Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100


Im 30, EU, Standard league, lvl 87 necromancer. I am playing since a few month alone, looking for a guilde to share some maps and words.

ign: luisebieber
server: eu
plat: pc
Hey guys,

Looking to play with some people. Been playing path of exile for about a year now, learning more and more everyday.

If there is any recruiting going on I’d be very interested my ign is


Have access to all types of voice services for group play

Thank you

Looking for a active guild to play/chat with while im on. Im still kinda a noob at the game but learning the game from play and youtube vids.

ign: LFemoQT or msg me on discord: Chuert#5764
Looking for a guild, only been playing for a little while. Would be good to have a casual group to play with. I'm in the UK but play at all different times.
Hey all looking for some people to play with new to pc but have played on console since harb!
Looking for a guild to map and chat with. I am a 31 years old man from Finland and enjoy trying different builds and mapping. PM me for details.
Looking to create a guild of exiles looking to help each other out and have some fun. Looking for active and healthy players. New or veterans are welcome. Will be setting up a discord link to gather and come up with a name for this guild.
I'm about a month into PoE and love that fact that I ADORE the game and the fact that I only understand about 3% (if that!) of what's going on! I've had a blast playing solo but really enjoyed playing in groups and learning from others. I play on US servers, PC platform, and would love to find a group to play the new league with!

Any guilds out there looking for an enthusiastic new member?
The Immortal Exiles is looking for new members to join our guild. We are a very chill guild and love to help out others. We are just looking for more people to hang out and play some path of exile. Does not matter how long you have been playing. We just want to have fun and help out others. Just message me on here.
Hi, Im William from Malaysia, playing from Singapore realm. 1.8k hours having fun in POE. Last Ritual league I was able to achieve myself most successful build, Freezing Pulse Totem 25m sdps with :D

Now I'm looking for a friendly and active guild during Ultimatum league start. So if it's ok please accept me brothers and sisters :D

My main: @stepjesus

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