
i hope for these few things as a result from all of this snapshot balance.

1. improve summon passives {DO NOT REBALANCE BASED OFF ITEM!!!} if anything make all summon uniques legacy summoner items and improve the none legacy.

2. increase %value of aura passives. make REAL group of aura passives in-between duelist/ranger. also one to the left of the hp globe in-between mara and templar.

3. make RF less dependent on requiring snapshoting. obviously this is why it has gotten to this fix the dam skill finally. its gettin old. reduce the burning damage to u and enemy the on each side by something. finally making the skill more accessible to those who choose to use it.

if necasary make rf damage to the enemy no longer based off life like searing bond.

spell damage amount to 35% - 54% add this to leveling the skill(.5%-1.05% life regen per sec)
2. enemy burn for 45% of ur life per sec.
3. change quality bonus to this!

A .5%-1.05% to max fire resist
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Jun 18, 2014, 8:44:11 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Bada_Bing wrote:
How will poison trapster like RaizQT's build of the week s2e6 be affected by that? Will the poison cloud still get the benefit of the traps's more damage? After all it isn't the trap that releases the cloud but the arrow that gets released by the trap.
The poison cloud is still part of the skill the trap used, it will be affected.
Sneakypaw wrote:
So the part of "is not "trap damage" or "mine damage" so will not be affected by modifiers to either" should not affect minions.
These will not apply to skills used by minions, as those skills didn't come directly from a trap/mine.

How about the explosion from Explosive Arrow?
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Like the poison cloud, it's a direct effect of the skill being used by the trap mine.
Summoners require more skill gems then other classes. And snapshotting gave them "room".

Without snapshot, there has to be another way to give them room without sacrificing support gems.

As with another post,

Minions rely almost exclusively on gems vs gear for there power unlike other classes. This is a huge loss. And uniques for minions?...word. Personally there should not be any low level minion uniques because those are the source of power beyond gems.

And I like the idea of minions being "specialized", which you have to choose between specializing in skeletons, zombies, spectres, skulls, etc.

This opens up a lot of doors for GGG I think and the players. And would also clear up a lot of clutter that summoners have to deal with.

I was concerned because the explosion has its own crit chance etc.

Long live the not-so-popular EA Trapper!
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Really looking forward to seeing how they will change summoners. If they balance it properly it will be a great QoL improvement for sure. Not having to snapshot everytime one logs on to be able to do anything.

Seems like a huge project to me. I would expect GGG to change a bunch, if not most, of the summoner uniques, passives and gems. I myself have been doing a lot of snapshotting on multiple summoners in the past couple of leagues, and its true that you can get by without it, but once you get to 74+ maps it really starts to feel lackluster especially if you're running with a grp. In grps its just embarrassing without snapshotting - period.

I've played summoner a long time 'cause I enjoy the playstyle and dont like to just mash 1-2 buttons, like a lot of the topend builds. Which brings me to the amount of gemslots that are needed as a summoner - this is another major reason snapshotting is/was needed.
I would like to be able to run 4-5auras, Flesh/Bone Offering, Lightning Warp, Convocation, Rejuvenation Totem, one curse and perhaps even a Vaal skill if its not asking too much. Now, if I want all or just some of these I have to swap out gems for me to have enough room for them, its that simple. On top of that I wont be able to link any support gems with these skills (Faster Casting, Inc Duration etc.), which is a bummer aswell.

Just to be clear, I totally agree that snapshotting should be removed, but the summoner will need some serious changes for it to be HC/endgame viable afterwards I reckon.

Keep up the good work GGG \o/

Mark_GGG wrote:

Mizzajl wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Minions generated with a set level will not increase in level when the gem enabling them levels up. If such a gem levels up while you have minions active, the change in minion level will only be reflected in newly-raised minions.
Why? :(
Because levels on monsters are part of what type of thing they are. A level 42 Zombie has the object type "Zombie@42". Unlike players, where level is just a stat, a monster's level is a fundamental part of what type of thing it is, and cannot be changed. We'd like to have them update, but we can't.
Mizzajl wrote:
What about Auras? If I'm using Anger level 10 and it levels up, do I have to recast it? or if when I level up I get some aura affecting passive?
Auras don't have their own levels like monsters do - levelling the gem just changes stats, which will update automatically.

