etup build stuff

Hey Etup, why Wrecking Ball an your Mara Cycloner?

Using Your lvl 100 tree if we drop Wrecking ball and bridge to Golem's Blood etc over the top, then link to Duelist from Mara via the bottom node instead of the one above Bloodless, we can take 2 jewels for the same points.


Or 1 jewel and the 3 Unyielding nodes if preferred.

Looking at this with the 2 jewels instead of Wrecking Ball, as the game was when you hit 100 before the recent crit map mods.

We spec out of
20 str
20 dex
18% EC duration
52% Phys
16% ias

We spec in to
30 str
8% Phys
16% armour
2 jewels

We lose
20 dex
18% EC duration
44% phys
16% ias

We gain
10 str
16% armour
2 jewels

Assuming the 20 dex and the 18% EC duration are expendable.
We have 2 jewels to cover 44% phys and 16% ias.

Using only 3 mod jewels, totalling 6 mods, the ias can take up only 2.
Leaving 4 mods to cover 44% phys which can be covered with 3.
Leaving another mod for whatever.

Be it life, dex (16) if losing the 20 dex was an issue, more damage or more ias.

Giving a flat buff of at least 10 str and 16% armour (+life/dmg/ias if dex not needed) at the cost of 18% EC duration of which we already have 36% and can gain and maintain ECs no problem.

I'd actually expect, if there had been 2 life nodes for 14% life there for the taking, they would have been no-brained into the build at the cost of Wrecking Ball as it is, they can be rolled as priority on the 2 jewels any way.

Grats on the 100, btw . :D

Edit: It's worth noting, the benefits of a high level Blood Rage over a mid level one (when quality) can be quite inefficient as far as dex.

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart on Aug 8, 2015, 4:13:22 PM
I've been playing this build for about a month, finally 6-Linked my coil today and dropped the Tabula Rasa.

I also found the links a bit inefficient so I modified them a bit:

The weapon never really needed a 5L Leap Slam because you have Fortify up 24/7 from Cyclone and stunning with axes is extremely rare so it's a very unreliable source of Endurance charges anyway. The 3L Leap slam and the auras run perfectly fine and frees up a 4L in the gloves.

Here comes Vaal Molten Shell and gives me extra armor and life leech which is nice. If I need to run a purity I just swap out the Fast Casting or Increased Duration gem.

It's nice but I'm not 100% convinced yet. Other viable options are to use Vaal Haste or Grace .... or both? :D
Hey etup, for you EK build

What would suggest for someone who's having some mana issues? Run clarity with 2 herald, clarity with hatred ...

Any suggestion ?
hey Etup & grats on the accomplishments.

I have a few simple questions about your Cyclone Marauder for SOLO PLAY;

1) what is your stance on Immortal Call? (without Lightning Coil or Taste of Hate flask for us peasants)
Does running 7 endurance charges with determination without Immortal Call keep you padded enough not to get sent to a retirement home in softcore in higher level maps?

2) if not, how best would you setup a CWDT+IC? What levels? (without LC/Flask again)

3) enfeeble or warlords mark on CWDT?


4) if you had to choose Lightning coil or Flask, which one would you take?


Last edited by sc0rp404 on Aug 11, 2015, 2:07:02 AM
Currently level 58 with the cyclone Marauder and everything is a face roll ( plus everything die so quickly). I have maxed my resists and have 3.5 k health at the moment ( just got to merciless act 2).

This is the first time/character I have taken playing a hardcore league seriously and it is so much more fun than I would have thought with this build.

