Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

mali_medo wrote:
Guide is great, but can't seem to 6link inpulsa after quite a while and hundreds of fusings spent, so i'll probably sell all items for this build.

Bad news/good news?

There's a recipe to force 6 link, which the devs said it's about the same as the average cost to do it one by one.

It's 1500 fuse.

On the bright side you don't NEED a 6l ipulsa to do well.

I'm noob and ghetto geared, and I'm progressing well up reds and trying to steer my second elder to spawn up there.
satancukcan wrote:
sny83 wrote:
satancukcan wrote:
i get one shooted.

Your characters tab is private, so I can't check your jewels/passives, but based on your gear you probably have low life and very low unreserved mana compared to your life total. Remember that with Mind over Matter you need usable mana equal to about 40% of your life in order to not be out of mana when you take a near lethal hit. OOM means you can't even escape the next hit, except by walking.

Consider getting chaos resistance on your gear as well, it really helps vs. Syndicate/Atzoatl/Mastermind and a couple of other boss fights.

i updated, sorry for that.

You forgot to unspec the two crit chance nodes to the left of Lord of the Dead once you picked it up. You also shouldn't need the +30 Strength (maybe even the +30 Dexterity) notable passives to the left of Elemental Overload, since your belt gives you a bit of those stats. Unspec these passives as long as that lets you use your gear and use them to pick up the jewel socket to the right of the Shaper notable passive. That and the small nodes leading up to it should help you gain some mana while you search for more on gear.

Then, look for pieces of gear with more life and mana and pick up the jewel socket below Pain Attunement to add some more from a well rolled Hypnotic Eye jewel.

To get some chaos resistance while you look for gear that grant some, you can unspec 5 small passive points from the scion life wheel and use those to get the life nodes in the Purity of Flesh cluster. You lose a bit of life but the chaos resistance boost will help a lot with some one-shots (e.g. It That Fled, Ancient Construct packs in the Temple of Atzoatl).

Try to keep your resistances 34% above the cap (i.e. near 109%) to be able to run Elemental Weakness maps that have other damage-increasing mods. With the life pool you have, once you fix your mana, you shouldn't be dying much if you keep moving around a lot with Whirling Blades. If you are, you're probably running maps with too many stacking damage mods.

In terms of general upgrades, getting a Wrath leech Watcher's Eye will do wonders for your mana sustain, it should be your next big upgrade.
Geshemancer wrote:
Any advise on what to upgrade next? Got 8~9 Exalted.

Your flasks. You have no immunity flasks whatsoever... how do you survive bleeding or freeze strongboxes?! Also, swap Quicksilver flask for a Sulphur or Basalt flask, you don't need temporary movement speed boosts when you move faster using WB. Don't forget to quality every flask to 20%, it's a big boost to their effectiveness.

After that, the biggest upgrade would be crafting your own multimod shaped daggers. You already have the currency for at least one, even two if you choose cheap bases and have good luck. Follow PerkyPsycho's crafting guide linked in Enki's original build post.

Level 88 here and I'm starting to come across Unique Bosses in mapping (Tier 6-8) where they have the affix of "Resist Elemental Damage" and no damage that I do is getting through at all.

Recently this forced me to require help as Zana spawned a Tier 9 Haunted Unique map and the boss had the identical affix and I couldn't complete the mission otherwise.

I'm following the gem setup 100% the only thing I don't have is the Unique Gear listed, however none of those have Lightning Penetration for stats. Am I doing something wrong?

Not sure how to link my profile of items and links and such but yeah :(

Thank you very much!

Can't help you if your characters tab is hidden.
Last edited by sny83 on Feb 3, 2019, 3:33:19 PM
Geshemancer wrote:
Any advise on what to upgrade next?

Check the flask section of the guide and fix your flasks.

Don't upgrade your daggers until you get a Watcher's Eye Jewel with "x% of Lightning damage is leeched as mana while effected by wrath" and a Clear Mind jewel to fill your empty Jewel sockets. (You could probably upgrade your other jewels at some point too...some of them aren't so great)

Also, your Arcane Surge is way overleveled. It's supposed to be level 6. Buy a new one and stop lvling it at lvl 6.

