3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

400 dps on a one hander is fucking stellar. Your 600 dps axe in standard league is god mode and you should handle anything in the game because jesus christ 600 dps is high even for 2 handers, let alone a 1h. A 300 dps weapon and legacy soul taker makes everything in the game doable except for Shaper. You're going to scare people away talking like his 400 dps axe isn't good enough for this build.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on May 26, 2017, 9:06:36 PM
Hey, me again, made a new video finghting t15 Colosseum twinned bosses with enfeeble, the fight was awesome!
Last edited by pashkudas on May 25, 2017, 5:56:40 PM
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
hi. would like to ask for your opinion. what do you think about woe for this build?i'm short on currency to get some gears as i've heavily invested into another character that turned out not so great and i have a legacy 5l woe bought cheaply earlier in the game
Last edited by cskeong1 on May 27, 2017, 1:51:41 AM
So just a small review for my lvl 89 dualstriker.

I tried to get good Items without any Legacy or Mirror for Leagueplays.

My Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SupportHotline/characters (SeenAndDualstrike)

about 425pdps axe with 1.85atkspd and almost max rolled non legacy soultaker
At 8k HP, 114k DMG Aura buffed no flask, 17% chance to block,

I can´t get enough Resistance with the luxus of BoR(which for me looks just in legacy worth with my equip) and Kaom´s

The aoe with the jewel works fine but the aoe from melee splash is just for small mob packs optimal. For more spread enemies it can be sometimes tricky.

T1-15 No Trouble at all everthing dies fast.
Double Beyond Shores(Sextant´s aswell) worked well but took time to clear.


Minotaur - Got with 7.7k hp one hit´s from the rocks and a cleave together. With 8k hp it got already much less and i think with just a bit more hp and maybe not to bad map rolls like vulnerbility and other stuff it wont be a big problem.

Hydra - Was my first T16 which i took i think it was with lvl78 and already all my equip geard, i know the fight, it was not a problem. With a few map mods the big arrow can kill you(still with 8k hp)

Phoenix - Tried to remove the adds quite fast when there 2-3 together, avoid the explosion. Not a big problem.

Chimera - Switched bloodlust for melee DMG on full life(got added fire already together with bloodlust). Chimera was facetank able without any problems. The Adds like usual are tricky and hurting.


Uber-Lab - Itzaro/Argus no problem(with Vaal Pact). The Traps are really hurting. The traps are % based together with the ascendary giving me a bit problems. Putting out vaal pact helps in very hard traps.

Shaper - I came to phase 3 it is a hard fight, i tried it just once till now, i want to lvl still a bit till i get 3-4 more points. I died somehow 2 times threw the Beam which was weird, mostly it was no problem to leech threw without any flask and then other time it just stopped leech. 1 death really stupid at a pre boss. And 1 Portal gone because the adds for rescuing Zana are tricky together with everwhere circles on the ground. Will be continued

Uber-Atziri -
A stupid Death because of a slam at the first boss and could be easy avoided. At the Trio i died 2 times which 1 could be avoided and other was just unlucky after they were all death. The breast queen itself was not possible for me. I was able to avoid the "Flameblast" and all but even her roundhouse attack killed me. The adds are hard to stop reeching atziri for my dmg and killing the duplicated ones will be tricky aswell.

I´ll continue leveling and will test the big 2´s soon again with about lvl 93 again. Missing still some good nodes.
Last edited by SupportHotline on May 27, 2017, 8:37:57 AM
So just a small review for my lvl 89 dualstriker.

I tried to get good Items without any Legacy or Mirror for Leagueplays.

My Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SupportHotline/characters (SeenAndDualstrike)

about 425pdps axe with 1.85atkspd and almost max rolled non legacy soultaker
At 8k HP, 114k DMG Aura buffed no flask, 17% chance to block,

I can´t get enough Resistance with the luxus of BoR(which for me looks just in legacy worth with my equip) and Kaom´s

The aoe with the jewel works fine but the aoe from melee splash is just for small mob packs optimal. For more spread enemies it can be sometimes tricky.

T1-15 No Trouble at all everthing dies fast.
Double Beyond Shores(Sextant´s aswell) worked well but took time to clear.


Minotaur - Got with 7.7k hp one hit´s from the rocks and a cleave together. With 8k hp it got already much less and i think with just a bit more hp and maybe not to bad map rolls like vulnerbility and other stuff it wont be a big problem.

Hydra - Was my first T16 which i took i think it was with lvl78 and already all my equip geard, i know the fight, it was not a problem. With a few map mods the big arrow can kill you(still with 8k hp)

Phoenix - Tried to remove the adds quite fast when there 2-3 together, avoid the explosion. Not a big problem.

Chimera - Switched bloodlust for melee DMG on full life(got added fire already together with bloodlust). Chimera was facetank able without any problems. The Adds like usual are tricky and hurting.


Uber-Lab - Itzaro/Argus no problem(with Vaal Pact). The Traps are really hurting. The traps are % based together with the ascendary giving me a bit problems. Putting out vaal pact helps in very hard traps.

Shaper - I came to phase 3 it is a hard fight, i tried it just once till now, i want to lvl still a bit till i get 3-4 more points. I died somehow 2 times threw the Beam which was weird, mostly it was no problem to leech threw without any flask and then other time it just stopped leech. 1 death really stupid at a pre boss. And 1 Portal gone because the adds for rescuing Zana are tricky together with everwhere circles on the ground. Will be continued

Uber-Atziri -
A stupid Death because of a slam at the first boss and could be easy avoided. At the Trio i died 2 times which 1 could be avoided and other was just unlucky after they were all death. The breast queen itself was not possible for me. I was able to avoid the "Flameblast" and all but even her roundhouse attack killed me. The adds are hard to stop reeching atziri for my dmg and killing the duplicated ones will be tricky aswell.

I´ll continue leveling and will test the big 2´s soon again with about lvl 93 again. Missing still some good nodes.

If the build has bad clearspeed and can't do endgame = bad build, right?
It´s a Life build and isnt Meta for a reason right now. I think with already less equip you´ll be able to farm guardians with here and there a few one hits.

Clearspeed at Guardian Maps isnt that bad you have mob packs and jump fast to the next ones. At Shore I feelt I need to jump 1000x times for clearing the map and this takes time.

We will see the comming Updates with more Health and other One Hit Mechanics maybe a bit fixxed its not that bad.

With Lvl89 i can still get a big dmg node and a few % life node
Its still probally a hughe difference.
If you kill Shaper or Uber with budget build I'll wanna post your video on my thread for sure
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on May 27, 2017, 3:32:15 PM
I would not say Budget :D Its kinda min-max out just without legacy/mirror stuff. Jewels can be still a bit better but yeah.

Okay idk ill try it again with lvl 92-93 ill see, im not playing that much right now ^^ lazy till 3.0

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