slayit wrote:

I've got a question myself:
Is the burning ground from the Hysteria Essence proccing EE? Guess not, since it is recommended in the opening post. I just couldn't find a source stating either.

It does not because it is a damage over time.
BeneTleilax wrote:

open your profile pls

it's a secret :)

Health by the numbers

no kaom's or amulet: 9,016 hp

bisco + phoenix shield setup: 10,978 hp <--- map farm setup

brood medallion + phoenix shield: 11,431 <--- If the map mods are rippy, 2027 hp/sec

hate idol + phoenix shield : 11,645 hp

hate idol + the oak: 12,243 hp <--- For the luls, it works

jewels: all have 7% Maximum life

passive tree

Last edited by Molochmane on Mar 22, 2017, 8:19:28 PM
LutherB wrote:
I managed to get this color combination, what gems should i put in?

For RF? I use RF- Inc Burning- Ele Focus- Inc AoE- Conc Eff. You could also switch back and forth between Inc AoE and Conc Eff to stick Inc Rarity in there. I'm not sure what to do with that green socket. Vaal Grace?
I was wondering, if maybe make some extra single target spell into armor, since i have 5l and 6l.

The best in slot seems to be scorching ray. Cant really figure how to make it as strong as possible vs 1 target tho. Aspecialy, that 4 blue sockets might be a problem.

Might add life leech into it, so i could facetank some really hard bosses, and get hp while doing it. Or flame surge maybe.

I do believe it might be better than cyclone.

First time playing RF, so im confused as fck.

Any ideas?

fryderyknicze wrote:
I was wondering, if maybe make some extra single target spell into armor, since i have 5l and 6l.

The best in slot seems to be scorching ray. Cant really figure how to make it as strong as possible vs 1 target tho. Aspecialy, that 4 blue sockets might be a problem.

Might add life leech into it, so i could facetank some really hard bosses, and get hp while doing it. Or flame surge maybe.

I do believe it might be better than cyclone.

First time playing RF, so im confused as fck.

Any ideas?

You cannot life leech from damage over time, which is what Scorching Ray is. If you use any spell that hits instead of DoT, you fuck up Elemental Equilibrium. This particular RF build is focused on using RF as the main source of damage for that reason; other RF builds usually don't use EE and use another damage spell. If you want a damage spell, I'd recommend looking at other RF build guides, since it would require really getting into the guts of this one to adjust it enough for that to be viable. Last league I did a good one with a 6l flameblast cast when channelling firestorm, but it was less tanky and slower to play. Definitely was better at single target though.

For single target in this build, I've found that keeping EE up, keeping a devouring totem up for Arohongui ascendency to proc, and focusing with scorching ray does enough damage for any combination of uber Izaro buffs, which is really all I need this build to do. If you want to do guardians, I can imagine this build might not be able to reach enough DPS to do them in a reasonable timeframe, though I haven't tried so I couldn't say for sure.
Mhm, so is there any good way to utilize that 5l then? It feels like a waste.
Yes: RF- Inc Burning- Ele Focus- Inc AoE- Conc Eff

I find it a lot nicer than running it in a 4 link and swapping out the AoE gems. All the damage of Concentrated Effect with enough AoE to clean up trash mobs without slowing down. Plus, if both gems are quality, it gets you more damage than you'd have otherwise.
Well now im seriously confused. I thought I might use it as some single target/cwdt setup, since PohX said "ure fkcing idiot if you go 5l/6l with rf, only becasue of quality".

So yeah, im confused as fck.
It is stupid to not put it into your gloves or helmet slot with a free 30 % more multiplier.

If you want increased AoE so bad, substitute Increased Burning Damage Support for it. Then you "only" trade 69 % increased dmg for 10 % increased dmg + 49 % AoE increase, instead of losing 30 % more dmg and only gaining 10 % increased dmg and a neglectable amount of AoE... (what I mean is: Righteous Fire + Elemental Focus + Increased Area of Effect + Concentrated Effect in a glove or helmet with 30 % more dmg essence)

Exchanging Increased Burning Damage for Increased Area of Effect might even be a good tradeoff when you have plenty of other +increased % dmg sources.

RF in 2.6 is even with conc effect big enough. I'm only running conc effect even for normal mapping. No gem swapping required.
I Have a question if you use the Elemental Focus and Increased Burning Damage together isnt this a bit in effiecent because you dont do any burning damage ?

in Elemntal Focus is written that you cant inflict-elemental-status-ailments.... and increased bruning damage only increases the elemental ailment damage of burning or?

excuse my bad english and thanks you for the great guide it is super fun to play

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