Exiles Everywhere <EXíLE!> 91/110 Spots | Discord | Leagues & Std | Guild Bank | Eng-Speak Legion!

Real Life Name: CJ
Highest Level Character: 83
Ign of the previous stated character: Raenavi
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): USA
Hours played weekly rough estimate: 20+
Current Goals on Path of exile: Grind with friends
Previous guilds if any: CoT
Name on Discord: KaelubReece
Hello there

My name is Chris, 27 years old, from austria :)

At the moment my highest char(TialdasOtherWitch) is lvl 95
I play alot poe atm. I'd say 4-6+ hours/day but I mostly play alone and thats the reason I'm searching for a nice guild. I would like to have a team where we doing something together like delving and T16 elder maps ;)
I like to help wherever I can, leveling boost, pricechecks, crafting(masters lvl7/leo4) etc.
At the moment I'm in my own "guild" with just one friend and he dosn't really play poe anymore :D

Already added your discord server and my name there is Tialda

I'd love to hear from you or to talk to you on discord. My english isnt that bad :P And it would be really nice to be an active member of a nice guild.

//Chris aka Tialda
Last edited by Tialda312 on Sep 17, 2018, 3:28:31 PM
Real Life Name:Matthew Bacon
Highest Level Character:81
Ign of the previous stated character:GodrickSukkie
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific):Memphis,TN USA
Hours played weekly rough estimate:40+
Current Goals on Path of exile:Learn more and create stronger builds
Previous guilds if any:none
Name on Discord: Mranaconda2011
Real Life Name: Corey Wells

Highest Level Character: 87
Ign of the previous stated character: TwistedMetalDelve

Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): VA, USA

Hours played weekly rough estimate:20 (when the 2 year old goes to sleep)

Current Goals on Path of exile: Getting better each league, want to take part in the social aspect.

Previous guilds if any: Only played solo

Name on Discord: Wells85
Real Life Name: Tom

Highest Level Character: 94 in incursion league
Ign of the previous stated character: Drieentachtig

Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): The Netherlands

Hours played weekly rough estimate: I would say around 40 hours a week at least.

Current Goals on Path of exile: Playing a new character build without following any specific build guide.
Min/maxing my setup and getting the craziest equipment possible. Also I would like to complete all the end-game for once and delve deeeeeep.

Previous guilds if any: None

Name on Discord: Lucrus (I think, I'm not sure have to check when I get home)

Have always played solo, pretty successfully I think. However I feel like I'm missing out a lot by not sharing experiences and accomplishments with friends. Created my account back in 2012 apparently, but only started actually playing since incursion league and I'm addicted :).
my name is Russell
ign RangerChampone
lvl 85 ranger/pathefinder

been playing poe for about 2-3 weeks but im a experience hack a slash
played over 10 years of d2, played d3 and a few others

been doing a lot of delves up to lvl 100+ i got descent gear and about 6ex in currency .

looking for people to play with.
Real Life Name: Damian
Highest Level Character:91
Ign of the previous stated character: Grimm_Reaver
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): USA
Hours played weekly rough estimate:20
Current Goals on Path of exile: Complete all achievments
Previous guilds if any: Dont Remember (message in game for more details if interested)
Name on Discord: Dont have atm, but can get soon.

Current IGN: Ice_Nine_Kills
Last edited by Damian831 on Sep 19, 2018, 4:06:11 PM
Real Life Name: Tom
Highest Level Character: level 95 Juggernaut
Ign: BolloHorrongton
Location: Germany
Hours played weekly rough estimate: 20++
Current Goals on Path of exile: Geting for 36/40 challengeds (got 26 so far)
Previous guilds: -
Name on Discord: deDarxo#0121
Last edited by Darxo on Sep 21, 2018, 5:26:47 AM

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