Exiles Everywhere <EXíLE!> 91/110 Spots | Discord | Leagues & Std | Guild Bank | Eng-Speak Legion!

Real Life Name: Ash

Highest Level Character: 87

Ign of the previous stated character:zxarox

Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific):england

Hours played weekly rough estimate: 30+

Current Goals on Path of exile: a lot of things really too many to post here.

Previous guilds if any: N/A

Name on Discord: Zxarox#2587
Last edited by loki_ash on Aug 28, 2018, 5:04:12 PM
Real Life Name: Maxim
Highest Level Character: 90
Ign of the previous stated character: EveryLieRocket
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): Russia
Hours played weekly rough estimate: 40+
Current Goals on Path of exile: Go deeper to delve mines and just play 4 fun
Previous guilds if any: -
Name on Discord: EveryLie#3531

Real Life Name: Marc Rogerson
Highest Level Character: 92
Ign of the previous stated character: TheSkankiestHobo
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): UK
Hours played weekly rough estimate: 70-100
Current Goals on Path of exile: Delve league progress and having fun.
Previous guilds if any: None
Name on Discord: Marc_Rogerson#1940

Just to add, im a non-abusive player. I play every league and if it's interesting I play it through. Some leagues you just don't enjoy.

I don't mind playing Hardcore or standard. I rarely, if ever, play permanent league because my list of old tabs scares me. ;)

I've always played solo and usually self-found, but I want something more guild based as there is so much content now it's difficult to get it all done alone.

Cya on Discord.
Real Life Name: Mark Kepner
Highest Level Character: 88
IGN of the previous stated character: MDKpnr
Location: Washington, D.C. (USA)
Hours Played Weekly(rough estimate): 35 to 40
Current Goals in Path of Exile: Dive into Delve!!! Delve Deeper!!! Level up a speed farmer, explore new mechanics as well as familiarize myself with current mechanics. Dominate. Finish the Atlas, actually shape it to farm properly. Dominate some more. Become a well respected member of my local community. Pray that my wife and kids remember me after I binge PoE for 12+ hours a day.
Previous Guild/s(if any): Murder Death Kill (personal guild)
Name on Discord: MDKepner

I was in the closed beta. Left before Act 4 was even added to the game. Mistakenly spent a couple thousand hours playing Diablo 3. A small group of friends played it, so I played too. Fired PoE back up shortly after Incursion launched and OMFG WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING WITH MY LIFE!!?!?? Friends think PoE is too complicated. Who needs friends like that?!?!?! Off to find new friends!!

Got my Gladiator to like 86 in Incursion, an Elementalist to 60, a Scion to 44. Then the race started. Got an Elementalist to 85 and a Gladiator to 75. Went back to the 86 Gladiator and just spent time generally educating myself on the in's and out's of the game and everything I've missed.

Last edited by MDKepner on Aug 31, 2018, 3:25:44 PM
Real Life Name: Pepe Juan
Highest Level Character:89
Ign of the previous stated character:UNDENIABLE_JUGGerr
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): Spain
Hours played weekly rough estimate:25
Current Goals on Path of exile: None, they are in progress
Previous guilds if any: Me2gaming
Name on Discord:Cheetum#2724

Real Life Name: Faraaz Ahmed
Highest Level Character:91
Ign of the previous stated character:Atterana
Location example Usa, Russia, Europe (Or more specific): India
Hours played weekly rough estimate:30
Current Goals on Path of exile: Shaper, Uber Elder
Previous guilds if any: Jacked & Tan
Name on Discord:Dont use Discord

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