposes, so if marauder is much better, ill just stick with my Karui.

Sorry if its been asked before, I looked for alot of pages and didnt see an answer, thanks.

the next best viable Ascendancy is Juggernaut imho, especially on a low budget.

I want to know whats the best way to make it work on a Templar though.
CheesyCaker wrote:
Psykrom wrote:
CheesyCaker wrote:
I really wanna play this build with a Templar, but im not very experienced with the game and dont want to fuck up.

You mention it being possible with every ascendency, but im wondering which one would be the easiest/best. Guardian seems like itd be the most logical choice but again, I dont want to choose a less than optimal option(for templar).

So my questions are, which ascendency should I pick, and is it fine going with Templar or is Marauder just too much better for it to be a smart choice? I just want templar for "roleplaying" purposes, so if marauder is much better, ill just stick with my Karui.

Sorry if its been asked before, I looked for alot of pages and didnt see an answer, thanks.

the next best viable Ascendancy is Juggernaut imho, especially on a low budget.

I want to know whats the best way to make it work on a Templar though.

Here are some guides, but be warned that they aren't cheap to gear up and really rely on a certain unique chest to be viable.


First of all I'd like to thank Demi for the awesome build. I like it a lot!
Super cheap to start with. Does pretty well early on. Switched to RF at 65 with 5c. That carried me thru white maps. Invested like another 30-50c to get thru yellow maps.

Today I did red Elder. I'm a noob btw. Never got that far in PoE ever ;) That was my second elder. First I did a yellow one. Was learning mechanics of the nukes etc so I got distracted and shaper died. At red Elder I managed to save shaper with the help of Frost Wall ;)

Started to feel like dps isn't enough around T13 maps amd Elder. I dropped Molten Shell setup and made a 4L SR - ele foc - brn dmg - irn grip (doon).

Currently at lvl 91 with 9240 Life, 978 STR and 5000 Armor. Theres plenty of room for improvement ;)

Still got plenty 5% life nodes around Constitution to take and one jewel slot which I reserve for Watchers Eye. Really need to recraft the Armor for that 12% life I'm missing, and the belt for the 20% Life recovery.

Helmet and Armor crafted myself.

Reworked the tree a little bit. The way around from the guide had way too much INT for me. My way uses two more pasives but gets 8% more aoe range, 18% more Ele dmg, 12% more ele res and 20 STR instead of INT.

@Demi: I am concerned with the EO node. Hardly ever see the icon. Sometimes it won't trigger in 3 maps in a row. Is it worth it? Maybe Crit chance gem with our Ball lightning setup? Or maybe get Explosive Impact node instead for another 45% Fire dmg and 8% aoe range? But thats like 2 more passives that are not spent into life :( I'm rly lacking dmg atm and feel like EO isn't reliable. What can I improve?
Which Watcher's Eye? 30% life rec /w Vit + 10% phys taken as fire /w PoF?
Would Saffel's Frame be better when fighting Elder?

edit: I feel like i just won a lottery ;)
Last edited by yakoob on Jun 16, 2018, 11:33:32 AM
Has anyone tried using Combustion Support gem with RF? Or does it not work with RF?

P.S. Awesome build Demi!

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