Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

jackieh917 wrote:
Geshemancer wrote:
Any advise on what to upgrade next?

Check the flask section of the guide and fix your flasks.

Don't upgrade your daggers until you get a Watcher's Eye Jewel with "x% of Lightning damage is leeched as mana while effected by wrath" and a Clear Mind jewel to fill your empty Jewel sockets. (You could probably upgrade your other jewels at some point too...some of them aren't so great)

Also, your Arcane Surge is way overleveled. It's supposed to be level 6. Buy a new one and stop lvling it at lvl 6.

Your gloves are an inexpensive spot for an upgrade. Look for a pair shaper gloves with "Socketed Gems are supported by Lvl X Advanced Traps" and you can run a Lightning Spire Traps set up with Elemental focus, trap & mine damage, and added lightning damage. This gives you a HUGE source of single target damage and helps tons against higher Reds maps bosses and Syndicate encounters.

You're also missing 3 passive skill points in your tree that you missed while leveling. Type /passives in game and it will tell you what quests you missed so you can go get them.

Was gonna say same. Ditch mana flask, get watchers eye. Etc..
rvaHammer wrote:
jackieh917 wrote:
Geshemancer wrote:
Any advise on what to upgrade next?

Check the flask section of the guide and fix your flasks.

Don't upgrade your daggers until you get a Watcher's Eye Jewel with "x% of Lightning damage is leeched as mana while effected by wrath" and a Clear Mind jewel to fill your empty Jewel sockets. (You could probably upgrade your other jewels at some point too...some of them aren't so great)

Also, your Arcane Surge is way overleveled. It's supposed to be level 6. Buy a new one and stop lvling it at lvl 6.

Your gloves are an inexpensive spot for an upgrade. Look for a pair shaper gloves with "Socketed Gems are supported by Lvl X Advanced Traps" and you can run a Lightning Spire Traps set up with Elemental focus, trap & mine damage, and added lightning damage. This gives you a HUGE source of single target damage and helps tons against higher Reds maps bosses and Syndicate encounters.

You're also missing 3 passive skill points in your tree that you missed while leveling. Type /passives in game and it will tell you what quests you missed so you can go get them.

Was gonna say same. Ditch mana flask, get watchers eye. Etc..

Did both, i updated my gear a bit, you can see it if you scroll up 2 comments.
I'm a bit stuck on what to do next when it comes to gem placement and getting a better gear that would keep my resisted at 75, because when i searched for a new helmet or boots, it always didn't match the resists that i needed to keep them at 75.
Geshemancer wrote:

I'm a bit stuck on what to do next when it comes to gem placement and getting a better gear that would keep my resisted at 75, because when i searched for a new helmet or boots, it always didn't match the resists that i needed to keep them at 75.

Get rid of your mana leech gem. You don't need it any more since you get your mana leech from your Watcher's Eye Jewel. Replace it with Onslaught. Replace Increased Duration with Culling Strike. Level these and quality both of these to 20% when you can.

The downside of going with the the LST setup in gloves is that you do need to drop Enfeeble and CWDT. The single target damage is SO worth it, though. You can get rid of both of those gems in your dagger. Add Faster Attacks and Fortify back to that same dagger with Whirling blades.

You'll also need to drop either Decoy totem or Flame dash. Most people opt to get rid of Decoy totem and keep Flame dash since it's incredibly useful in maps to cross gaps/leap over obstructions. You can do what you're comfortable with.

As for your resistances, look to get more resistances in your helm slot. You have a lot of room for improvement there. Remember, you have Mind Over Matter and hits take mana before they take life. Getting mana rolls on gear is just as good as life. While your (non-unique) ring is good DPS wise, it has low resists and low life -- that could be improved upon, as well.
Hello everybody!

I tried to find an answer in the few previous pages but didn't manage to find it.

Can you help me to decide which mod of the watcher's eye is the better for boss damage ?
- Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath
- #% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath

Here is my PoB if somebody wants to check: https://pastebin.com/0fax5J29

Thank you and sorry if the question is already answered somewhere :)

Anyone interested in some multi-craft-ready daggers?

EDIT: All SOLD. Sorry guys good luck !
Last edited by Les_Onardo on Feb 5, 2019, 11:20:28 PM
Hello guys!

Firtly I would really like to thanks Enki for this great build guide, it's my first character in PoE and I really like!

Recently I've started doing T11 map+ and I have really great issues with survivability especially against syndicate members which almost one shot me down. I think damage output is fine.

Could you please look onto my char and tell me what's bad? Or is it normal to die like this?
kubicka wrote:
Hello guys!

Firtly I would really like to thanks Enki for this great build guide, it's my first character in PoE and I really like!

Recently I've started doing T11 map+ and I have really great issues with survivability especially against syndicate members which almost one shot me down. I think damage output is fine.

Could you please look onto my char and tell me what's bad? Or is it normal to die like this?

