Summon Raging Spirit

My suggestion would be to change the Skill so that the character literally THROWS the skull to the target point making it more fun to use instead of just having a cast animation and it just appears infront of you.
maybe you could add some damage on impact making it available for caster builds too.
I have a technical question: since we are limited to 20 SRS now, I am assuming that mindlessly casting the spell all the time, while we're at max already, actually decreases clear speed, because when we cast the 21st SRS, one of the existing 20 will die, thus lowering the DPS until the 21st joins the fight, by which time we cast the 22nd, which kills another one of the existing 20, so it stops DPSing, etc.

So it looks like we need to stop casting at 20 and only resume once the number drops below 20?

Is my thinking correct here?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
I have a technical question: since we are limited to 20 SRS now, I am assuming that mindlessly casting the spell all the time, while we're at max already, actually decreases clear speed, because when we cast the 21st SRS, one of the existing 20 will die, thus lowering the DPS until the 21st joins the fight, by which time we cast the 22nd, which kills another one of the existing 20, so it stops DPSing, etc.

So it looks like we need to stop casting at 20 and only resume once the number drops below 20?

Is my thinking correct here?

Yes , casting the 21st kills the 1st cast :) which by the way can also leave poison cloud as i saw :P so its not every time a dps loss ;)
The 22nd, though, will.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
A combined set of nerfs to this game along with the AI is making it very unfun and nonrewarding to play SRS


>Reduced the maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits to 20, but we have also increased damage as the gem levels up to compensate. It's intended to be a similar damage output but with less casting needed and less effective area of effect.

Dont feel like this holds true at all

Summon Raging Spirit's duration has been increased from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds. The mana cost has been reduced from 6 to 5 at level one and reduced from 15 to 12 at level 20. The cast speed has been reduced to 500ms from 800ms. The damage dealt by Raging Spirits has been substantially reworked and is lower at high levels. Raging Spirits are now more likely to target enemies who are attacked by fewer Raging Spirits, except when enemies are close to the caster.

Unbelievably massive nerf

I never knew how bad the ai change was untill i started playing SRS again, now in abyss ssfhc

My god they behave so poorly that I want to delete my character or find a new type of minion to use


Heres a recorded video of my fighting izaro and having trying to spawn SRS on the right side of izaro

more then half just ignore him and run away

On top of that, when random small "ADS" or "mob" spawn the srs will just randomly stop attacking the main target which really ruins the whole build.

I understand that there has been a recent buff to their "added" damage multiplier.

Which is great and all.. but finding good abyss jewels in ssfhc is not easy, and gearing up is not exactly "easy" either.

SRS might do great in a 6link +3 fire staff setup with a lvl 4 empower... but it doesnt feel great at all without that insane level of investment, purely because of the AI of srs...
someone please explain this skill to me.....-_-

tooltip is all over the place.
if i put on a weapon with spell-dmg/ abyss-caster-jewels (+ to spells) my tooltip-dps skyrockets and the added damage is shown (a dagger with 27 - 51 cold-dmg to SPELLS adds ~200 flat dps to srs-tooltip °_°).
none of my minion-related abyss-jewels affect the tooltip.
also a lvl1 srs does same dps as lvl20, according to tooltip.....

i have a ring with 2life-gained-on-hit-by-ATTACKS and that shows up in my SRS-tooltip, wtf? °_°

is this just a tooltip-thing?
or am i like completely not understanding and failing with this skill (first time necro here, dmg feels allright in mid-tier-content....but still....)
Last edited by PaoloPinkel on Dec 24, 2017, 9:42:32 PM
Minion Gems don't show their Damage whatsoever. There are a couple display issues with Minion Skills, such as +Damage to Spells and LGoH.
jesus christ talk about another leap towards a downhill feeling of using this skill....

So im on SSF i cant afford to just magically generate 5 or 6 links so im stuck using 4links.

My srs is on a +1 4 link setup.

They have just completely fallen off once I entered act 9 and tried doing any abyss mobs.

They lack fire pen and their phys dmg is forcefully converted to fire in a large percentage of their damage.

There is about 3 minion clusters on the tree that benefit srs and im using multiple abyss jewels that give extra flat added dmg to my srs

I am also a necromancer so i have buffs to my srs through that as well




Some people are saying, that SRS got the same nerf other minions got, when patch notes said all, except SRS. I do not know, if this is true, since I do not have PoB info on SRS, but they do seem to be doing less damage. Might be because ascendancy changes.
Skill is a trash

It's not a boss killer - when you arrive at the arena and can precast 20 srs, you have a choice to kill the boss in 1 portal or go home - no point trying when you arrive at the arena with 0 srs and boss already targetting you - 1.3 milllion dps becomes 100k because you run constantly

Due to aforementioned issue, this build can go from fast to crawl in maps in no time. For a good clear and foremostly SAFETY, you need to run fast, use flesh offering all the time (it has been nerfed), use haste (this has been nerfed), use vaal haste (it's dead) because it's pointless to recast srs from scratch every encounter

Yet the pack size in maps is dead, assuming random Strand map you get is as big as pre 3.0, you will run it 2x as slower due to lack of enemies to chain speed boosts

It was super expensive early, now it's even more so. Meanwhile I can summon 12 skeletons in 1-1.5 seconds

Also, compared to skeletons, the amount of investment is crazy. 19 lvl gems with 6link and just a tree is better than 28lvl srs I have in standard

No body guards - skeletons can taunt. With srs I need so many defensive gems socketed I can forget about even zombies, though maybe I will try adding them back, but then you lose one of better SRS ascendancy points

You will never feel as squishy at with srs (Example, and I'm mechanically retarded - 5K hp skeletons = 1 portal shaper done. 13k es srs - shaper 3x as hard, so much more chance to blow up your chances with the wrong placement of degen ground)

Solution: get back to the old mana price, lower it by 50% (in current iteration by 62%) and also halve cast time. Otherwise just go to skeletons
Why bother finding a Mirror of Kalandra if it can be [Removed by Support]
Killing the Elder or Shaper while following someone's build is like finding a street using google maps - such an achievement!

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