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Impressions of Endgame
Currently on the complete tier 3 or higher quest. I am a causal POE 2 player using a community build. I like the concept of the endgame so far, but I am having issues with progressing. The experience has mostly been the following: - Using tier 1 - 5 stones. Having issues getting 4's and 5's. And doing anything less doesn't provide much for gear, rare items or waystones. - I rarely get to experience the activities on a map fully. Not completing 90% of the nodes on first attempt. I'm finding that ill be moving along quite well and then all of a sudden something will one shot, or almost one shot my character. Something will drain the characters health enough that even trying to use flask prevents me from recovering quick enough. This experience stands out because for the most part, its not hard, but all of a sudden something in the map, or during one of the activities you can do, I'll come up against something that just one shots the character. - way stone upgrades are too punishing. - resistances keep getting worse. I read somewhere this is a mechanic and that with the higher level the character, the worse they get. I don't have the currency to keep up with that. - I don't have enough currency to gamble on equipment. Using currency feels wasteful. I went from playing pretty consistently to now only jumping in here and there for short periods because of the lack of my progression in the game. I imagine this is going to change, so I am excited to keep jumping back in and try it out. |
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Hi, i played PoE1 for 2500hours+ and the 2 for 250hours+, i know i'm not the best player but, there's a HUGE problem with armour stat in the game, we just CAN'T play with it.
Even warriors need to go Energy shield or evasion to survive, i have 80% physical damage reduction, 3k3hp, 82% all res and 75%chaos res, and keep getting one shot every map from a normal monster, even with dodge roll and block, there's still a way a monster come and one shot you. Like please, i think i can talk for all warriors players here, (and trust me, A LOT are not ok with armour at this moment, even streamers and pro players say armour is broken) you guys need to do something about it, it's already hard to reach 10k armour without spending at least 6divines (wich price increase everyday like there's no tommorow), we need an armour rework ASAP it's unplayable atm, can"t do +16 maps or end boss without getting one tap in 1 sec. Once again, i know i'm far from beeing the best player, i make mistakes, a lot. But half of warriors players left the class and swapped to an other to just play the game, just a reminder. thanks for taking the time to see the post <3 |
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I love it.
That said, endgame builds sometimes loose the nice gameplay the game has during campaign. For example an impending doom int stacking cursed ground gemling mercenary just runs around pressing that one button. It is super effective but also pretty boring. Theres much finetuning problems, expecially with build power in the lategame. Oneshotting tier 4 xesht with double shock lightning conduit the moment he spawns is taking away the entire challenge. While the temporalis is a chase item that most people wont aquire anyway, it also makes the entire game not challenging anymore (meaning you could farm more temporalis on a character that already has it). I would prefer to see this item as an early access gimmick that gets reworked for the release. Please do interesting items, not gamebreaking ones. I look forward for the new classes and weapons and hope you get the feedback you deserve. This is my game of the year for sure :) |
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I have now played 180 hours of Path of Exiles 2 (new to the series) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the freedom to shape ones own characters through an intricate skill-tree, and find new and unconventional ways to tackle the game.
+The story was interesting to follow, especially though the world around it, which made me curious to learn more. +The boss-fights were exceptionally well made. Even after failing multiple times, it was lots of fun to learn their mechanics or work a little on ones build and try again. -The Endgame: I cannot see what is added by removing unique features from a map (bosses/nodes/..) after failing them or logging out. It punishes seeking challenging gameplay or experimenting with the skill tree, in favour of putting on pressure to go for tried and tested builds. For me personally this has removed, what made the game fun in the first place. +/-Uniques: Since so much effort has gone into designing unique items, it would be great if they could be used to unlock cosmetics, so that they are still useful later on. |
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It feels you like you have 2 completely different games.
