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Dear GGG…
I have a huge interest in game design and systems that cater to progression and replay ability. So, I always find it interesting why I never get to high end Path of Exile. This happens to me every league. My biggest issue is when you get to maps and the design of the Atlas system. Acts 1 – 10 is story / progression driven, you have a clear path to follow and most new players can get into that fairly easy. But when you finish the acts, you just run maps over and over and over… I simply do not understand how players keep so interested at this stage. I lose interest every time and just start to theory craft another build to take through the Acts. So it got me thinking… Why not have Atlas be a progression system that is easier to understand and progress through, at the same time keeping it super interesting? Here are some examples: Maps tier 1: You have to grind the first 4 white maps until you get two rare drops that form a key. You take these fragments to (crafting device) and assemble your key. This opens up the next part of the Atlas for tier 2 maps. Map tier 2: Now you have to hunt for two special rare bosses that can appear in any tier 2 map. Grind until you find and kill both of them. Loot their emblems and take them to a crafting device to form a rare map. Put rare map into mapping device and complete it successfully to reach tier 3 maps. Map tier 3: Now you must find and unlock a rare NPC that will work with you on assembling a portal. Once you find them, they can go to your hideout and be useful moving forward in the Atlas. They assign a quests, and for this stage, have you gather (random rare materials that drop in game) as well as a rare drop in tier 3 maps. Once you have all the items, you trade with the NPC to obtain your portal key. You can now take this key to (can be anywhere creative, even somewhere within the Delve or other areas) where you have to locate and interact with a portal device. One you put in the portal key, you can now access tier 4 maps on the Atlas. Map tier 4: Your portal takes you deep within a multi-layered crypt at the very bottom. Consider the size would equal 8 maps, each having a floor or layer to get through. It could have checkpoints, that once you reach it, you can come back to that spot. You would be able to port out of it to refresh, but you have to progress all the way through it to reach the final boss up in the overland. Once you beat this final boss, tier 5 would open up on the Atlas. Map tier 5: Perhaps this one is more straight forward, beat all the map bosses and then unlock an arena type event that you must successfully defeat. Have this arena event random, encounters can vary, and can be potentially different every time you play it. You have to defeat the final boss to progress into tier 6 yellow maps. As it stands, I just lose interest fairly quickly unless I have goals. If you have established goals (similar to what I have mentioned above), all of a sudden, the Atlas grabs your interest and the progression is much easier to understand. Even if it is difficult, now it has meaning and it would be worth your time upgrading your gear or build to get through it… Just thought I would throw this out there, I have many more ideas if you ever want to discuss |
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" How incredibly modest of you to offer your help to those poor helpless people who are clearly lost without you. I'm sure they're thrilled about your design suggestions finally dragging the game from obscurity. Look, different people like different things. I guess you don't like this type of progression... fair. There is other stuff to do besides maps. And as a last resort, there are other games with different kinds of progression. |
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The look mechanic is pretty good. But there is so much visual clutter that a player at times cannot even see their character. Visual clutter either needs to be substantially reduced or it needs to be somewhat transparent. It should never be the case that you cannot see your character.
One shots still suck. Its an ongoing mechanic that really needs to be removed. It's a big FU to players. The stunned mechanic in the normal game is ok, you can deal with it. But the stun mechanic in the league mechanic often feels like the game has crashed. I have restarted my client a few times in a match because I though the game had frozen. On the same thread, getting stunned when channeling is annoying as hell when you never intended to channel a totem but was in fact moving from one side of the arena to the other. |
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" Chris, just like George R.R.Martin does live on our salt and pain. (I still have not seen Chris Wilson and Neon apologize for lying in that Delirium podcast, when they said that Delirium fog will pause, if you engage boss at the end of the map, and it wasn't working for two months, then suddenly they made it work, for one month and after that it was never again working - which does not matter for you, if you can oneshot everything) |
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Just wondering how this will help prevent oneshots (3.22.1):
- Utula's Fireball skill now deals roughly twice as much damage at level 83 in the Trial of the Ancestors. - Rakiata's Geyser skill now scales with level, and their Sweep skill has had its damage increased. The damage of their Leap Slam skill has also had its damage increased at level 83. - Kaom's Slam and Fire Fists skills have had their damage increased, the final Fire Fist now deals roughly two and a half times more damage. Kaom also now deals more damage in their Axe Stance. Getting oneshot with 80-90% res, armor 90-100%, stacked crit resistance, molten shell and berserk active, does not feel like a slap in the face, actually more like the biggest dildo ever pushed up in your butt to touch your heart and make it stop pounding. Last edited by EpicFlauschi#6506 on Sep 6, 2023, 6:45:31 PM
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I think all bosses are designed for ranged play in mind making melee a really big disavantage, i played a ranged and a melee build, with less than 1 divine the ranger had more damage, better clear and killed boss way faster than my boneshatter marauder with i spend 7 divines.
