Mechanical Questions Thread

Why does the explosion from Inpulsa not chain when combined with Shaper of Winter + Cold Conduction?
I was hoping that Inpulsa explosions would chill due to Shaper of Winter, which would then also apply shock through Cold Conduction.

I'm playing a Vortex Elementalist this league and combining the new Shaper of Winter + Cold Conduction itself does work nicely. I can apply chill + shock with any skill as long as it's not linked to Elemental Focus (I use Storm Brand), but even just default attack with low phys damage worked when I tested it.

Inpulsa explosions do chain nicely when I add in Storm's Gift, even off-screen when mob density is high enough, so it's not a damage or AoE issue. But I was hoping Storm's Gift wouldn't be required.

Edit: Okay, thanks for chiming in. I know terms are very specific, which is exactly why I was hoping it would work. Inpulsa reads "Lightning Damage which cannot Shock" so I thought that I (through Cold Conduction) or other damage types added to the explosion would still be able to shock, but that didn't work either (tried cold conversion with CotB, lightning as extra chaos from a sceptre, global added phys damage from Circle of Guilt).
Last edited by Matrim61 on Feb 3, 2021, 2:16:36 AM
Matrim61 wrote:
Why does the explosion from Inpulsa not chain when combined with Shaper of Winter + Cold Conduction?
I was hoping that Inpulsa explosions would chill due to Shaper of Winter, which would then also apply shock through Cold Conduction.

I'm playing a Vortex Elementalist this league and combining the new Shaper of Winter + Cold Conduction itself does work nicely. I can apply chill + shock with any skill as long as it's not linked to Elemental Focus (I use Storm Brand), but even just default attack with low phys damage worked when I tested it.

Inpulsa explosions do chain nicely when I add in Storm's Gift, even off-screen when mob density is high enough, so it's not a damage or AoE issue. But I was hoping Storm's Gift wouldn't be required.

The technical jargon of PoE is very specific. Inpulsa, Shaper of Winter and Cold Conduction all affect hit behavior, and "cannot" from Inpulsa therefore trumps them. Storm's Gift adds behavior not linked to hits, and therefore avoids the Inpulsa's limitations.

Mein Flame Totem interagiert mit keinem support Gem. Weder Projektil noch gems wie z.B. "culling strike" wirken. Ab und zu geht es mal für ein paar Minuten , meistens am anfang des Tages. Aber nicht immer.

Vielen Dank

Also ich habe das jetzt mal getestet , wenn ich das Gemsetup teilweise in ein anderes Item einbaue funktioniert es wieder , wenn ich das also ein paar mal hin und her tausche kann ich es zum funktionieren bringen , läuft aber nur einen kleinen zeitraum. Dann bricht das wieder ein.

Okay ich glaube ich habe es gefunden :D
Last edited by Hisairness on Feb 3, 2021, 9:31:42 AM
why we cant have both acces to ritual reward while playing with friends. Honestly its a league killer.
Is there a limit on how many atlas master missions u can stack up? Like 5000 red missions or something higher? Or is there no limit at all?
What is default aura range in numbers?
Hey im trying to understand impale when used with eq + shockwave + tawhoa.

1 attack adds 4 impales but what happens after several attacks.

Do the "highest" impale hits overwrite the smaller ones in a long boss fight? Or are the always the same 4 hits from eq.

Any benefits from doing this? more burst dmg?
Does indigon works with the new bases of gloves introduced in heist league( the one that gives u "% chance when you pay a Skill's Mana Cost to gain that much Mana")?
If I spend 250 mana and I recover the 250 mana it still aply to the Indigon Bonus?(in the way that i got the increased spell damage and mana cost of skills)
Is it possible to see somewhere real numbers on drop-rates and special mission apperance in maps? These "awakened bonuses" says that they increace chances of getting better maps by 1-2-3-and-so-on percent.
But Maven's zone talents say that the increace chance of getting something with 100% or 200% or even 10%!
But, you know, if the main chance is only 1%, then getting it up to 2% is somewhat... useless. And we don't know the numbers, why we should invest in such map talents?
For example, hamlet zone at top-left atlas. Talents say, that they increace chance of getting a grove by 5%. Ok, but what's the chance itself? Does it increases by x+5 or just 1.05x?
We need to see a real numbers for each zone\map!
Last edited by Wedlor on Feb 6, 2021, 5:17:02 PM

I have two questions about watchstone mods.


I have 3 titanium watchstones on haewark hamlet(99%, 98%, 97% increased zana encounter chance),

Are these watchstone mods applied to haewark maps that zana offers in the map?


There is a rare mod that add small bonus to the sacred grove.

'Harvest Crops in Areas have an extra chance to grow higher Tier Plants'

Does this bonus stack?

Thank you.

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