We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
I really enjoy the game, the feedback that I want to give is a trivial thing.
How about if Path of Exile offers more than just predefined characters? Giving out more customization (at least for gender) would be nice - even though it won't affect the game much, but at least it would be great. Cheers, Lessca |
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Hi All,
I recently started playing PoE, total of 47h according to Steam. That's not 47 hours straight, but essentially over 4 days. I love dungeon crawlers, its one of my fave genres, and PoE does an excellent job at satisfying my needs. I chose Ranger as my first character as I tend to like to play ranged, I expected to choose my char and then go through a character setup phase to apply base stats etc., but I was pleasantly surprised not to have to do this. The skill tree is a little daunting at first glance, but once you spend time looking through the "paths" it's actually a great way to customise your character in the long term and negates the need for "character creation" at the start. Opening up new areas gave my OCD a run for its money, since I have to explore and clear the area before continuing to ensure my "world" is in order :P I completed the story about 1 hour ago, solo on Normal, only died about 5 times to bosses in corrupted areas! The visual quality of the game is awesome, Pieties lair was particularly macabre (nice work!). In general I like dungeon maps to be less "open" and more based around corridors/rooms an ideally with doors! While there were some maps like this, there were some that felt too open and wide. While the story was good, there needs to more side quests, which I hope is on the roadmap. I will be cranking up the difficulty and heading back to Wraeclast very soon! Nice work GGG and I've already spent some cash to support your effort. Keep up the good work! "A beautiful murder!"
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Hello. This is the feedback thread, yes ?
Then I wish to suggest two things: A minimum time between posts on trade channel, because people spam like crazy and you can't find a thing. And to create a separate window for whispers, because they get lost between all the spam. That way, you can just click on a dude's name and a window pops with your conversation. Thank you. Your game is very nice indeed. |
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decent game but its kinda loosing the point, its becoming more trading game than rpg. The most important part of game is currency (main point this is crafting material ???) that has low drop rate. Gather it buy something. Trade with currency buy extra good gear see and enjoy the game. Main point of most of the players is DO NOT CRAFT whats the point of crafting orbs if you should never craft ??? Every single crafting item you made can be considered a gambling chip. You should make a broker or economist or a manager at some point as character so he gathers trades tons of exalted orbs and gear up wipe everything on its path or go bribe Dominus to join him even Atziri I think she has exalted orb price somewhere as tattoo. Politician might be a good option to. This is kinda how I am starting to feel about this game. Last time I checked RPG is about killing monsters and leveling and making builds and here its better to trade with CRAFTING ORBS The importance of 4l 5l or 6l items is just to high for some builds and when I am considering to make a new character this is the main issue I am thinking : how am I going to make this build if i need a gazilion exalteds to make it work ???? |
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Get Clive Barker to play PoE. Afterwards, get Clive Barker to write lore for PoE. That is all.
Mel Gibson is your daddy... and, you don't really want to know what he does. |
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Love love love this game :), and also for the Witch "dance" she kinna looks like shes releasing body odor when her black smokes comes out of her underarms :<, i'll buy it if it gets fixed hehehe, love my witch <3
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Hi, just started playing and I'm still weighing my opinions. So far it's interesting and entertaining with the only major gripe that I have is the inventory system. I've read other posts/requests regarding it and frankly, if anything will keep me from continuing to play (and recommending it to friends) it is the inventory system. Without a way to expand it and having to run back to town to keep from losing items, it really puts a damper on exploring. Especially in the beginning when you have no idea what you should or shouldn't keep or sell. This puts me in a position of constantly running to town to use the stash. Not only is that annoying but it actually hampers game play. As far as I can see there are no "extra" bags or larger bags as there are in WoW or other online games I play. It seems sad to me that such a potentially minor problem could cause me to abandon what otherwise promises to be an enjoyable game. Thanks for listening.
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k i played wow rift and every game out there i think i have tried and by far this is an excellent game very impressed so far i like the variety of skills builds although a lil overwhelming keeps your interest for sure and always updates and new stuff to do and LUV the no gold idea awesome idea i like the different currency for so many things. I missed d2 so much and thank you for bringing a game that is similar but fixed all the things that may have hindered d2 or d3 . Best of all its free. I like the community on global for the most part a few not so helpful but most ppl on global chat are great ! i like the chatter and im never bored. always something to read or learn when u read chat. like the ideas of different channels too. So much i want to tell that i luv about this game its endless honestly !!!!
thx ggg :) u are doing a great job for sure. definitely a creation to be proud of. Keep up the great work. have fun and enjoy your endeavors. |
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Hello GGG,
I play since 24/01/2013, haven t stop since and not ready to. haven t been into a game like this since my childhood, i thank you for that. I am an illustrator and a graphic designer so i would like to adress some special thanks to the people working on all visual part of the game, you did a wonderful job to me; and damn you all guys for making me work less and play more X) Carry on keeping the direction you have since you start to developp this game, it s gettin better and better every patch; just stop doing that when the pleasure won t be here anymore , to me, you did already a lot better than most game compagny around here. Thanks, GG, GL, GJ, and above all, have fun. |
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I love this game and love Chris Wilson he is such a good person , I LOVE YOU CHRIS i do hope your game will keep this path without nothing more that cosmetics and things wont ruin the game experience
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