3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

Life at 4k. Guess its from being level 68?

Build so far


anything im missing
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
Last edited by kmaldona on Jan 5, 2017, 11:54:50 PM
drop 'lust of carnage' on skill tree, this point is useful before 'vaal pact'
i recommend to wear roots when you can get cap of resistances without rare boots. you can use amulet slot more effective. 20+ intlligence, 60+ life, 80+ resistances, +phys damage are preferable mods.
4k life for level 68 is good, you will get more 100%+ life on level 95.
Last edited by triwesterki on Jan 6, 2017, 12:15:41 AM
How do you guys have room for a totem?

Dual strike setup
Leap slam - fortify - faster attacks
AA - Hatred - Herald of Ash
CWDT - Enfeeble - IC - Inc duration
Domination IGN: RangerThrow
i used totem with rare boots, taking unwavering on skill tree. other option is using totem instead faster attacks in leap slam setup.
Last edited by triwesterki on Jan 6, 2017, 8:36:59 AM
Hi, I am new to this game this is the first season I have played and this is the first build I have tried, I am really enjoying it. I just have a few questions

Is there a way to animation cancel the dual strike? I find that I keep attacking when I am trying to leap out of something (like the double blast on Atziri) so I end up going splat.

Is the Rumi flask needed? I have a Lion's Roar and apart from the flee the extra dps is nice

Is a 6L Belly better than BoR I am currently at 67.5k dps with dual strike before potions and 9.77 APS
(with 6L Belly I can use my totem again currently only have DS, LS and Vengance)

I have a Karui Axe as my off hand is a rare Siege Axe with the same stats a better weapon or do you just need an Axe with good rolls (Phy%, Phys dam, AS)?

Thanks for your time.
hi. thank you for feedback!
no way to cancel. it is multistrike animation, we can not leap out while multistrike is repeating. with faster weapon, multistrike repeats faster and you won't feel discomfort.

before last patches i was running with 2 rumi flasks. it was nerfed 2 times. but rumi is still good defensive flask. i don't like lion's roar because knockback, some enemies have more attack range than me, if i get hit i want to be very close to them for leech my life back instantly.

belly provides more life, bor - more damage. if we are talking about investments, rare axe is main slot for investments. 6linked belly costs about 10ex+, you can get more if you invest 10ex in rare axe. also you can drop faster attacks in leap slam setup if your axe is enough fast, and use totem there.

look for pdps, if you have to choose between 2 same pdps(+-10), pick up most aps one.
Last edited by triwesterki on Jan 7, 2017, 10:44:05 AM
added poe trade links to leveling section.
Why no fangs of the viper for 1 point?
fangs of the viper is good point. i did many changes in skill tree for maximum hp, on lvl95 build already has 480% increased damage. i chose between 5% life and 20% phys damage. all skill trees in leveling section are not axiom, while i draught i was trying to remember how i did level my character and how to facilitate this process. i thought player can take fangs on level 93, on level 94- life, on lvl95 regret both and take jewel node. if we are talking about lvl96-100 skill tree, we can get more life and 18% damage if regret "blood drinker" and go to "bloodless", because we get strength there and jewel node through 2*4% melee damage.
Last edited by triwesterki on Jan 7, 2017, 4:49:44 PM
Hello again! I wrote u few days ago from other acc. I want ask you, what i do wrong or it should be and all is ok. I walk in T11-13 maps and there bosses sometimes one-shot me. I wonder coz i always watch for no buffs for bosses and no curse on me. U can look my gear in profile. I have 6,7k hp. And i have low dps. With Hatred,Herald of Ash and Bloodlust setup ~32k when i just stay in my shelter. And when i fight creeps it can be about 50-53k with two flasks and totem. Is it ok for 79 lvl? Thank you in advance for answer and sry for my broken ENG.

There is my passive tree:

Last edited by An4LPunishment on Jan 9, 2017, 5:46:54 AM

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