Your gloves are an inexpensive spot for an upgrade. Look for a pair shaper gloves with "Socketed Gems are supported by Lvl X Advanced Traps" and you can run a Lightning Spire Traps set up with Elemental focus, trap & mine damage, and added lightning damage. This gives you a HUGE source of single target damage and helps tons against higher Reds maps bosses and Syndicate encounters.

You're also missing 3 passive skill points in your tree that you missed while leveling. Type /passives in game and it will tell you what quests you missed so you can go get them.
Last edited by jackieh917 on Feb 3, 2019, 2:55:21 PM
Gratz on 1000!! :)
Wanted to share my lazy man's version of this build! I'm using the new trigger and arcane surge crafts on my daggers to make mapping a one-click affair (with the occasional lightning spire). Here's the setup:

With this you get a max-level Enfeeble, Blind and Storm Brand all auto-cast. And arcane surge is up 90% of the time.

With the freed up gem slots I have the full lightning spire setup, a 4 link CWDT setup and then both golems connected to a minion life gem (so they stop dying all the time).
Your flasks. You have no immunity flasks whatsoever... how do you survive bleeding or freeze strongboxes?! Also, swap Quicksilver flask for a Sulphur or Basalt flask, you don't need temporary movement speed boosts when you move faster using WB. Don't forget to quality every flask to 20%, it's a big boost to their effectiveness.

After that, the biggest upgrade would be crafting your own multimod shaped daggers. You already have the currency for at least one, even two if you choose cheap bases and have good luck. Follow PerkyPsycho's crafting guide linked in Enki's original build post.

jackieh917 wrote:
Geshemancer wrote:
Any advise on what to upgrade next?

Check the flask section of the guide and fix your flasks.

Don't upgrade your daggers until you get a Watcher's Eye Jewel with "x% of Lightning damage is leeched as mana while effected by wrath" and a Clear Mind jewel to fill your empty Jewel sockets. (You could probably upgrade your other jewels at some point too...some of them aren't so great)

Also, your Arcane Surge is way overleveled. It's supposed to be level 6. Buy a new one and stop lvling it at lvl 6.

Your gloves are an inexpensive spot for an upgrade. Look for a pair shaper gloves with "Socketed Gems are supported by Lvl X Advanced Traps" and you can run a Lightning Spire Traps set up with Elemental focus, trap & mine damage, and added lightning damage. This gives you a HUGE source of single target damage and helps tons against higher Reds maps bosses and Syndicate encounters.

You're also missing 3 passive skill points in your tree that you missed while leveling. Type /passives in game and it will tell you what quests you missed so you can go get them.

Thanks for the advise. I didn't even thought that my flasks were a problem, they always worked like i wanted them.
but ill see what i can do.

About crafting my own daggers, I didn't even want to consider that option cause i'm super unlucky when it comes to crafting stuff.
So i would rather just buy the gear.
I can buy the necessary watcher's eye right now, but is it really worth my 2EX before I upgrade other gear?
And about the Arcane Surge, what if i 20% quality it and start leveling it so 6 then? Will it be better that way?

Geshemancer wrote:
Thanks for the advise. I didn't even thought that my flasks were a problem, they always worked like i wanted them. but ill see what i can do.

About crafting my own daggers, I didn't even want to consider that option cause i'm super unlucky when it comes to crafting stuff.
So i would rather just buy the gear.
I can buy the necessary watcher's eye right now, but is it really worth my 2EX before I upgrade other gear?
And about the Arcane Surge, what if i 20% quality it and start leveling it so 6 then? Will it be better that way?

If you want to survive high level maps, you need to address your flasks. Period. I'm sure you can buy the magic flasks you need for 10-15c each or you can craft them yourself very easily. Beast crafting makes it even easier in Betrayal. Make sure you follow the guide because Enki lays out what you need very well. If you're unsure, take a look at what me or some of the other folks answering questions are running with. Or just ask if you need clarification.

As for daggers - I completely get being intimidating by crafting. Prior to this league I'd never crafted anything myself. If you have a basic understanding of how transmutes, augments and regals and anuls work, it is *much* cheaper to make a multimod dagger yourself than to buy one and I highly recommend doing that than rather than overpaying for one. Each dagger will increase your DPS by upwards of 20% and they are a signifigant upgrade that is well worth the time. You can spend as little as 3-10c on a base and 2.5~ex on the crafts and have a great weapon. If I managed it, I honestly believe anyone can!

