The new ladder website - current state

Even though I disagree with the idea of a signature ladder in the first place, you cannot possibly think that a player dying should be equal to the player not participating.

This would be a filter option. I said once with and once without rips.
You can easily set Rips to 0 and it includes all races.

I think Season 1 and part of Season 2 didn't list rips at all.

Create an accurate ladder on season 1 or 2.

This option would only show races with the ability on good results but high rip rates.

Imagine Blamt or a Blamt like Race would become a Signature Race.
Everybody would have got high rip rates and somebody doing 2 races both survived as #1 would be #1 in that ladder.

That's the whole point. Any one have chance to be in top-50 in regular ladder, its pretty easy to be in top-20 either. Regular ladder means nothing.

No my point is that Rank 4-10 barely make any difference. This is your "close to #1 point"
The regular ladder already treats 6-10 as the same rank.

I tried that already, this system will reflect only participation. However, I'll try to add something that will do this thing for results that is very close to record.

Calculate the avg experience.
Sort the Top experience.

Something like:

Score = Score + Top/(Top + 1 - Overaverageexp);

This way somebody scoring close to the Top many times will receive many points.

Of course you can adjust the function so differences won't be huge.

Can some one tell me if its works on chrome now?
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
Yeah working on chrome for me now.
IGN: Hybris_the_StormHerald - Nemesis
Season 3 - #3 Marauder - #15 overall points
Season 4 - #2 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #9 overall points
Season 5 - #1 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #20 overall points
Added profiles and records through all seasons for specific race type into php+mysql version
Old version
New version (buggy)
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
jstq wrote:
Added profiles and records through all seasons for specific race type into php+mysql version

Nice! Cool to see the cross season/class records.
Last edited by Throzz#3388 on Jun 9, 2014, 7:59:12 PM
Should I do cross season ladders? How would you like to see them?
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
Last edited by jstq#1440 on Jun 9, 2014, 7:30:01 PM
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
can we get a recap of what formula you are using jstq? thanks!

No worries, No way to show that Alk is "shitty" at racing "now".

or streaming races.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
jstq wrote:

can you make it so you can see how many races people have participated in? check all lvl3+ characters for each individual races

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