Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease

Hey, me again, lol.
Could you please change the settings to not automatically check the box for the itemlevel?
In most cases (9/10, if not more) it narrows down the results way too far than necessary, especially since it doesn't select a range but one exact itemlevel.
@World_Destructor, it only matches item level when it is >=83. Would this be too strict?

Notice: there was an urgent message with data restoration which might limited the matched items. Need a day or so to back up.
SlugPranker wrote:
@World_Destructor, it only matches item level when it is >=83. Would this be too strict?

Notice: there was an urgent message with data restoration which might limited the matched items. Need a day or so to back up.

While a higher item level can have intrinsic value, in most cases it doesn't so then the value of the item is determined by the combination of the implicit and affixes which also isn't always rolled in such a way that the stats on it only can occur on a higher item level.
Most items don't get bought with the intention of vaaling it either.

Also sometimes the itemlevel got set to 87 (if the item had an itemlevel was 87) while the maximum useful itemlevel that adds a possible tier of affix, affix or corruption implicit is 86.
Same happened with ilvl 88, 89, etc.

It's great that you added it as an option though, I like it.
A single item level is in most cases way too strict in my opinion, but you own the site so you maybe got statistics on that to properly judge.
Last edited by World_Destructor on Dec 28, 2018, 2:02:29 PM
I probably need more community support on setting the default ilvl search criterion. I have loosen the ilvl match for only magic and normal items (ilvl>=83 for abyss jewels and ilvl>=85 for other SubTypes). Other items match ilvl 1-100, with the option to manually change it.

Thanks for sharing your opinion to make the site more useful.

SlugPranker wrote:
@World_Destructor, it only matches item level when it is >=83. Would this be too strict?

Notice: there was an urgent message with data restoration which might limited the matched items. Need a day or so to back up.

While a higher item level can have intrinsic value, in most cases it doesn't so then the value of the item is determined by the combination of the implicit and affixes which also isn't always rolled in such a way that the stats on it only can occur on a higher item level.
Most items don't get bought with the intention of vaaling it either.

Also sometimes the itemlevel got set to 87 (if the item had an itemlevel was 87) while the maximum useful itemlevel that adds a possible tier of affix, affix or corruption implicit is 86.
Same happened with ilvl 88, 89, etc.

It's great that you added it as an option though, I like it.
A single item level is in most cases way too strict in my opinion, but you own the site so you maybe got statistics on that to properly judge.
Last edited by SlugPranker on Dec 28, 2018, 5:08:13 PM
Hello there, quite great software piece.

Is it possible to get JSON api for stashes? Current in-browser call for stash ML processing in browser is already quite heavy. If its unfeasible, any chance its possible to get shrinked copy of db with basic item prices?

Need more gateways!
Hey, we don't have the stash API at the moment. Individual API calls are already overloading the servers some times. We haven't figured out a great way to serve any stash API nor how and where to serve it. All items are priced on the fly through ML, so there is no DB available for the price. If you have any idea in mind, please share with us if you would like to.

dimon222 wrote:
Hello there, quite great software piece.

Is it possible to get JSON api for stashes? Current in-browser call for stash ML processing in browser is already quite heavy. If its unfeasible, any chance its possible to get shrinked copy of db with basic item prices?

Last edited by SlugPranker on Dec 28, 2018, 4:55:07 PM
SlugPranker wrote:
Hey, we don't have the stash API at the moment. Individual API calls are already overloading the servers some times. We haven't figured out a great way to serve any stash API nor how and where to serve it. All items are priced on the fly through ML, so there is no DB available for the price. If you have any idea in mind, please share with us if you would like to.

dimon222 wrote:
Hello there, quite great software piece.

Is it possible to get JSON api for stashes? Current in-browser call for stash ML processing in browser is already quite heavy. If its unfeasible, any chance its possible to get shrinked copy of db with basic item prices?


How about caching results of ML responses in some Lucene-based DB (like Elasticsearch/Solr) for lets say 24 hours (per item spec)?

I understand markets like PoE might be changing way too fast, but depending on how many users are using site, having this level of cache with instant search would probably significantly improve experience.

It can be tunable based on how many people are sending requests (if there are zillions, then just shrink expiration time of item ML entry to 4 hours, and etc).
Need more gateways!
Last edited by dimon222 on Dec 28, 2018, 10:05:15 PM
Hey, Let me try to describe more detail about the current pricing. There are two methods of getting prices for rare items.

(1) using ML price (the API), which is very fast (about 100ms-400ms per request depending on network speed).
(2) using recommended price (only seen on website), which queries database for similar items and it is heavy and slow.

For (1), it is easy to scale since it is fast. For (2), there should be some cache for most recent query, e.g. if you search for a rare item, and then change some search criterion and reprice it, the reprice is much faster.

I am not very clear about the use case is that: if I set up a cache in some way for the items queried in the last 24 hrs, users are still querying items with very different mods with wide range of values, how can this cache be helpful?

I will pm you and maybe we can chat on discord.

dimon222 wrote:
SlugPranker wrote:
Hey, we don't have the stash API at the moment. Individual API calls are already overloading the servers some times. We haven't figured out a great way to serve any stash API nor how and where to serve it. All items are priced on the fly through ML, so there is no DB available for the price. If you have any idea in mind, please share with us if you would like to.

dimon222 wrote:
Hello there, quite great software piece.

Is it possible to get JSON api for stashes? Current in-browser call for stash ML processing in browser is already quite heavy. If its unfeasible, any chance its possible to get shrinked copy of db with basic item prices?


