[3.4] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [HC] Atziri/Izaro/Guardians/Shaper/Elder

MrHarp wrote:
I've hit a wall with this character. I don't know what to do next. I can't get past level 91 and I couldn't handle Shaper's guardians. Any help would be greatly appreciated

outside of the normal improvement of gear every where, your flasks could easily be improved (not to the level that you are going to beat the guardians but every little bit helps).

Both the mana flask and the quicksilver flask should be replaced with items that provide your character more damage and more defense.

Your mana should be sustained via mana leech and your movement skill should easily cover what Quicksilver is providing you.
Hi, what should i actualy watch for to upgrade my current Weapon?
Im somehow not able to get a real upgrade ô_ô

luke_wayne wrote:
Can anyone take a look at my build and tell me where I am going wrong? using pastebin PoB links since I have 2 offhand options

I know that i need more flat life but other than that...

first link is with a pseudo 6 link off hand


second is with Nebuloch offhand...


with the elder offhand, my chest is empty/unused. Any help is greatly appreciated!

you are correct about needing more life. This amount of life you are playing with leaves you all to vulnerable to being 1 shot even with our damage mitigation.

The Nebuloch provides a ton of defense but it won't help you with that life pool at harder maps/bosses.


Your equipment looks good (outside of no life) but your flasks need to be changed around quite a bit.

1) You should be able to get away with a single life flask (panic) with the amount of life reg and leech the build has, and the investment in Herbalism

2) Witchfire Brew does not mesh with our build. It provides evasion but we are not an evasion build.

3) You should never be using a mana flask this late in the game. Your mana leech should be more than good enough to sustain mana

You should consider maybe removing diamond skin from the tree. You get 24% resistance from the 6 Endurance Charges so if you find that you keep those charges up easy (which you should with this build) that gives you two more passives to use towards life.

yea i was holding onto the mana pot just for whirling blades/leap slam spam. maps w/o regen hurt mobility. what should i do for my dmg output? i see people posting stats double what i am getting, with the psuedo 6 or the 5 link chest. not sure what i am doing wrong
MrHarp wrote:
I've hit a wall with this character. I don't know what to do next. I can't get past level 91 and I couldn't handle Shaper's guardians. Any help would be greatly appreciated

outside of the normal improvement of gear every where, your flasks could easily be improved (not to the level that you are going to beat the guardians but every little bit helps).

Both the mana flask and the quicksilver flask should be replaced with items that provide your character more damage and more defense.

Your mana should be sustained via mana leech and your movement skill should easily cover what Quicksilver is providing you.

Hey thanks. That's pretty useful. Do you have any specific recommendations for gear? That would be great too
luke_wayne wrote:

yea i was holding onto the mana pot just for whirling blades/leap slam spam. maps w/o regen hurt mobility. what should i do for my dmg output? i see people posting stats double what i am getting, with the psuedo 6 or the 5 link chest. not sure what i am doing wrong

I personally avoid no regen and\or no leech maps. Avoiding that mod is easier than wasting a flask slot for me.

IMO, you are not doing anything wrong. It is very hard to compare dps numbers since we can't be sure everyone is setting up Path of Building the same. The way some one sets up the configuration window in Path of Building can make a huge difference.

One person might post a huge dps number based on being fully buffed with every flask active and another posts a much smaller number which represents their non buffed non flasked dps.

IMO, don't worry about anyone elses dps, just choose new gear that improves your own.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Sep 28, 2018, 10:55:04 PM
MrHarp wrote:

Hey thanks. That's pretty useful. Do you have any specific recommendations for gear? That would be great too

You already own the one specific piece recommended, which is the unique helmet.

After that is really is just find something on POE Trade, copy it into Path of Building and see if you get better.

Steel Rings are great for this build but they can be UBER expensive to get better stats that the resist rings many run in early part of end game.
Hey guys loving the build just hit level 71. Can someone look at my build and give me some suggestions for my next steps. I dont have much health.

Thanks for the future feedback
gjlii98 wrote:
Hey guys loving the build just hit level 71. Can someone look at my build and give me some suggestions for my next steps. I dont have much health.

Thanks for the future feedback

*you are missing the key part of the build by not having Vaal Double Strike linked. At the worst this should be a 4 link setup via regular sockets or psuedo sockets.

*add fortify to your whirling blades\faster attacks

*Add chance to bleed to Warchief

*remove chance to bleed from your Double Strike setup, and add in Maim

*look at other builds for Flask suggestions. The build does not require even one quicksilver and you have two slotted. The acquamarine flask does not fit this build.
Having issues Delving around ~300 a lot of the minions seem to shotgun me. Got 6.2k health. Can anyone glance at my char and give some feedback? Char is 'thehorseisondrugs'
Shattoww wrote:
Having issues Delving around ~300 a lot of the minions seem to shotgun me. Got 6.2k health. Can anyone glance at my char and give some feedback? Char is 'thehorseisondrugs'

you are MUCH further delving than I am so I can't speak to experience but I do have some questions that may help me as I advance in my understanding of the late game build.

*Why are you using Lion's Roar with The Brass Dome? I would think the Brass Dome is providing more than enough armor and that you may be wasting that flask spot for another one that might help your character more.

*If you are getting one shot while Wearing The Brass Dome, the main issue must be life pool but I don't see how you get around this based on your gear choices as that is the main draw back of using the Brass Dome.

*How do you unfreeze yourself? Even with taste of hate up you still have a 70% chance of getting frozen.

*You may want to consider dropping Enduring Cry and replacing it with something like Vaal Ancestral War Chief

*Can you give me some information on how you like Taste of Hate? I am having a difficult time plugging it into my Path of Building as it does not seem to help me any where near as much as the cost of the flask seems to indicate it would. I was thinking I am not using it correctly in POB.

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