[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

1 out of 3 hit very well :)

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Milkyslice wrote:
Yes Purity of Elements or Purity of whatever is the only non capped resist you have.

Not only because andvarius... most mf gear has no or low resists

there are always little tricks
No rest for the wicked
Thats an life/resist helmet with some rarity, not a good rarity helmet with 40%+ irr ;)

but better than suffering with the resists

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
Thats an life/resist helmet with some rarity, not a good rarity helmet with 40%+ irr ;)

but better than suffering with the resists

in most cases you dont need it, as ~300 r\20q is effective cap, that is hit quite easily.
No rest for the wicked
Kind of a newish player here and currently going strong in HC! Just killed my first ever HC malachai and got my first ever Tabula and first ever 6l!!

The guide is one of the best write ups in all of the guides i have read, from the little recipe's for +1 scepter to the break down of what to do in each act.

This is the most fun i have had on poe since i started and i'm learning loads all because of this build!!

Appreciate the effort and time it took to make and if you ever need anything in Normal i'm your man! :)
Thank you paulieBee :)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
traps still deal damage, the character cannot deal damage, traps, mines, totems and minions still can.

Oh, you are right. Orb of storms doesn't deal dmg as it considered our own skill but it just procs EO, right?

P.S. Just died at Uber. Level 91, :/ 5.6k life, 50% phys reduction. I made many silly mistakes, only made it up to the Trio, killed 2 of em and then the last guy one-shot me with temp chains and enfeeble on his head q20 / level 19.

It seems to me, I need to switch to full defensive mode and get a level 21 totem. Was using trolltimber shield, I could get a lot more armor.

Anyway, Uber is a whole new level, it was my first time there, so, next time I hope to do better ;)

Got 1 more set, but I'll need to completely level the gems, get more life, etc.

To be honest, unless you are full tank, if you let the trio hit you, you are pretty much dead - especially the last one who will get enraged.
I'm not sure - do the trio fall for decoy totems? Might be a plan.
otherwise just kite as much as you can, it's not easy without whirling blades though.

Did the Vaal's go ok? I didn't want to attempt uber until I got a lvl 21 gem (And a 6l) as wasn't sure if I could take them down quickly enough.

my only experience with uber was in 2.1 which had lesser damage and survivability than we can get now. Vaal and trio were pretty easy.

vaalskills are dodgeable and they die relatively fast.
trio was relaxing with temp chains up, that helps dodging their stuff. refill flasks on trash and youre fine.

atziri was a problem because the totems died with every flameblast and spear, which resulted in low to no rf uptime... this problem doesnt exist in this scale anymore as we see.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
My only extensive uber experience was with my trapper who got away with some of the mechanics - I dodge/evade a lot of the spears in particular.
My big problem has always been vaal ball lighting, if I let one of them get up against a wall and keep firing ball lightning I have never been able to do anything about it (Can't run round them basically).

For spears I guess we can't rely on the totem blocking for us - as that would require staying still, which is basically suicide. Might block a few though?

I've switched to levelling my alt now for a bit (Who definitely is not uber viable!) but will come back and tray an uber or two, especially as sets are cheap in perandus.
seems decent, i stick to it
No rest for the wicked

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