The main campaign is mostly doable with mostly reasonable challenges, and reasonable rewards. The difficulty spikes in main-campaign boss fights does not match with the rest of the experience, however, and it feels like we aren't given the tools to meet it unless we buy gear or follow specific builds. And the end-game is a slog. The difficulty spikes are immense and we are given so little currency and/or currency to meet it. And we are still refused the option to choose the death penalty. That is what difficulty tiers are for. Why is it not removed for normal mode?! It doesn't ruin it for the core base when they have the option, but it alienates a lot of other players when we don't have it. And I understand the point of punishment in the game as a form of challenge to overcome. I get that you gate gate items with rarity and drop rates because they are supposed to mean something. I get all that, but it still feels like 2 different games. And the problem is that trading can bypass most of the guardrails setup, but it isn't incorporated into the game in a meaningful way, so it doesn't feel accessible for most people and/or it becomes a pay-to-win game. Or, we can rely on crafting, but that is rng dependent, and we aren't given the currency to do that unless, again, we follow super specific builds or buy currency. Thus, again, becoming pay-to-win. Ultimately it's frustrating because there is a lot to like, but it feels like GGG is refusing to give up on these core design principles that are holding it back from being what it seemed you wanted it to be, while allowing, but not incorporating a function (trading) that allows people to bypass these principles, if you're wiling to pay. Last edited by SkyPrince30#4110 on Jan 1, 2025, 4:20:10 PM
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Time to take a break after 200+hrs
Endgame is just not fun one portal maps are just utter BS with so many mobs being able to 1 hit you Ascendancy and honor system needs rework hard enough not getting killed with honor on top to be worried about Not enough drops of currencies or proper gear Trading needs in game auction house to get rid of the price fixing Last edited by Uhwaz#2879 on Jan 2, 2025, 11:23:23 AM
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My first MELEE impresions:
- Armour needs complete rework. Its unpleyable mechanic. - Warior is unpleyable in end game you have literally 500 strenght, play TITAN with chest for items on your back and still have built in temporal chains in your character - that is so dumb. - All your skills are so slow that you will die if you try to perform them. - Dont ever use two 2h maces EVER or you are dead in first T1 map. (no defense and you deal 30% less damage) "thats a buff". - Hp Pool is a joke. Need higher rolls on heavy armour +100%. - Rise Shield is useless in endgame because yo need to roll everything anyway. - All damage nodes on "red" side of tree go with so much downside that is not worth taking them. Person who created this side of tree is SM enjoyer for sure. - Maping is bad because one portal effect. - Mapping is bad because maps are too big. - Maping is bad because endgame mechanics are from PoE1 not from PoE2. Breach is broken, Ritual is unpleyable for melee, Delirium is unpleyable for melee because it will disapear before you even swing your mace twice. - Maping is bad beacuse you dont realy drop anything good. I pick up every single mace from the ground, never found a good one. One im using is from vendor like wtf. - Maping is bad because everything is too fast. I literally switched to play earthquake + maim so monsters are slower but I dont like this skill, its shit! 4 second for aftershock? you will die in 0,5 seconds in this swarm of monsters. - Maping is bad because mana costs are like from archmage build from PoE1, or built in Indigon. 400+ mana to swing a mace? (gem level 22 btw) + "reduced mana pool", no mana regen and straw that broke kamels back: - Maping is bad because leech is sooo bad you want to just log off. Who thought leech resist is a good idea for melee? I literally hit that moster for 10k in the face and I got 100 mana back? Every Leech is physical leech so playing Avatar of Fire is suicidal mision. - Mana costs are horrible on warrior. 1 slam no mana. Reduced maximum mana on major damage nodes? Seems legit. Let's do that! - Accuracy is horrible. "Gain accuracy equal to your strength"? In mercenary area? Legit trolling for mandatory annoint. How is it going down there in warrior area? They suffered enough? No? Give them no accuracy! No one else needs accuracy anyway so let them suffer! Och remember! Make sunder crit skill and than let them pick resolute technique and make 3 seconds animation! Goooood! Looks perfect. Now nobody will play that! Buhahaha now let's buff spark some more and monk needs some more tweaks with es, 8k es is not enough make it 15k. - Totems are useless. - Fire base slams are useless (no leech) - Strongbox encounter is a meme. - Trials are a joke to play melee unless you want to waste your time and dlvl you character. Make Izaro great again. - Citadel finding is bad, found only 2. One failed because one tap from white monster. - Pinacle boss that one taps you before you can see his mechanics? and you cant see them because you wasted first entry because you dont know what to do? No second chance? No second portal? waste 10h of gameplay and go watch YT video about boss? yes, sure, enjoy. - Crafting is bad. Realy BAD. No alterations/scours make other orbs useless. I played 230h never foud single "mirror tier essence" even with atlas nodes + essence. Omens are the same as finding perfect jeweler orb. Never seen one. Just give me back fusings I will click them manually. I promise. So i switched to ranger and most of the problems above disapeared in blink of an eye because i played like i would play PoE 1. One click entire screen disappear zoom zoom meta. Best game of my life. Bosses are super fun! mapping is full of joy! ding ding everywhere! Breach is best mechanic in the game I beg you buff moster density in breach! But this is poe 2 not poe 1. I want gameplay to be the same in endgame as in campaign. Methodical, using combo skills, interacting with mechanics. Using more than one skill. But what I see is "tornado shot deadeye" like builds everywhere with 15k ES on top of that. And the problem is that mosters are just too fast and there are to many of them. They spam abilities like crazy, on death effects: corpse explosions, volatiles and other stuff. Chaos archers from "mire" map off screen you. Mages with meteor off screen you. Boars and those armordillo toss you around like ball. Hags use skill from pinacle encouter of PoE1 KEKW. Coloses explode with 2m radius and you need to wait for that explosion to go throu. Mosters need to have lower density, be tankier and slower. Blue should be the base, yelow should be "magic" and 3 to 5 red or unique rares per map as base scaled with monster density from waystones. Maps need to be smaller. Boos encounter should be up to map tier but much harder than "red rares"- comparable in dificulty to campaing bosses. One portal gimick needs to be bonked with 1000 phys damage mace 10 meters under ground never to be found again in softcore. Now im going back to play melee in PoE 1 its clucky but at least playable. We need Path of Exile 2 so we can fix melee - you know who. Last edited by Booyak#0562 on Jan 3, 2025, 2:49:23 PM
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Hello GGG team and Happy new year to all the team, would 2025 making become POE ( 1 + 2 ) Better games arround the world !!! we hope so !