Melee feels like a disavantage since the start, i have to choose in to survive or to have descent damage not both. 90% of melee skills are useless or inviable for late game. Melee trees are really bad designed, they don't get even close of what i needed as a melee. 90% of melee uniques are useless. 90% of the armor uniques are useless. Melee need a total rework Boss fights Exarch: is the best boss of this game, i can clearly see what he is doing and mechanics are not hard to understand. Eater of world: Really good too. The Elder: Worst boss fight in the entire game i killed it and i don't had any idea of what the boss was doing got killed 4 times and don't know even what killed me, i just died, the boss skills and visual are relly bad, i hope there is not more bosses like him in the game. New League: it's fun until you can't play it anymore cause of the enemy absurd scalling. No money until, GGG fix melee.
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I haven't played for awhile and came back a little last league and quite a bit this league.
I quit on my Minion and RF/ScorchRay characters this league for a tornado shot crit build. Once I got to maven I stopped having fun. 2/4 voidstones. Everything is overtuned. You destroy a pack of monsters and go to pick up loot to get one shotted by some after-death effect that was more dangerous than the fight itself, absolute BS. I don't understand why this is even a thing unless GGG literally just wants to make us hate them, its working. You need to be far away from everything and do millions of damage and have the Wellspring of Creation node on atlas to make the game enjoyable. Playing up close is NOT fun because they made the game too hard. Otherwise you die every other juiced red/corrupt map while taking 10-15 minutes per map, just absolutely fuming and unsatisfied the entire time. (RF/Minion) On my tornado shot I'm barely dying and doing maps in 5 minutes or less, maven is just a DPS check so I can ignore her poorly designed extremely unenjoyable mechanics. The league is okay. The game is not in a good state anymore after all the oneshot buffs and random one shot effects everywhere, not sure when that happened. My build, my atlas, everything I'm using is to circumvent GGG's poor game design philosphy of being obsessed with overtuned difficulty for streamers, bots, and groups. All of my builds had 30+ divines in them. My RF/SR character had 2m dps, immune to basically everything except curses and stuns, curses at -90% effectiveness. Stuns gave us +20% MORE spell damage. 90/90/90/75 resists. 3k HP regen, crits 60% less damage. Felt like absolute garbage, slow and died all the time, couldn't run a lot of map mods. Tornado shot? As long as I can leech and stay away from reflect I can do the map. Also whoever designed the map mods is sadistic AF. Last edited by Hrvaska#3998 on Sep 17, 2023, 7:24:30 PM
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Yes, one-shot deaths is complained about very often. It's the thing I dislike most about PoE. I've been playing D4 because of it over the past few months.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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I really want to like this game, but I can't. How come melee is so pathetic? Having put two full weekends into my slayer, I can see why the META is to use ranged for everything. Yes.. blah blah blah.. there are people on YouTube that share melee builds. Yes, I have watched almost all videos for 3.22 season.. but
I have no trouble clearing maps, most bosses, etc... but when it comes to many significant quest bosses ... or especially end-of-act bosses, they CONSTANTLY 1-shot me. I am only able to restart from checkpoint until I can whittle them down bit-by-bit. A bit of sanity here... how can a boss channel a huge laser beam and blast you with it while you're smashing it with an axe? I realize this is a game.. but come on. It's abundantly clear why the META is ranged. I recommend the following: 1) Melee strikes can interrupt boss channeled attacks. Right now, melee just plain blows. It's turned me off of this game. Trust me, I will do much more damage to a tree truck with my splitting maul than my compound bow. It's just plain unrealistic (for a fantasy video game).. and stupid. 2) WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO FULLY RESET THE MOTHER FRIGGIN TREE!!!! This game is so F*&UCKIN complicated. Ridiculously complicated for new players. So... if we try to build something SIMILAR BUT NOT EXACTLY like a build guide, we can undo the changes. ALL OF THEM. Nobody should feel as frustrated as I feel at the moment playing a game (which the whole point is to enjoy, JUST IN CASE YOU FORGOT!!). All because the skills are imbalanced or I took the wrong order of passive assignments and get my a$$ handed to me by bosses (LIKE VAAL PACT TAKEN TOO EARLY). |
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Hi unfortunately the game on xbox one not one s or x is very pixelated and blurry to the point where you are unable to see especially when there is lots on screen.i know no one cares because none of the team plays on xbox one but its so bad if it isnt going to be fixed it should probably be removed thank you for everything.
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