[3.4] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [HC] Atziri/Izaro/Guardians/Shaper/Elder


I am experimenting with different flasks combos right now but I am close to settling on:

Panic Life(Bleed), Sulphur(Freeze), Diamond, Lion's Roar, and Atziri's Promise

The 4 utility flasks seem really easy to maintain through out a map as they fill as fast as I need them.

I've been messing a bit with flasks as well, I think end-game either Taste of Hate or going 3x on A Wise Oak would really shine. We don't get a ton of bonus damage from Elemental Pen but any extra won't hurt and the defense would help a lot in tougher ranged/caster maps/certain bosses.

With a Nebuloch that's a total of 24% Reduced Elemental Damage Taken. Definitely handy to have.

Also for anyone nearing end-game on this build: Don't use Enduring Cry anymore, Do slot Vaal Ancestral Warchief in this hotkey instead.

It's pretty insane. ALMOST like having an extra 2x clones. They're really great for stomping blue packs of casters and generally boosting clear speed / total DPS. I highly recommend it. They really help in Breaches and situations where you have difficulty getting close enough to melee.
Last edited by Abletto on Sep 24, 2018, 9:26:07 PM
Abletto wrote:

Also for anyone nearing end-game on this build: Don't use Enduring Cry anymore, Do slot Vaal Ancestral Warchief in this hotkey instead.

It's pretty insane. ALMOST like having an extra 2x clones. They're really great for stomping blue packs of casters and generally boosting clear speed / total DPS. I highly recommend it. They really help in Breaches and situations where you have difficulty getting close enough to melee.

Big thumbs up here for this suggestion!

For specifics, as soon as you get Unflinching from Ascendancy, you can toss Enduring Cry. Unflinching keeps up max endurance charges so easily.

Tomorrow I am going to experiment with trying to chain the Vaal's to see if they can stay up.

1) Launch one set of Vaal Double Strike Clones
2) Wait 6 seconds (life span of clones) and on next pack go to step 3)
3) Launch 2nd Vaal Double Strike Clones
4) Wait 6 seconds (life span of clones) and on next pack go to step 5
5) Launch one Vaal Ancestral Warchief
6) Wait 6 seconds (life span of Warchief) and on next pack go to step 7
7) Launch 2nd Vaal Ancestral Warchief
8) Wait 6 seconds (life span of Warchief)

There is a chance that if this is done well, that after step 8, the Vaal Double Strike will be ready to launch again.

*During the "wait" cycles, you are obviously killing everything you can with normal Double Strike.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Sep 25, 2018, 1:17:41 AM
Could someone upload a mino/shaper video by any chance?

My jugger is lvl 90, so perfectly fine to do it myself but im super scared of these 2 bosses, since they kill most of my character pretty fast.

My DPS gems are at lvl 16 right now, they need a few more level to be comparable.
Im not very confident in my abilities and i know i will mostly screw atleast one shaper realm over before i calm down again :/
Nice guide and build just got lucky on linking my body armour with 186 fuse got 6 link

AC:4lin IGN:Delverder

my doubt is about my flask, not sure if im using correct ones for this build any suggestions?

My Flasks

🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::
Last edited by 4lin on Sep 25, 2018, 3:14:34 PM
4lin wrote:
Nice guide and build just got lucky on linking my body armour with 186 fuse got 6 link

AC:4lin IGN:Delverder

my doubt is about my flask, not sure if im using correct ones for this build any suggestions?

My Flasks

i would use more offensive flasks. you dont really need the quicksilver flask with whirling blades

im using:

THe 2 life flasks are basicily your "oh shit" button and should be instant recovery. DOnt use "on low life" this doesnt work quite well, since the treshhold for it is really low.
You may exchange lion's roar against another flask if you notice the pushback is getting you killed (double strike with multistrike "locks" you in place quite often, since you cant move while attacking, so dangerous AOE effects might become dangerous)

Alternatives might the oak for elemental bosses (phoenix or nasty map mods) and sin's rebirth. Enemys who are blinded cannot hit you. Good for hard hitting bosses like izaro/mino
Last edited by Camatoo on Sep 25, 2018, 3:15:07 PM
i will try that thanks @Chamatoo now i've seen my first life flask need to change that ^^

Edited my flask:

Reedited tested my flasks 98K boosted with all active and totem now i will try corrupted totem to xD
🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::
Last edited by 4lin on Sep 25, 2018, 3:38:24 PM
Camatoo wrote:
Could someone upload a mino/shaper video by any chance?

I beat Minotaur last night. It wasn't too hard at all. Slot Tukohama (pantheon) and bring a Stibnite Flask. The Stibnite flask actually helps a ton. You can basically stand in the falling rock zones and sustain through with regen/leech. Just face tank him and try to have good flask management. Portal out to refill flasks and he should go down pretty quickly. Just stay close and totem near him and he ~probably~ won't burrow.

I did die once to him but I had a lag spike and just didn't see his burrow coming.

Phoenix was much tougher to beat. Took me 2 maps and I believe 7 or 8 deaths.

Sorry I have nearly the worst internet you can possibly have so I can't really upload videos. Hopefully that will help. Engineering Eternity has some awesome Guardian/Shaper video guides and he does these with melee character. If you are having trouble definitely check those out as they are spot on and apply to our build exactly.
Last edited by Abletto on Sep 25, 2018, 9:14:40 PM
reached 92 and it is slightly different from what OP suggests as I don't have number of setups but this one gives me some convenient 170k unbuffed and with 2 gem swaps for bosses 280k unbuffed.

With pots and charges I reach around 450k. There is still a lot to optimise ie. I currently run herald of ash, herald of ice and arctic armour. I should get empower lvl 4 soon and get hatred, herald of ice, arctic armour as a core setup.

I am thinking of warchief but lacking slots. Do you think that kaom's roots are ok for this build? with 5,5k life and 84% base phys damage mitigation I will rarely get stunned, speed doesn't matter given flask with curse removal and whirling blades. What do you guys think?

There was no great genius without a touch of madness - Seneca (younger)

hehehehehehehehehehe - Niko the Mad
@DissTurbo nice i like your setup smart one xD
what are the gems u switch for bosses?
🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::
Last edited by 4lin on Sep 26, 2018, 12:01:29 PM
DissTurbo wrote:
What do you guys think?

Where are you getting your bleed from? I like the gear though. It's very similar to what I'm running except I have warchief in a 4 link with chance to bleed,crit,and faster attacks. Also I run a Taste of Hate instead of Lion's Roar.

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