Thanks for the reply, I look forward to these changes :)
Finally! IMHO snapshotting is cheating!
Keep the good work guys!
Mark_GGG wrote:

This means that if you place a mine that throws a trap that shoots a fireball, the fireball came from a trap and gets trap damage modifiers, but not mine damage modifiers. It came from the trap, not the mine.

Could you clarify this a little bit? Lets say I have Fireball linked to Remote Mine and Trap. Are you basically saying that once Fireball casts, it will lose the more damage multiplier from Remote Mine since it cast from the Trap instead of the Mine, essentially making Remote Mine + Trap support combo pointless?
Ghazzy wrote:
Since this thread is being monitored by the devs to get honest opinions and thoughts on solutions for builds that will lose their potentials in clearing both regular as well as Uber atziri maps.. Here are my general thoughts:

Remake the quality bonus on the minion gems, specifically Spectres and Raging Spirits, there is not a single soul in this game that cares about movement speed as a summoner. The minions reaches movement speed cap with Haste aura and Flesh Offering.

Increase Zombie HP scaling, even the % HP from the quality would be a good way of solving this as well.

Potentially overlook the idea of having Enlighten - Empower - Enhance provide their bonuses towards other gems besides Active Skill Gems only.

Increase the stats provided to minions via the passive tree, resistances included. And consider adding/changing so that we can gain an additional spectre from the tree (yes, +2 from tree).

Do not increase the ammount of points we need to spend on minions in the tree as creating a summoner build available for regular as well as Uber atziri maps without snapshotting auras is a hell and pure pain when it comes to the pricetag of such gear that will require resistances as well as a good chunk of ES (as i've heard of no HP build being capable of uber yet i'm strictly considering ES builds in these thoughts).

Change Blood Magic gem to not affect RESERVED ammount with it's multiplier.

DO NOT, let me repeat that DO NOT add more unique summoner items to solve this as they will have the highest possible pricetag anyone could deem imaginable. (of course it would be a nice addition to the game, but for the sake of the entire summoner community, wait with such releases)

Consider in the future to add minion affecting stats to the possible craftables, such as a minion modifier on amulets/rings (blue/rare).

After some discussion with a few other summoners, a guy brought up the suggestion of adding an additional minion that would be bigger, stronger, but could only have 1-2 of that sort to be the big truck so to say. (I do not personally like that suggestion but i thought i should post it anyways).

Change minion defensive nodes to affect you as a summoner as well as your minions
* Minions gets +10% increased life
* You get 10% increased life
* You get 10% increased energy shield

Increase attack speed of zombies (sometimes in maps (if not linked to faster attacks, but with multistrike) they can stand stil and strike a few times in the air whilst the enemy has already moved to a different country.

And last but by far not least, minion controls:
At the moment if i "attack" in the air they will be (in most cases) moving/attack anything where i am hovering my mouse.
It would be great if said control options would actually have the minion prioritize what ever target the summoner is hitting or prioritize moving to the target the summoner is hitting towards if not targeting something. This will be very beneficial for boss fights where movement can be crucial, such as Uber Atziri 4x Clone Phase.

I'll post more ideas/suggestions when they come to mind, but thats the general ideas i have.

I completely disagree with this post content, I do not want to have overpowered summoners as of today. All those proposals would make it completely imba. Removing the snapshot is a fine balancing on itself and I do not want zombie with 12k HP that insta rape any bosse when I am afk.
The only thing that have to be balanced are summoner unique, most of them will never be played because the gain is not significant vs the drawback to use them.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone#6946 on Jun 19, 2014, 2:56:11 AM

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