[PIG] Pigs Are Great: Casual guild focused on kindness, generosity, and helping new exiles [89/100]

Welcome to all the newest members. I like the increase in growth. I just donated some points. Lets get some more new players in Rampage....I feel all lonely all the time :D
Hey! I'm a relatively new exile playin rampage and trying to get into maps and late game content soon.

My IGN is : TwoFingerGuns

Hope you hear from ya.
I like pigs, so why dont we be friends?

ign is fatdirtybastard

Kind of new, like two-days-into-the-game new.

dunno what im doing besides hacking and slashing
Hey Guys,

im not the newest player, but never made it to Endgame before the fun ran out.
A nice community would help keep me attached to the game! and i also like Pigs.

Im from Germany, but english is not at all a problem.

I always like Guilds where Fun is more important than progress.

Why dont you contact me ingame?

IGN: Riffkalk

I like to eat pigs... I mean I like pigs! :D

I just started the game yesterday and have so much questions I want to ask!

Please recruit me,


I'd like to join your Guild. I'm a 26 years old a web designer. I'm quite active on several gaming communities. Thanks for your consideration.

My ign is DarthxxHue. I have 2 other accounts tho. One is DarthxxJew and the other is DarthxxHebrew.

The latter is a Witch i had made and messed up on, and the DarthxxJew one is a Duelist that i like, but not enough to keep it going. Both of em are level 40+ i believe.

The new one, DarthxxHue is a Shadow, and im following a build i had found on the forums.

I'm a casual player pretty much, logging in into POE every now and then to chill after work.
Don't care too much about efficiency, playing mostly unconventional stuff for the fun of it.
Most characters are on Standard, but I have one witch on Rampage that I particularly enjoy playing ATM, so I spend a lot of time there. Highest level is 65, not because I'm hitting walls I can't pass, but because I want to try other builds that come to mind. ^^

Playing solo and self-found with little trading every now and then, mostly because I don't feel like interacting with random people, so I was really attracted to your laid-back approach to membership. It is unlikely that I'd donate, though, since I rarely have any excess money, or TeamSpeak - I live in dorms, don't like to bother neighbours speaking - but if you're fine with that, I'd really like to join!

IGN is Lyratia.
Last edited by Flammere on Oct 1, 2014, 4:00:39 AM
If you still have an opening for a new member. I would be eager to join.

IGN = HalfTonMcGregor

I usually play mid-mornings, and early evenings UK time.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
My name is Josh and my IGN is Ishtariia. I'm 28 years old and work for a bank account services call center. I'm extremely new to the game , just started this morning, and I thoroughly enjoy playing it. I would be willing to donate points as well to increase guild member slots.

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