Life Leech

kk thanksf or the response guys.

melee i will be able to do a lot more life leech on damage.

but with spells i should be able to hit more monsters for more mana and life leeched.
Will adding the Life Leech support gem to a spell allow me to leech energy shield if I have the Ghost Reaver Keystone? If so- and I do a ton of damage with said spell, is the rate at which my Energy Shield goes up based on my max health, or max energy shield. Does having Chaos Inoculation change anything?

Does life leech work on spells like Tempest Shield and Molten Shell?
1. Life Leech is converted to ES Leech, so yes.
2. 20% of Max ES per second, unless increased by a Quality Leech gem.
3. Nope.
4. Works fine. Both spells 'Hit', and the gem Leeches off all Damage dealt.
Does life leech apply to the physical damage from the Puncture bleed?
Leech only applies on Hits. Damage over Time does not Hit.
Life Leech is not working correctly with the Split Arrow skill.

When combined, I receive zero life gain whatsoever from applying damage.
Replaced Split Arrow with Burning Arrow and voila! Life is received.
for 1% life leech, you have to deal 100+ damage via one hit. split arrow likely isn't doing that with its three hits.
soul4hdwn wrote:
split arrow likely isn't doing that with its three hits.

Also of note; the Leech is calculated per hit, so each individual hit has to deal 100 damage or more to benefit.
hey guys, so, life leeched via life leech isnt applied instantly but over a rate of 20% of max hp right? so, if im stacking life leech like a madman from various sources (which i did with like 24% leech or smth), that means im not really leeching any faster, just that the healing im getting will be over a much longer time when i eventually stop hitting, am i correct?
ign DivineRapierMedusa
Yep, you're probably leeching way more than necessary for a constant heal :P

Excess leeching is discarded when you hit 100% Life, too.

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