More Forsaken Masters Information

chosk80 wrote:
Maxwells wrote:

Good luck on Finding 1500 fuses. Fuses will be even More scarce than it was in the recent league. Fuse prices will sky rocket so the ones who will be able to use this ''guaranteed'' thing will still be the 1%'ers. Nothing will change.

I farmed 2000 fuses in 1,5 month. The problem with you is that you want your 6L yesterday. You can trade , farm dominus and vendors are there.. what else you need? Its ARPG game the phylosophy around it is based on grind , dont w8 for santa claus.. GRIND!

You must be joking.

That can be done in a fucking week or two at max after you get a high magic find char up and safe enough to redo dominus over and over again.

I average about 15 to 20 alts selling off all the rare items per run.

takes me 2 days of intense playing to fill up a whole stash with jewellers

converting jewellers to fusings id 4 : 1 ratio thats not very hard.

not to mention that you might pick up fusings and jewllers along the way and maybe an exalt or 2 and other currencies plus very sellable uniques which you can resell easy for fusings.

pretty sure it doesn't take 1.5 months to get 1500 fuse.

what if I simply dont want to do this? Why and I forced to do this?
Route1 wrote:
chosk80 wrote:

You must be joking.

That can be done in a fucking week or two at max after you get a high magic find char up and safe enough to redo dominus over and over again.

I average about 15 to 20 alts selling off all the rare items per run.

takes me 2 days of intense playing to fill up a whole stash with jewellers

converting jewellers to fusings id 4 : 1 ratio thats not very hard.

not to mention that you might pick up fusings and jewllers along the way and maybe an exalt or 2 and other currencies plus very sellable uniques which you can resell easy for fusings.

pretty sure it doesn't take 1.5 months to get 1500 fuse.

what if I simply dont want to do this? Why and I forced to do this?

While I don't agree that two days of intense farming is all it takes by the average player to get 1500 fuse, I don't understand your objection to having to grind. This game is all about grinding...
chosk80 wrote:
Maxwells wrote:

Good luck on Finding 1500 fuses. Fuses will be even More scarce than it was in the recent league. Fuse prices will sky rocket so the ones who will be able to use this ''guaranteed'' thing will still be the 1%'ers. Nothing will change.

I farmed 2000 fuses in 1,5 month. The problem with you is that you want your 6L yesterday. You can trade , farm dominus and vendors are there.. what else you need? Its ARPG game the phylosophy around it is based on grind , dont w8 for santa claus.. GRIND!

You must be joking.

That can be done in a fucking week or two at max after you get a high magic find char up and safe enough to redo dominus over and over again.

I average about 15 to 20 alts selling off all the rare items per run.

takes me 2 days of intense playing to fill up a whole stash with jewellers

converting jewellers to fusings id 4 : 1 ratio thats not very hard.

not to mention that you might pick up fusings and jewllers along the way and maybe an exalt or 2 and other currencies plus very sellable uniques which you can resell easy for fusings.

pretty sure it doesn't take 1.5 months to get 1500 fuse.

You must be joking 15-20 alts per run, where your run starts (iin "The city of sarn"?) and how long you need for that run .... full inv of rares is about 2-3 alts

GGG needs to check your logs, i am rlly concerned that u violate game rules and duplicate your items at vendor.
Last edited by Coolmer on Aug 2, 2014, 9:01:41 AM

oh, I'm completely fine with grinding and farming, but I have zero interest in flipping currency. I don't like to trade and flip half my time playing. Its just not fun to me.
bredin wrote:
maarthor wrote:
So what about snapshotting ? Will it be removed ? If yes, this will destroy my main character build. If not, what will be the change. Please someone answer me. Thanks

Snapshotting(tm) is gone.

you used an unintended mechanic for deliberate gain (since you seem to be saying that your character cant possibly work without it, which i doubt very highly) and due to this you will have to experience one of the better aspects of PoE.

OTOH, hotswapping will become a 'thing' ;)


After a few changes and some new items my build is fix already. Loosing some dps but hey its all good :)
Route1 wrote:

oh, I'm completely fine with grinding and farming, but I have zero interest in flipping currency. I don't like to trade and flip half my time playing. Its just not fun to me.

Monster slaying should outweigh the trading game by 80 to 20 percent but its more like hanging out in hideouts and crafting stuff and trading for orbs and items is more of an objective in POE.

Too, bad imagine how good this game was if crafting was secondary and trading minimal, monster slaying could be truly fun.
Route1 wrote:

oh, I'm completely fine with grinding and farming, but I have zero interest in flipping currency. I don't like to trade and flip half my time playing. Its just not fun to me.

Monster slaying should outweigh the trading game by 80 to 20 percent but its more like hanging out in hideouts and crafting stuff and trading for orbs and items is more of an objective in POE.

Too, bad imagine how good this game was if crafting was secondary and trading minimal, monster slaying could be truly fun.

true, sadly thus game seems to be moving more into being a trading simulator. If you have to spend so much time scrambling for currency and flipping things it takes away from the game immensely for a lot of people. So basically if you don't want to spend hours trading and flipping youre STILL shit out of luck in a.lot of ways.
dailies, player homes, random pointless nerfs to the passive tree, buying uniques from vendors (that's gotta be a world's first), etc.

hyped as heck

Last edited by XclXcl on Aug 2, 2014, 1:07:39 PM
chosk80 wrote:
Maxwells wrote:

Good luck on Finding 1500 fuses. Fuses will be even More scarce than it was in the recent league. Fuse prices will sky rocket so the ones who will be able to use this ''guaranteed'' thing will still be the 1%'ers. Nothing will change.

I farmed 2000 fuses in 1,5 month. The problem with you is that you want your 6L yesterday. You can trade , farm dominus and vendors are there.. what else you need? Its ARPG game the phylosophy around it is based on grind , dont w8 for santa claus.. GRIND!

You must be joking.

That can be done in a fucking week or two at max after you get a high magic find char up and safe enough to redo dominus over and over again.

I average about 15 to 20 alts selling off all the rare items per run.

takes me 2 days of intense playing to fill up a whole stash with jewellers

converting jewellers to fusings id 4 : 1 ratio thats not very hard.

not to mention that you might pick up fusings and jewllers along the way and maybe an exalt or 2 and other currencies plus very sellable uniques which you can resell easy for fusings.

pretty sure it doesn't take 1.5 months to get 1500 fuse.

No i am dead serious. Not everyone 24/7 and for sure i am not a bot. Need sleep , food and real life. You do it in two weeks (which is impossible), i do it in 1,5 month.
Last edited by PureRhymes on Aug 2, 2014, 1:16:13 PM
Those complaining about fusing prices... uhh the vendor sells them for 8 alts so they can't go higher than that (and you can probably get them cheaper from masters..)

When you play normally, you use fusings randomly and as you need them.. with a price of 1500 you have something to aim for with a guarenteed outcome rather than gathering what you think is enough and then hoping for the best. It's a fantastic addition.

Trading simulator LOL almost fell out of my seat. What you want is what D3 is, so go play that. They're even trying to copy POE with ladders and realms or whatever they're called so you'll feel right at home. But when you inevitably come back to POE, don't try and impose your bullshit "i don't wanna trade or grind or earn anything I DESERVE A 6 LINK" attitude on the rest of us.

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