Iam french so forgive me if my english is not perfect. I made a first feedback arround two weeks ago but in fact, it was never posted online ... And iam not alone according my discord communities.... So : Iam actually a warrior LEVEL 88 with Titan ascendancy. I chosen this acsendency because iam not fan of the shield HAHAHA, prefer to kick and OS all with a great two handed weapon ( or 2 X 2 handed regarding the keystone hahaha ). 1) First of all, this keystone could be very very great, but if you take it, you become a strengh stacker and have to up about 636 strenght to equip Best 2 Handed Maces. I think, 3 X more required attributes is too much because after it you are prisonner of your gameplay. That's Why i décided to change it finally and iam not alone, many Titan thinking same me, you can make double amount ( 200 required strengh becaume 400 but not 600, its too much In my opinion. PS : We are impatiently waiting for axes and sword deployment !!!! :) 2) many players are playing solo but as all good ARPG, there should exist a "search group system" !!! > I mean at this moment, magic find is very powerfull so create a tool to can search some other players to play together ( one MF + one tank + aurastacker for exemple. I think GGG must to create it BEFORE the release ! 3) There is many crashing issues on loading pages. I can't count the number but my computer crashed easy between 100 and 200 times and we are not at one month so 4-6 crash per days, its dangerous for computers !!!! please fix it quickly ! 4) sustain high map tiers is quite impossible, you always finish by send a message on the trade to get some waystones versus exa. And the trade is not running about waystones, surely because of rarities or number of lines etc 5) POE 1 and POE 2 are not the same game, i agree it and according with it, but you fastly fixed the problem of checkpoints during the campain but, what about maps ? They are often very big and if you miss something, 3 minutes to run to target... Please, A DASH, for every class !, with a small timer if you want but a dash !!! and not a travel attack like leapslam or other please, a real and dedicated dash.... 6) trading official website is not running correctly and when you make a research and place buy price, 1DIV, 2 DIV , etc etc , 5 EXA .... Oups. I know how to use it because the POE trade is very more difficult to take in hand, but finally, and iam sure the most part of the community agree, must leave the game to go on a website is archaic ( its out of time ). You have to create an INGAME system to have a overview of the market !!! all players are not enough rich to have 2 or 3 screens ! 7) Belts... Charms ... Endgame ... campain... Have arround 60-80 charms in a stach but in endgame, its quite impossible to find a belt can equip 2 or 3 charms. Its a real problem ... I think belt with one charm only within lvl 30, 2 for lvl 50 and 3 for lvl 70 ! staying nostalgic of mageblood and popo crafting !!! 8) some item should have cohérent affixes or better, implicits ! > boots > movement speed ! Can be increased according to the ilevel item maybe ? remember, iam playing titan and with 30% movement speed, game feel veryyy passsiiivvvveeeee not enough nervous ( iam talking for titan, not others ) 9) the inventoy is small and weapon and armors are big !!! so when you have 6 items you are full, and go back hideout to place and go back, loose time. "Scroll od desenchant" to can obtain directly materials in the maps would be very better than make go back go back to the bench imo .... 10 ) armor ... Melee players especially warriors Should be ( relatively ) safe with enough amount of armor in endgame, but in fact there is a big decrease problem on final map tiers ( T14-15-16-17 ). you can have arround 80% reducing damage but be melee oneshooted, so many players who not choose shield are obligated to mix with evasion to stay alive. iam not alone, there is a big problem on armor on end tier. Its an early access and we are beta tester. you offer us to can play and we offer you comments and constructives critics to improve the game and make it a gold name in hte video game world for next generations ! We waiting for news from you know :) Imo, you are the better video game dev studio ever... consolidate it to be reference for many years to come !!!! Byebyeboy ( french player of 38 years ) |
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Story campaign is nice. Endgame and trials are horrible.
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I played for a few hours and did not enjoy the game at all. Its ridiculously overcomplicated for no apparent reason. I dont even know where to start. I just seemed to be wandering around aimlessly while getting random junk. Nothing really made any sense, and I have played POE for years. POE2 is a hard NO for me.
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