Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100


SSF player looking for a social guild, preferably 18+.

Hit me up in-game :)
Yoyo, trying to look for a casual and active guild. Just started recently and looking to learn more about the game

Region NA
League Ritual SC
Char: Escaflownexxx

Pretty new player in terms of number of leagues played. This is only the second league I play consistently. Im improving quickly though, can beat Sirus at A8 this league, last league I got destroyed by A1 lol!

Looking for a casual guild to have someone to chat with during the lovely grind <3

Zone: EU,
IGN: Zavoc,
Age: 27
LF english speaking guild, in Europe.
In game name: GustavR
Looking for guild, EU player, preferably 18+ guild.
IGN: Aroisme

Semi new player here looking to join a guild I can tag along with and figure things out.
Im kinda new on poe, played a year almost, but played mostly over the last months, im playing alone atm, would be nice to join a guild :-)

IGN: Pennybridge
Zone: EU
Platform: Pc
Leagu: Ritual

Last edited by pennybridge on Feb 21, 2021, 8:44:41 AM
hello there, just trying to find a guild and maybe people to play with

playing at ritual league and catching up
ign: nowandastix
server: eu
plat: pc
Hello guys im looking for some people to play with i've been out of the game 2 years and I dont get jack shit of it anymore with all the new stuff.

ign = rijst

in ritual league

30y old... damn im old
I'm 22 from EU and wanna join an above casual guild. Been playing diablo for long time and used to play poe long ago but never really got into it. Now I'm pushing as much as I can.

Thanks :)

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