Yes, buy the Watcher's Eye now. Not only do you gain a HUGE quality of life increase, you also gain Onslaught (20% MS, cast/attack speed which improves your dps and movement which increases your survivablility) and Culling Strike (mobs/bosses @ 10% health keel over and die).

Your Arcane Surge is level 20. You can sell it to a vendor with a Gemcutters Prism for a lvl 1 20% Arcane surge and lvl that to lvl 6 if you want to. Really the damage storm brand does is kind of irrelevant so the quality doesn't matter much. It's only used to proc arcane surge and the other linked spells (onslaught and culling strike, most likely.)
Last edited by jackieh917 on Feb 3, 2019, 8:37:02 PM
jackieh917 wrote:
Geshemancer wrote:
Thanks for the advise. I didn't even thought that my flasks were a problem, they always worked like i wanted them. but ill see what i can do.

About crafting my own daggers, I didn't even want to consider that option cause i'm super unlucky when it comes to crafting stuff.
So i would rather just buy the gear.
I can buy the necessary watcher's eye right now, but is it really worth my 2EX before I upgrade other gear?
And about the Arcane Surge, what if i 20% quality it and start leveling it so 6 then? Will it be better that way?

If you want to survive high level maps, you need to address your flasks. Period. I'm sure you can buy the magic flasks you need for 10-15c each or you can craft them yourself very easily. Beast crafting makes it even easier in Betrayal. Make sure you follow the guide because Enki lays out what you need very well. If you're unsure, take a look at what me or some of the other folks answering questions are running with. Or just ask if you need clarification.

As for daggers - I completely get being intimidating by crafting. Prior to this league I'd never crafted anything myself. If you have a basic understanding of how transmutes, augments and regals and anuls work, it is *much* cheaper to make a multimod dagger yourself than to buy one and I highly recommend doing that than rather than overpaying for one. Each dagger will increase your DPS by upwards of 20% and they are a signifigant upgrade that is well worth the time. You can spend as little as 3-10c on a base and 2.5~ex on the crafts and have a great weapon. If I managed it, I honestly believe anyone can!

Yes, buy the Watcher's Eye now. Not only do you gain a HUGE quality of life increase, you also gain Onslaught (20% MS, cast/attack speed which improves your dps and movement which increases your survivablility) and Culling Strike (mobs/bosses @ 10% health keel over and die).

Your Arcane Surge is level 20. You can sell it to a vendor with a Gemcutters Prism for a lvl 1 20% Arcane surge and lvl that to lvl 6 if you want to. Really the damage storm brand does is kind of irrelevant so the quality doesn't matter much. It's only used to proc arcane surge and the other linked spells (onslaught and culling strike, most likely.)

First of all, thanks you for the clarification and help.
I just bought a watcher's eye and gloves with mine fixes.
Plus crafted my flasks.
My current setup is as follows:

I had no trouble running tier 15 maps even prior to the changes i just made.
I killed red elder easily. but when it came to the bosses of higher tier maps, did did kill me very easily and very often, that made my experience feel like i'm playing a glass canon type of character and it wasn't my impression from the build when i first saw it, so maybe i'm doing something wrong.
BTW i didn't try T16 yet, so i have nothing to say about the difficulty of those maps.

But after i changed my gloves to the new trap/mine thingy, i had to relocate my Whirling Blades gem to somewhere, that being my dagger.
But that means i lost all of my supporting gem to Whirling Blades.
So what am i supposed to do with my gem setup now?

And where do i go from here?
Last edited by Geshemancer on Feb 3, 2019, 9:09:09 PM
cpaz167 wrote:

Most of my deaths in the later game have come from some sort of bleed that I didn't notice in time. I try to focus on watching for that, but I get into a rhythm and lose sight of it. It can happen in a flash.

I had the same issue with bleed. I think 2/3 of my total deaths were from not noticing it.

You can buy a corrupted clear mind Jewell with "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" (I'm dodgy on the wording and on my phone at pres). I picked one up for 30c ish and it's one of the best things I bought. I was able to drop the bleed flask to run a cold flask.

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