You need to set your character tab to public.
Still in the mud
You need to set your character tab to public.

Oh sorry, I didn't see that it's not public. It's fixed now.
kubicka wrote:
You need to set your character tab to public.

Oh sorry, I didn't see that it's not public. It's fixed now.

Other than not having switched to daggers (get two cheap ones for 1-5 chaos while you gather currency for crafting your own), having no life on jewels (buy or craft Hypnotic Eye jewels with 30+ life and lightning damage/shock effect/cast speed mods), no freeze immunity flask (reroll your Basalt flask to get it) and not having any chaos resistance (unspec 5 small life nodes from the Scion life wheel and pick up the entire Purity of Flesh cluster and look for at least one rare piece of gear that has 20+ chaos res), there's not much wrong with your build, so I guess this is a playstyle issue or you're rolling your maps way too hard.

You could get more life from boots and helmet slots, but you're probably not moving around enough to avoid their abilities. Syndicate abilities pretty much require you to reposition after casting a few Arcs their way. This will become much easier once you switch to daggers and Whirling Blades, as there's less downtime from using your movement skill and WB is just more reliable overall to escape danger.

On the topic of jewels, it baffles me how so many people are running around with gear worth over 10 exalts but completely neglect their jewels. In my experience you can craft a Hypnotic Eye Jewel with 30+ life and two useful damage mods from around 6-700 alterations and some regal orbs, all of which you can find while farming and don't need to pay for them. I haven't bought a single jewel this league from players and have jewels that offer 100 more effective HP and 1-2% more DPS than those linked by players struggling with survivability. Treat jewel slots as though they were gear slots and upgrade them along with gear once you get currency. They make a big difference when added up.

Maxnonimous wrote:
Hello everybody!

I tried to find an answer in the few previous pages but didn't manage to find it.

Can you help me to decide which mod of the watcher's eye is the better for boss damage ?
- Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath
- #% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath

Here is my PoB if somebody wants to check: https://pastebin.com/0fax5J29

Thank you and sorry if the question is already answered somewhere :)

Assuming the mods are perfectly rolled and you have other sources of increased lightning damage (which you do if you've followed the guide), the penetration affix will always beat the increased lightning damage affix in terms of damage.

Geshemancer wrote:

First of all, thanks you for the clarification and help.
I just bought a watcher's eye and gloves with mine fixes.
Plus crafted my flasks.
My current setup is as follows:

I had no trouble running tier 15 maps even prior to the changes i just made.
I killed red elder easily. but when it came to the bosses of higher tier maps, did did kill me very easily and very often, that made my experience feel like i'm playing a glass canon type of character and it wasn't my impression from the build when i first saw it, so maybe i'm doing something wrong.
BTW i didn't try T16 yet, so i have nothing to say about the difficulty of those maps.

But after i changed my gloves to the new trap/mine thingy, i had to relocate my Whirling Blades gem to somewhere, that being my dagger.
But that means i lost all of my supporting gem to Whirling Blades.
So what am i supposed to do with my gem setup now?

And where do i go from here?

As jackieh917 said, readd the support gems to Whirling Blades, they make a big difference. I don't quite agree with dropping Enfeeble from the build to do it, though.

I know this thread loves Lightning Spire trap, and for good reason: it's super strong for single target damage. But surrendering one of the few defensive options the build has to get it isn't going to help new players survive longer all of a sudden. If you're a more defensive-minded player (like me), what you can do instead is modify your Storm Brand 4-link to use Curse on Hit + lvl20 Enfeeble and either Culling Strike or Blind, depending on whether you want to stack more offense or more defense. This turns your Storm Brand into one big debuff button for your enemies and a buff button for yourself, which even at 60% reduced curse effectiveness on Syndicate members reduces their damage, crit chance and crit multiplier by 13% and their accuracy by 16%, assuming your gems are qualitied. With Blind as the fourth link, it gets even better at mitigating incoming damage.

Sure, I don't melt Shaper guardians in 3 seconds with this setup, but I'm fine with killing them in 10-15, when the benefit is me never once having died to either them or T15-T16 Syndicate, despite never skipping them, I'm okay with this trade-off. My only two Syndicate deaths were to Mastermind and those were due to not knowing the mechanics.

As for Arcane Surge, you still get to keep it in the build by linking it and an Increased Duration support to Flame Dash in one of your daggers, which allows you to add two levels to it, making it an even bigger damage buff. If you got lucky and got a nice dagger with "Socketed gems are supported by lvl## Faster Casting", you can even use a lvl10 AS and enjoy lightning fast Flame Dashes that help you keep the buff up safely all the time.
Last edited by sny83 on Feb 4, 2019, 5:16:21 AM

That’s my current setup I can easily clear anything besides U Elder any advice for improving towards them? Should I switch to daggers? I was also thinking about switching to elder essence worm and mark of the shaper any thought?

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