How about caching results of ML responses in some Lucene-based DB (like Elasticsearch/Solr) for lets say 24 hours (per item spec)?

I understand markets like PoE might be changing way too fast, but depending on how many users are using site, having this level of cache with instant search would probably significantly improve experience.

It can be tunable based on how many people are sending requests (if there are zillions, then just shrink expiration time of item ML entry to 4 hours, and etc).
I tried scanning a rare ring with a socket and +2 levels to socketed gems and got the following error

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Betrayal&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPYmxpdmlvbiBHcmlwDQpVbnNldCBSaW5nDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KUmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzOg0KTGV2ZWw6IDUyDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KU29ja2V0czogRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA3Mw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkhhcyAxIFNvY2tldA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisyIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIEdlbXMNCkFkZHMgNCB0byAxMCBQaHlzaWNhbCBEYW1hZ2UgdG8gQXR0YWNrcw0KKzM4IHRvIFN0cmVuZ3RoDQorMjcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQpBZGRzIDExIHRvIDI0IEZpcmUgRGFtYWdlIHRvIEF0dGFja3MNCisxMiBMaWZlIGdhaW5lZCBvbiBLaWxsDQo=&w=1",
"encodedData": "UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPYmxpdmlvbiBHcmlwDQpVbnNldCBSaW5nDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KUmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzOg0KTGV2ZWw6IDUyDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KU29ja2V0czogRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA3Mw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkhhcyAxIFNvY2tldA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisyIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIEdlbXMNCkFkZHMgNCB0byAxMCBQaHlzaWNhbCBEYW1hZ2UgdG8gQXR0YWNrcw0KKzM4IHRvIFN0cmVuZ3RoDQorMjcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQpBZGRzIDExIHRvIDI0IEZpcmUgRGFtYWdlIHRvIEF0dGFja3MNCisxMiBMaWZlIGdhaW5lZCBvbiBLaWxsDQo=",
"encodingError": "",
"league": "Betrayal",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Betrayal&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpPYmxpdmlvbiBHcmlwDQpVbnNldCBSaW5nDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KUmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzOg0KTGV2ZWw6IDUyDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KU29ja2V0czogRyANCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExldmVsOiA3Mw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkhhcyAxIFNvY2tldA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCisyIHRvIExldmVsIG9mIFNvY2tldGVkIEdlbXMNCkFkZHMgNCB0byAxMCBQaHlzaWNhbCBEYW1hZ2UgdG8gQXR0YWNrcw0KKzM4IHRvIFN0cmVuZ3RoDQorMjcgdG8gRGV4dGVyaXR5DQpBZGRzIDExIHRvIDI0IEZpcmUgRGFtYWdlIHRvIEF0dGFja3MNCisxMiBMaWZlIGdhaW5lZCBvbiBLaWxsDQo="
"failed": "ERROR: Parsing response failed, empty response! "
Any price request appears to be failing:

Request and response:
"added": {
"browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Betrayal&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpCcm9vZCBQYWNlDQpBbnRpcXVlIEdyZWF2ZXMNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpBcm1vdXI6IDEyMg0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClJlcXVpcmVtZW50czoNCkxldmVsOiAzNw0KU3RyOiA2Nw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClNvY2tldHM6IFItRyBSIA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkl0ZW0gTGV2ZWw6IDYzDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KKzY5IHRvIG1heGltdW0gTGlmZQ0KKzE4JSB0byBDb2xkIFJlc2lzdGFuY2UNCjE5JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgU3R1biBhbmQgQmxvY2sgUmVjb3ZlcnkNCisxMCB0byBTdHJlbmd0aCBhbmQgSW50ZWxsaWdlbmNlDQo=&w=1",
"encodedData": "UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpCcm9vZCBQYWNlDQpBbnRpcXVlIEdyZWF2ZXMNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpBcm1vdXI6IDEyMg0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClJlcXVpcmVtZW50czoNCkxldmVsOiAzNw0KU3RyOiA2Nw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClNvY2tldHM6IFItRyBSIA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkl0ZW0gTGV2ZWw6IDYzDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KKzY5IHRvIG1heGltdW0gTGlmZQ0KKzE4JSB0byBDb2xkIFJlc2lzdGFuY2UNCjE5JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgU3R1biBhbmQgQmxvY2sgUmVjb3ZlcnkNCisxMCB0byBTdHJlbmd0aCBhbmQgSW50ZWxsaWdlbmNlDQo=",
"encodingError": "",
"league": "Betrayal",
"requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Betrayal&i=UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpCcm9vZCBQYWNlDQpBbnRpcXVlIEdyZWF2ZXMNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpBcm1vdXI6IDEyMg0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClJlcXVpcmVtZW50czoNCkxldmVsOiAzNw0KU3RyOiA2Nw0KLS0tLS0tLS0NClNvY2tldHM6IFItRyBSIA0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCkl0ZW0gTGV2ZWw6IDYzDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KKzY5IHRvIG1heGltdW0gTGlmZQ0KKzE4JSB0byBDb2xkIFJlc2lzdGFuY2UNCjE5JSBpbmNyZWFzZWQgU3R1biBhbmQgQmxvY2sgUmVjb3ZlcnkNCisxMCB0byBTdHJlbmd0aCBhbmQgSW50ZWxsaWdlbmNlDQo="
"failed": "ERROR: Parsing response failed, empty response! "

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