[3.4] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [HC] Atziri/Izaro/Guardians/Shaper/Elder

Hey you mention that you need 2 essential items but then only post abyssus. What is the second item? Thanks so much for the guide! At Lvl 73 right now and loving it.

A psuedo 5/6 link Elder or Shaper sword.

See build video here, time 0:50 -- https://youtu.be/IdZ3IhqOqWY?t=50
as far as I understand skill choose depends on my preferences? I mean with this tree and gear setup we can easy use reave for clearing and bf for single target, should work better then double strike

Crafted this today for the build.
So I have been working on this for a while, and I had an epiphany, not really cause once I saw it, its right there in the guide.

Several people have asked 'Where does bleed come from' on your 'boss setup'

The key is you have TWO double strike (actually 3 if you use Vaal) setups AT THE SAME TIME (aka you don't swap out gems which is what I thought).

For example:
helmet: (Vaal) Double Strike-Ruthless-Brutality-Melee Dmg
Chest: Double Strike, Melee dmg, Melee Splash, Ancestral Call

So I use the chest version (bound to right mouse) for clearing.
On the boss, I use the chest version for a few swings (to start the bleed) then swap to the helm version (on middle mouse).

But remember Vaal DS has both DS and Vaal DS versions, which means if I want TURBO MODE I hit R which is Vaal Double Strike.

While its a little clunky to adjust to at first, once you get the hang of it, I think that may be the missing piece some people (like me!) were missing.

I could be full of crap, by I think that's what people have been getting at.

Also I comment a lot on tankability--take with a grain of salt as I almost always play Jugger. While this isn't the most tanky build, you certainly can take a hit and have the health regeneration to get back in the fight. I'm just used to standing on the boss and smashing. Many times this works for this build, but not always. I'm very very lazy. I want to stand in front of the boss and beat him up. Movement is for the weak. Ok enough confessions. Hope this helps some other scrubs like me.

But the Delve stuff is a breeze. only time I die is to darkness or getting stuck.

In the darkness.
Hehe, you got it.

1) Normal DS for bleed (worst case 25% so wait 1 second)
2) Single Target DS (ouch this hurts!)
3) Vaal DS (Boss is dead)

Most of the time 1 + 3 is enough during mapping.

Also I comment a lot on tankability--take with a grain of salt as I almost always play Jugger. While this isn't the most tanky build, you certainly can take a hit and have the health regeneration to get back in the fight. I'm just used to standing on the boss and smashing. Many times this works for this build, but not always. I'm very very lazy. I want to stand in front of the boss and beat him up. Movement is for the weak. Ok enough confessions. Hope this helps some other scrubs like me.

Yes, without an Astral Plate with 1300+ armour or a Brass Dome this build is not that tanky because of relatively low life. On the other side it absulutely deletes bosses. :)

Those blue crit gems may work in absolute endgame with right weapon, but for me until now other gem setup are _much_ better!
Last edited by Gixxpunk on Sep 9, 2018, 12:26:01 PM
needing some more help. i recently picked up a shaper sword. should i use it or keep using ahn's might?



With Ahn's might the gems were switched so i was getting maim with my Vaal DS.

You should really start using Path of Building!

Having lots of trouble with DPS. Stuck at around 40k buffed. your POB has 10x that. How can I improve my DPS? My POB: https://pastebin.com/s3wZtHyc
Hail2341 wrote:
Having lots of trouble with DPS. Stuck at around 40k buffed. your POB has 10x that. How can I improve my DPS? My POB: https://pastebin.com/s3wZtHyc

3 and 4-link your gear and then start using proper gem setups as explained in this guide. For example curse setup with Assassins Mark.

Drop increased Critical Strikes for Multistrike or Ruthless.

Start using a second aura (Hatred or Herald of Purity)

Get a Diamond and/or Sulphur Flask.

Upgrade Breach Ring and Amulet.

Get Ahn's Might.

Get 6-link chest.
Could use some advice on wep upgrades please!

Currently using:

The Shaped Ancestral Club is great for boosting Vaal link. It's about 150k tooltip not including the Vaal Double Strike buddies. I've melted 99% of Bosses I've come across.

I'm still using Scaeva currently because it's the best main hand I could find for pure DPS. Ideally I should be using the Ancestral Club (or a similar but better wep) in my main hand and get a shaped stat stick with double 30% / 30% Physical as Extra Elemental Damage and maybe some Crit Multi crafted on it, right?

But when I switch the Ancestral Club to my main hand, even using various stat sticks it's way way less DPS than my current Scaeva / Shaped Club setup.

So I guess what I'm asking is if I drop 2-3 exalt on a decent shaped stat stick, will the Ancestral Club as main hand still be good? Or would I absolutely have to have an even better main hand wep to go with it?

Any advice is appreciated,

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