Rainbowvomit wrote:
theseb1er wrote:
This is all in the title, what does it mean ? You only have one health ? This sentence is in the talent Chaos inoculation.
Sorry if I ask a silly question but the search function bring everything but not the answer.
/send a bottle of beer for the one who answer.
Is this serious? Everything in this game can be understood if you read.
Holy fuck this question is blowing my mind.
No need to be a douche. He obviously understands it brings you to 1 HP. What he didn't understand, nor did I until reading this thread and the more helpful people, is that it has a use when done properly with Energy Shield. I was wondering why someone would want to reduce themselves to 1 HP as well. If THIS question blows your mind you will not maintain your sanity long. Grow up and help when people have honest questions.
Posted byInkarnit#3780on Jan 25, 2013, 3:15:34 PM
Ladderjack wrote:
theseb1er wrote:
This is all in the title, what does it mean ? You only have one health ? This sentence is in the talent Chaos inoculation.
Sorry if I ask a silly question but the search function bring everything but not the answer.
/send a bottle of beer for the one who answer.
This is why this keystone is attractive: chaos damage is the only damage type that ignores energy shield. By becoming immune to it, you guarantee that any damage you are dealt is taken from your energy shield (and of course, you get to ignore one of the five damage types in the game). The cost for getting this is you no longer have a life bar to depend on. Your energy shield effective is your life.
Good answer. This skill was a lot easier to understand when it has the ES bonus even tho it was ridicuously OP.
Posted byCruxation#7833on Jan 25, 2013, 3:18:40 PM
I like how they put this right next to the keystone that removes your ES.
Posted bymogonk#6944on Jan 25, 2013, 3:19:58 PM
Rainbowvomit wrote:
theseb1er wrote:
This is all in the title, what does it mean ? You only have one health ? This sentence is in the talent Chaos inoculation.
Sorry if I ask a silly question but the search function bring everything but not the answer.
/send a bottle of beer for the one who answer.
Is this serious? Everything in this game can be understood if you read.
Holy fuck this question is blowing my mind.
I put Pierce support gem with my Hatred gem and it didn't seem to add the pierce chance to all shots while Hatred aura is active.
There is nothing stating that this wouldn't work that way, but plenty of stuff stating that it will.
Turns out, not everything in this game can be understood by reading.
Last edited by twentygold#6477 on Jan 25, 2013, 3:20:26 PM
Posted bytwentygold#6477on Jan 25, 2013, 3:20:00 PM
Inkarnit wrote:
Rainbowvomit wrote:
Is this serious? Everything in this game can be understood if you read.
Holy fuck this question is blowing my mind.
No need to be a douche. He obviously understands it brings you to 1 HP. What he didn't understand, nor did I until reading this thread and the more helpful people, is that it has a use when done properly with Energy Shield. I was wondering why someone would want to reduce themselves to 1 HP as well. If THIS question blows your mind you will not maintain your sanity long. Grow up and help when people have honest questions.
To understand our friend Rainbowvomit, we must look to more disciplined theorums that engage behavior in a consequence-free environment. Please reference the theorum below.

Posted byLadderjack#2496on Jan 25, 2013, 3:23:25 PM
DaleWinters wrote:
this X10 plus discipline aura helps a lot too.
Dale, you've become quite the troll haven't you?
Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.
Posted byDhrakken#2383on Jan 25, 2013, 3:24:59 PM
Dhrakken wrote:
DaleWinters wrote:
this X10 plus discipline aura helps a lot too.
Dale, you've become quite the troll haven't you?
Posted byLadderjack#2496on Jan 25, 2013, 3:25:51 PM
Ladderjack wrote:
theseb1er wrote:
This is all in the title, what does it mean ? You only have one health ? This sentence is in the talent Chaos inoculation.
Sorry if I ask a silly question but the search function bring everything but not the answer.
/send a bottle of beer for the one who answer.
This is why this keystone is attractive: chaos damage is the only damage type that ignores energy shield. By becoming immune to it, you guarantee that any damage you are dealt is taken from your energy shield (and of course, you get to ignore one of the five damage types in the game). The cost for getting this is you no longer have a life bar to depend on. Your energy shield effective is your life.
You also get a permanent 50% stun resistance as during any time you have shielding (even without this passive) you have a 50% chance to resist any stun that would land on you. Going the chaos inoculation route however you won't be investing much in +hp so you'll have an inherently low stun resistance so I guess this just kinda balances things.
Posted byKoiglumth#2526on Jan 25, 2013, 3:26:36 PM
so why the hell did they nerf this keystone? It used to give a nice amount of ES as well, which is pretty crucial for this skill... Sucks, now I dont know if it's worth it really. I used this all the time with different witch builds and some shadow builds, but now.. I dont know, chaos damage isnt that bad, especially if you have a nice bit of health.
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ );
for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){
Posted byrobproctor83#1482on Jan 25, 2013, 3:26:43 PM
robproctor83 wrote:
so why the hell did they nerf this keystone? It used to give a nice amount of ES as well, which is pretty crucial for this skill... Sucks, now I dont know if it's worth it really. I used this all the time with different witch builds and some shadow builds, but now.. I dont know, chaos damage isnt that bad, especially if you have a nice bit of health.
It had become the must have keystone for any witch/shadow build. When that happens, you know it's OP.
Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town. Last edited by Dhrakken#2383 on Jan 25, 2013, 3:29:49 PM
Posted byDhrakken#2383on Jan 25, 2013, 3:29:12 PM