(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

I'm loving this build so far. I do however have some questions.

I'm using a 5L lightning coil and hezmana right now and I saved up enough exalt to buy a 5L atziri disfavour.

Which is better to buy first? The 5L disfavour or a 6L lightning coil?

Help me out guys.
IGN PinkCharmander
Has anyone attempted to use a Starforge? Seems losing the elemental DPS wouldn't be so great. However, you could swap out for increased AOE and faster attacks w/ haste over hatred... Any insight here would be appreciated.
Hey Lighty, thanks for the great build. I recommended it to a friend who is just starting out. He was going to go juggernaut>berserker because I'm a crit archer and we were going to play maps together. I noticed you said berserker was better at the moment though. Is this still the case if he's playing as tank with a dps assisting? Thanks again
Hey sexy, great guide! I really want to try the build, but I am wondering what Ascendant class to play. I want to play both Berserker and Slayer and I can't seem to decide. I've played some melee builds before and in some of the yellow/red maps I get killed by the boss. I guess Slayer will be better for the mapping the map and Berserker will be better for the boss, because of the leach. Can u recommend which of the 2 classes I should pick. Thanks in advance sexy!
Last edited by SloWMoVeMenT on Oct 1, 2016, 1:23:05 PM
Hey! Great guide, it looks super awesome. Quick question!

Slayer vs berserker? Berserker seems like the best boss killer which is something I am interested in. Thoughts on this? Thanks!
Has anyone done Shaper with this Cyclone build?
Lighty wrote:
Nice_Snacks wrote:
Hey Lighty was wondering if you had any ideas to improve my Berserker build. I checked back today and saw you updated the Ascendancys. Turns out I didn't have Cloaked in Savagery so I fixed that. I just bought a coil as well figured it would be useful for Uber Lab and things like that. My character just doesn't feel tanky enough I feel like I have too many close calls or deaths from map bosses. A redditor told me about Enfeeble and Blasphemy, it seems to work decent but if there is something you'd recommend I use I'm all for it that goes for any skills, like the warlords mark, enduring cry, golem, etc or changing Auras.

My end game goal is to beat the shaper just want to make sure I'm on the right path I just started getting red maps today so I still have sometime. Thanks for the build!


You seem to be lacking dps if anything, you also dont want the extra leech node in hematophagy. Your next upgrade should be Disfavour as more weapon range and dps is its own form of defense for melee, the faster you kill things the less likely those things will hit you. You may also want to get more jewel sockets and you should need some mana leech if your going blasphemy + hatred (which is fine), possibly on 2 jewels shouldn't be expensive.

Are you still coming out with the Cyclone in 2.4 video? Or am I looking on the wrong channel. Disfavour seems like I dream I feel like I'll never get that much currency. Changed some passives for more damage, I have 6k life and I'm running blasphemy enfeeble. Seems decent but some of these magic bosses in tier 11+ maps melt me but I feel like thats just how melee is if you're not the jugg ascendancy
Hey Lighty, first just wanna say thanks again for the awesome build.

I have a question about adjusting ascendencies:

My Cyclone Marauder in Standard is currently a Juggernaut still from pre-Essence. After the nerfs, and after reading a post of yours, I am planning on switching to Berserker. I'm sitting at ~5k hp, nothing crazy in terms of armor, but a solid ax with ~419 dps.

If I were to switch to Berserker, would I notice a big difference in how squishy I became? Out of fear of this, I was contemplating also going for the Blood Magic Keystone. My thinking was if I could get an Essence Worm ring for Hatred, and dropping Herald of Ash and Arctic Armour that getting to use another damage gem in my setup would more than make up for it. Am I dumb for thinking this?

Full Disclosure, I'm using a sorta-MF variation. My 6L sockets are Cyclone > Melee Phys > Fortify > Blood Magic > Culling Strike > Item Quantity. I prefer the lazy method of not using a movement skill to keep fortify up, and I kept Culling Strike since I also prefer not bothering with gem-swapping. Though I rarely play with friends now and should probably swap that for Faster Attacks or Added Fire.
Lighty, I realize that in your "my gear" section you now have Earthquake slotted in your chest armor. Are you running that as an experiment, or do you think Earthquake is superior to cyclone?
Need two red gems to swap in and out for ele reflect maps. Added fire + weap ele dmg can't be run.

Was thinking Empower + ??

Any suggestions?

Edit: Will Bloodlust work if your Disfavour causes the bleeding?
Last edited by Teerick on Oct 10, 2016, 11:41:33 PM

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