Client-server Action Synchronisation

love to know when desync is finally fixed so I can return, but as of now I wont be playing poe until its been drastically improved.

Love the game, amazing, but this one major flaw is a serious problem.

- adios.
"""Honestly, PoE is one of the best games I've ever played, love the FFX kinda skill tree and the way skillsgems work, and with the new masters expansion is awesome.

Its a shame that such a good game is really messed up by desync, its just awful to play it this way, I would prefer the MOBA mechanic, I dont mind waiting less than 1/4 a second if this way my client represents exactly what is going on (Its better 200 ms added to my reaction time than 3 or 4 seconds of desync ""

totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!
I read the majority of this thread but no one ever says this one suggestion-
Can they not release a single player offline version of the game that is completely separate to the leagues. This way if people are cheating or whatever it won't effect anyone but the person who is doing it.... kinda like the legality of drugs. It would be nice for me to be in sync...

On a side not , even the forum has syncing issues, copy and pasted from above my post as i write it:

Draft out of sync. Saved at 11:13:11 pm, September 2nd 2014
So, there is a /oos command, there is a small script, that bind it to hotkey, could GGG just add some option into the game client like *send /oos command every 5 sec* ?
The17nth wrote:
So, there is a /oos command, there is a small script, that bind it to hotkey, could GGG just add some option into the game client like *send /oos command every 5 sec* ?
just read the damn topic, /oos every N seconds is worse than manual /oos
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Decided to see if there was a dev response to anything, ended up with a question for Mark:

Mark_GGG wrote:

The reason why resync-on-stun is a viable and useful feature that improved sync is that during a stun you're definitely not moving, sidestepping this issue.

If this is the case, then why are players and enemies not resynced when using a skill? Is it purely because of the existance of movement skills? They are the only time in the game where you can be both moving and using a skill at the same time.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Its an easy fix to desync, remove exp penalty.
UNTIL you fixed it....then you can turn it back on

IT will never be fixed ever in this game, until they make a new engine.

You just cant fix the issue with this engine.
So will this ever be fixed? that question hasn't been answered.
Died yesterday on my HC character because of this, really makes you think of quiting the game :P
Kewoze wrote:
So will this ever be fixed? that question hasn't been answered.
Died yesterday on my HC character because of this, really makes you think of quiting the game :P

it will never, ever, be fixed, period, you either deal with it or quit the game, i've been more than frustrated with it and made me quit playing several times but i just keep coming back because the game is excellent otherwise
just wait until GGG release path of exile 2

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