Just 1 question, the only expensive thing in this build is the lightning coil currently in Tempest, when will I need it?
Why the ruby flasks on all builds? Kind of figured a perp granite of warding would be better choice. What fire stuff is scary?
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Regarding EK witch build, if you drop Life Leech in 6l for "vaal clarity stuff", how do you then get the life leech required for the Vaal Pact + Ghost Reaver combo?
Last edited by kjellar on Aug 12, 2015, 3:00:14 PM
Sorry i haven't really been hawking the thread but i'll try and throw out some responses. Feel free to just yell at me on stream if you guys want faster replies! (i'm usually around in stream chat if i'm not sleeping)

TheAnuhart wrote:
Hey Etup, why Wrecking Ball an your Mara Cycloner?
I would probably make a few changes on the tree now after some changes & other things happening. One being the crit reduc node 100% required now to help negate the crit maps. I was considering swapping into 3 point jewel nodes on the side but eventually didn't bother not that it's worse or not worth doing. I needed the dex for cyclone at the time but i would probably just have itemized different. Obviously everything i wanted wasn't available but also the weapon range jewel is definitely something you would want to have in the build 100% and i should update the post talking about it. This would make it even more worth to grab an extra jewel socket! The jewel in beta didn't actually have weapon range and i was like 97 when someone linked me it and im like damn wtf..oh well like 4-5 days away from 100 so i didn't really bother changing things.

Thundderz wrote:
Hey etup, for you EK build

What would suggest for someone who's having some mana issues? Run clarity with 2 herald, clarity with hatred ...

Any suggestion ?
It was very annoying dealing with ek's mana issues i sent a pm to Neon about my thoughts on mana nodes etc atm. I ended up just going vaal clarities but you COULD sustain if you invest into mana nodes(Thrillkiller 10 mana gained on kill is actually very good at keeping you full) but if it doesn't bother you TOO much you could do what i did.

sc0rp404 wrote:
hey Etup & grats on the accomplishments.

I have a few simple questions about your Cyclone Marauder for SOLO PLAY;

1) what is your stance on Immortal Call? (without Lightning Coil or Taste of Hate flask for us peasants)
Does running 7 endurance charges with determination without Immortal Call keep you padded enough not to get sent to a retirement home in softcore in higher level maps?

Definitely keep endurance charges over using immortal call if anything you could manual cast if you know what you're doing but i'd say in general its much better to not have it proc off. The way the mechanics work if lets say 20 cannibals start shooting at you and the first one hits you and trigger it won't do anything anyways if they kill you with that barrage and you would just pot up frmo the damage before you get hit again. As far as no coil+taste of hate i would say definitely have a granite of ironskin & if you feel the need to keep running determ + ash + aa to stay safe defensively.

EcNeRWaLJ wrote:

Just 1 question, the only expensive thing in this build is the lightning coil currently in Tempest, when will I need it?
Like i said in the previous response you don't really ever NEED it but once you start approaching the big boy maps it will definitely be nice to have it. It may just dictate your play style / affect your clear speed a bit on how you approach things.

Edzilla wrote:
Why the ruby flasks on all builds? Kind of figured a perp granite of warding would be better choice. What fire stuff is scary?
Mainly because it's the most useful elemental defense minus topaz for obelisks. Fire mobs + bosses are generally the scariest. Also due to reflect becoming a big issue as you get better gear (especially playing with supports) it really helps.

kjellar wrote:
Regarding EK witch build, if you drop Life Leech in 6l for "vaal clarity stuff", how do you then get the life leech required for the Vaal Pact + Ghost Reaver combo?
I swap in BM gem at the start of map. It can be slightly sketchy as you cant heal your es so you might need to take it slow for a couple packs but the damage is very high and you freeze so its generally not an issue. Playing in a party (which i haven't really experienced with the build) I think would make this less of an issue and also would probably benefit the party a lot on certain map mods!
Last edited by Etup on Aug 13, 2015, 12:49:28 AM
Etup wrote:
I would probably make a few changes on the tree now after some changes & other things happening. One being the crit reduc node 100% required now to help negate the crit maps.

What are you thoughts on running Unyielding plus Belt of the Deceiver, overkill? Don't see myself getting a Headhunter anytime. So it'd be a matter of Deceiver vs a rare.
any reasons you are running auxium on your ice storm build ? it seems like they changed freeze duration on ci and its not much an issue anymore i think

also are you going for astramentis amulet ?

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