3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

roguemjb wrote:
t33b00 wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question - But what do skill gems do you cut when wearing Bringer of Rain?

Lol just read this whole thing. I'm sorry everyone is being a huge boner. While it did seem like a simple question, there is no reason for such rudeness. If you ever have questions on something you've read in the guide, feel free to pm me. I don't mind answering the questions with easy answers :D

I'm a big believer in that sort of mentality should not be enabled or encouraged...

I mean, show a little appreciation for someone that took the time to create such a guide, and take the several minutes out of your own time to read it, instead of just ungratefully asking to be spoon fed everything.
PhreEkGarden wrote:
roguemjb wrote:
t33b00 wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question - But what do skill gems do you cut when wearing Bringer of Rain?

Lol just read this whole thing. I'm sorry everyone is being a huge boner. While it did seem like a simple question, there is no reason for such rudeness. If you ever have questions on something you've read in the guide, feel free to pm me. I don't mind answering the questions with easy answers :D

I'm a big believer in that sort of mentality should not be enabled or encouraged...

I mean, show a little appreciation for someone that took the time to create such a guide, and take the several minutes out of your own time to read it, instead of just ungratefully asking to be spoon fed everything.

Rogue is a good dual striker on my forum but has yet to experience the pain of a fanbase that can sometimes be obnoxious with uncourteous comments and inane questions. We were rude to make a point and while I'm generally one of the crankier (lol) poe builders on the forum I am very patient and responsive. That guy's question had no sentence structure or grammar or syntax. It was vomit.

t33b00 wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question - But what do skill gems do you cut when wearing Bringer of Rain?

After a 50,000 character guide I'm not even allowed to write more without deleting some, so I'd expect his question to at least be proofread. I wasn't even able to guess what he was asking.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
He actually only has one extra word in there as a typo. Just read it without the first 'do'. It's really weird to read the way it is... but it's just a typo or possibly english isn't his first language, so that isn't even what bothered me. It's what he meant behind it... what skill gems do you remove if you wear bringer? Did he even look at what a bringer does? You take out the gems that it supplies with the item obviously. Maybe I have a stick up my ass, but answering his question would be like telling a child to stop crying in the store for candy, they don't stop, then buying them candy anyway. Behavior reinforced!
Last edited by PhreEkGarden on Jul 1, 2017, 4:38:51 AM
PhreEkGarden wrote:
He actually only has one extra word in there as a typo. Just read it without the first 'do'. It's really weird to read the way it is... but it's just a typo or possibly english isn't his first language, so that isn't even what bothered me. It's what he meant behind it... what skill gems do you remove if you wear bringer? Did he even look at what a bringer does? You take out the gems that it supplies with the item obviously. Maybe I have a stick up my ass, but answering his question would be like telling a child to stop crying in the store for candy, they don't stop, then buying them candy anyway. Behavior reinforced!

lol I've never hid my distaste for forums but I'm supportive. It was a friend who told me to share my dual striker.
my responses have always been curt so I'm without excuses
you should see me at funerals, wtf is all this whining people ??? ... Did I say something wrong ?
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
I have quite a problem. Every single time i try to run chimera, i'm getting killed like little ***** by cobras. Also sometimes i'm getting one shoted by minotaur. Could you look at my items, tree, to tell me what to change? i would really appreciate that ;)
Ekksvar wrote:
I have quite a problem. Every single time i try to run chimera, i'm getting killed like little ***** by cobras. Also sometimes i'm getting one shoted by minotaur. Could you look at my items, tree, to tell me what to change? i would really appreciate that ;)
dude yeah I'd be happy to help, link away!
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
wow 100 pages of responses
that's about 1,000 replies, not bad for a game with an average of 20k daily players!
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014

decided to drop voidheart, since there is a crafter bleed on an axe. tree is pretty much the same as yours. i have 6.6k hp, something like 200k dps in hideout. I really love the playstyle of your build. Totally matches the one of zeal paladin ;) I can farm any T15 map (not including reflect), just T16 is giving me a problem. I could never go past cobra phase in chimera, always 0 portals left on minotaur, Hydra was just disaster (i just suck at dodging), had no pleasure of doing the Phoenix map ;)
Ahh, also chestpiece is there just for the looks :D
Last edited by Ekksvar on Jul 4, 2017, 4:28:42 PM
hahah nice a D2 player! Yes, I actually made my dual striker to be like my two favorite D2 characters, the Smiter pally and the barbarian with dual eBOTDz axes. Cool stuff! Wug gg 4t bm sorb! lol

I think your gear is pretty basic budget gear however you must not use chest armor with rare helm unless you have minimum 7700 life. Use Bringer of Rain with 2 Rumi's block potions to help mitigate incoming damage with low end gear. The chest isn't amazing but the rest of your gear is straight down the middle, not bad or godly for budget. You could probably cheaply haggle higher life rings/ammy but I remember how tedious that was for my guy too. It can be sooo tedious finding just the right rings.

Move speed on boots should be something else more important if you can craft it, but it's not going to make a massive difference. The issue is life. 6600 life is too little for some map mods, 7000-7500 tends to be the budget gear health limits before the bank breaks and 8000 to 9300 for epic gear. You need 7500 life to comfortably stop dying in T16's if you mod your maps at all, otherwise it's white maps or die. Minotaur rocks can kill anyone landing two consecutively with crappy map mods unless you have like 9500k life. Two of his rocks landed on me once at the exact same time at 9200 life and deaded me once with Vulnerability curse on the map haha there's not a lot you can do about that. It's only happened once though to me. I think they do like 4500 or something with petty damage mods. It's right around half life bar. White maps I think they do only like 3500. It's like 30% less or something, I dunno.

Chimera is a terd sometimes. I actually found her most annoying in her teleport phase which others find easy, she can be tricky to hit enough times to leech back enough life to keep trucking til she finally goes back to normal attacking. The cobras can do a lot of damage and even killed me on my first try, they really can take you by surprise but are easy when you isolate them in a clever way.

You just have to learn how to position yourself when mob diving really tough enemies. It's a trick seasoned dual strikers do, Triangle yourself in a right angle fashion to powerful enemies so you still hit one/two but force the second/third/fourth enemy to move itself in order to hit you. Then when all of them can attack you again just coordinate your next leap slam at a right angle again to make those turkeys move their feet to get to you. You'll look and feel like you're tanking but you're actually being a clever beaver manipulating their stupidity.

I gave this advice to someone really wanting to tank 2x Coliseum bosses corrupted with budget gear worse than yours at 6300 life and he died til he asked me. So this might be a good example to help illustrate how enemies can be raped when they should be kicking your butt. I told him position himself to make the second boss move his feet while he attacks the first so he can just manipulate their timings to enter those annoying sword spinning phases one then the other, otherwise both would enter that knee sword spinning phase and the entire arena would be doom swords with no one to leech on and pots run out real fast lol. It's a useful trick to learn. People do this instinctively sometimes but when you cognitively do it you can really kick some serious arse.

Practice this on other cheaper bosses and mobs. If it's melee, then it must be in close proximity. Make those terds move instead of you.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on Jul 4, 2017, 11:00:08 PM
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014

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