[3.2+] Explosive Cleave / Lacerate Gladiator. Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget

DeamosDan wrote:

Did a bit of testing with other items. I put on a 6l 1600 armour chest with 125 life (i did do this testing with 20/20 gems and (lvl/q) 21/20 auras in an alphas howl (my gear may show different gems though as i'm switching out stuff all the time.

Using a BoR with the same gems & auras in my offhand i get around 2k more dps & obviously more life.
Even with a high life rare helm you just about break even compared to using a BoR.

I honestly feel like the survivability with a BoR is much greater than using a 6L and a good helm (only if you can make up the res on other gear that is.

I felt far to weak when also using a three dragons mask & didnt notice any difference as all mobs pretty much die instantly anyway, vs bosses you may probably notice a difference but you just lose far to much survivability with a 6l chest and a alphas/three dragons

Also what level are you currently? I just turned 75 and only have 4.6k life & it doesn't feel enough, i will pick up all the life nodes then maybe head towards the centre cluster for more.

I am currently level 88 and sit at around 5,6k life. Since I grabbed some GG jewels with 7% max life 16% dmg and 10% all res I could drop my belt and use legacy meginords now which is a huge dps increase and also gives 10% max life. At the moment I am figuring if I get 2 more endurance charges or just plain dps or max life. Usually in the stuff I run I don't die so probably dps to do it faster.


thats my current setup, should aim to get as much max life on gear as possible. Using that setup and switching the 2nd life flask to vessel with full charges, vaal haste, flame golem, onslaught and the rest of the flasks up reaching close to 500k dps, 40% cleave dmg enchant will push that even higher.

For you I would recommend to replace your increased duration from your enduring/vaal haste setup and put flame golem in there. Then you can use the free'd slots in your cwdt-setup for increased duration and immortal call (very important as it makes you survive big physical hits!). I use CWDT at lvl 9 to give IC some longer duration. Using that setup I also dropped enfeeble and replaced it with vulnerability until I can get the corruption on some good gloves to then replace it with summon skeletons or something.

MoyaOborona wrote:
I do not understand where the 5 endur charges? fourth of the skill tree, but from the fifth?

You have 3 base endurance charges (4 if you picked it as a bandit reward)

and you can get 2 additional charges by investing a few points:
and here

Just got some sick gear upgrades for a little currency:

min-maxed a little bit 160k hideout dps
Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza
Last edited by Knampfclown on Oct 20, 2016, 7:45:59 AM
knampf would you be able to post your entire skill tree as it looks a little different from the original one and your profile is set to private.

I'm primarily asking as atm I'm running about 50-80k DPS but 3.3K life and jack all res (it feels anyways)
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Last edited by SynixProcessing on Oct 20, 2016, 9:42:06 AM

just put some small changes getting the bloodletting nodes and an additional jewel :)

If you can link your gear I can maybe give you some advice, since dps is mostly gear relevant :)
Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza
Last edited by Knampfclown on Oct 20, 2016, 2:08:28 PM

I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Last edited by SynixProcessing on Oct 20, 2016, 4:56:08 PM
Also my jewels are
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Yeah as I thought, you miss a lot of max life and phys dmg on ring/amulet and gloves.

For your comparison:

Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza

Yep with just Rumi's, you can hit around 67/75 block which is fine. If you want to run Anvil, you can hit 75/78 Block. But I reckon it's better to just use a rare amulet and have 67/75 block instead. The rare amulet can give high intelligence, flat phys, life and resistances. With Rumi's, you become nearly invincible for 5 seconds (10 seconds if you chain 2 uses).

Also, for phys reflect maps, you can try replacing increased AoE with PTL. For ele reflect, you can drop added fire for fortify and turn off hatred. But you can't do a map with both phys and ele reflect.


Wow nice uber lab clear speed. Yep forgot to mention this character is great for lab farming. Also, if you want more damage, you can use Vinktars with 20% phys to light conversion. Vinktars shocks enemies, so you basically get a 1.5x damage multiplier. But it can only be used once since it has 100% increased charges used and you need a shock removal flask as well.


4.6k life is pretty good for only level 75. You should easily be able to hit 5.5k life at around level 85. Make sure you have all the ascendancies for the defensive boost.


cyclone works, but cleave clears a lot faster.


Yep knampfclown has kindly shown where it is on his screenshots.


Yep main problem is, you are using carnage heart. I suggest replacing it with a high life amulet and this will give you a huge boost to life. Also get high life on all your rings as well.

with aurabot - with 40% cleave enchant probably able to surpass 1mil dps in group (which doesnt count in bleed and poison which is sick with that high phys dmg!)

If you have problem with uberlab switch hatred to grace. Just tested it since dps is overkill I can facetank argus/izaro cause I have 70% reduction with 3 charges +grace + more from arctic armor :]
Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza
Last edited by Knampfclown on Oct 21, 2016, 7:16:58 AM

Wow that's pretty crazy.

Once I leveled up to 95 for 2 more endurance charges I will attempt the guardians and shaper. It is really tricky for melee so lets see, should be possible with rumi's + vessel
Explosive Cleave Gladiator by supreme_pizza

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