We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
Played some time, got mixed emotions.
From one side good endorfines, from other side [Removed by Support] mouse character control (prince of persia style), no in-game auction - the worst thing you can imagine and no combat log. Tons of frustration on alt-tabbing, going sites, whispering 20 "online" ppl in a row for something you need, getting AFK, sold, silence. Is it something over the top having normal in game auction house in 2022. No combat log - how many times after some magical oneshot you ask yourself - what was that, I wanna learn from my mistakes. Nope, no combat log for you, not even a couple of words who or what killed your character. Because bless you. Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Jul 2, 2022, 8:26:18 PM
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This is my first leauge playing with a build guide, got to lvl 30 before a year ago and then quit. Now i'm in orange maps and the game is just frustrating to play cause of the xp loss, i can clear those maps wiht not much of a problem if the game would work and without the stupid visual overlapping.
So what is frustrating about the expeierence: Few days of constant lag and connection issues, that have now traded places with horrible performance. Most of the time you dont even know what killed you cause there is no death log or anything, not that it would be possible to react with the performance issues, form the latest patch. So about the visual design, its just stuff layerd over more stuff in the same colours so you cant see aynthing if you want to focuse on the enemies you will die cause while i spam my lighningt attack in my lightning orb the lightning dude of death spawns inside of me and i die. I should look at my character more thats fine but most of the times there is just too much going on at the screen and the blue lightning that i cast that my enemies cast in the blue mines while in the blue pools of Azarite are just stupid. And some other things: - a more modern Ui would be a huge improvement. (Buffs/Debuffs) - ingame auction house (Why would a new player trade anything in this game if you need to use a website outside of the game.) - and the other thing i'm currently expierence is cause i'm not trading is that i'm misssing so many uniques that my progress is almost stuck without them. Overall it can be a fun game but at some point it just gets stupidly complex and visualy too cluttering and frustrating. And all this wouldn't be so annyoing if the technical side of things would work. Last edited by Eny_ko#5198 on Jul 3, 2022, 4:36:18 AM
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Cannot say my opinion after 8k+ hours playtime.
My posts got 3 times deleted... Last edited by Sithrarin#4891 on Jul 11, 2022, 7:25:53 PM
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Hi, GGG I play PoE since Perandus League, and I love how much it has evolved through all these years. Some Ascendancies are currently useless and have no impact on the game right now. They are not attractive enough to make it through when you have stronger choices, so I decided to make a rework suggestion. I hope you can use them to make a balanced version or something, but its really necessary that you bring Guardian and Trickster back
(Consider that just 1% of players in PoE Ninja play Guardian and 0.1% play Trickster) https://prnt.sc/8CYKrUaVwhkA https://prnt.sc/OVtLbb1GFVXr What do you guys think about these changes? Miklaz
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Never left my first impression post here before, so here goes :)
- World interaction novelty: great (a number of league mechanics were a fresh take on ARPG genre) - Visual customization options: great - Visual combat design: average (some boss battles are very impressive work, but all combat telegraphing breaks as amount of FX on-screen rises for any reason, from playing in party to simply using multicast builds) - Character building novelty: great (the most complex ARPG ever) - Character building variety: fake (very few builds work beyond starter content, unless player already has well-beyond-starter-content amount of resources to min-max them. Chances for new player to choose viable build on first playthrough are non-existent) - Difficulty balance: trash (some skills perform with garbage gear better than other skills do with BiS gear) - Role-playing aspect: poor (little difference between endgame viable characters, derived from building variety) - Item trading: poor - Customer support: poor (except simplest basic requests) - Dev communication: limited Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Jul 14, 2022, 10:20:46 AM
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When i first started playing this game, it felt empowering that i could mix and match abilities to do different things, but with that said, on my first playthrough i hit a brick wall and couldn't do the end game content, so i had to start brand new... did that about 4 times before i got a build that was able to do end game content, and i was having a blast in the ArchNemesis league, then Arch Nemesis came to standard.
But it wasn't true ArchNemesis, we had no choice in what abilities/mods the monsters would have, and lo and behold, the archnemesis mods on rare's had me back at that brick wall again, where i just couldn't do squat, because i kept getting one shotted by something I couldn't even see, and sometimes it was happening from offscreen, or the screen was so littered with lights and colors and mobs, that you cant tell what the hell is going on... so... i hit the final nail on the coffin, got frustrated with this game after dying over and over again to things I couldn't see or defend against. So I quit, uninstalled POE, and I'm now playing other games, and actually having fun playing other games. I keep coming back here to see if things have changed, but its like a relationship that you had with someone where you break up, there was a reason you broke up, there was a reason why i quit this god forsaken frustrating game that no longer was fun. When a game becomes a chore and no longer fun, why stick around? Would i recommend this game to anyone... I would like to keep my friends, so it would be a No. good luck with this game exile's Last edited by CrazyWhiteMonkey#7088 on Jul 15, 2022, 9:34:30 PM
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So I was away for league launch but I was able to log in enought to buy a supporter pack. I have not even stood up on the beach yet. However, having watched a few streamers talk about their experience so far; Zizaran, Subtractem and Lolcohol Im thinking I made a mistake in giving GGG money. I cant reward shit releases and the things I enjoy about POE are the things that are beign removed and the things I hate are the things they are doubling down on.
The last two leagues have been awful, this seems to be trending down the same path. [Removed by Support] Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Aug 21, 2022, 5:57:14 PM
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FINALLY good league. I've even bought supported pack because this league is best ever so far.
Nerfed buggers and exploiters, buff for normal players. Thank you GGG :) |
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I love that harvest is now using a currency to craft. But the pricing is ridiculous. It’s not even half of last league. It’s more like 5% or less. So little crafting can be done.
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I find this league troublesome. This war against minions builds in general is perplexing.
I, for one, love minions build. It is a very casual play style that many first-time players use to feel out the game out. See what works and what doesn't. Get used to the different league mechanics, and allows them to focus on final boss mechanics. It didn't require a huge investment of currency to be above average but was obviously super expensive when it came to min/max as most builds do. I recently tried to bring three women in my life (my family) to the game last league. My wife, mother-in-law, and daughter. All of whom are gamers. My mother-in-law has very low hand/eye coordination, but she absolutely loves Diablo games. She has always favored minion builds as it helps her overcome micro-managing things. In short, she focuses more on what she is trying to do (staying alive, keeping up with us) instead of what buttons I need to click in order to kill things. My daughter who is 10, same deal, however she has the ability to play at a high level, but I wanted a soft character for her to play to get used to ARPG mechanics (which she is not familiar with) With the latest patch notes in 3.19 I am not even going to attempt to encourage them to league play because of this. And honestly, when you factor in all the massive loot nerfs that have been happening. I am not going to play either, which basically means my wife, daughter and mother in law wont either. This direction you are taking the game, I don't think I can follow. Ill be honest, Diablo 4 has my attention, like big time. If you would have asked me a couple leagues back did I think Blizzard could pull a rabbit out of its hat and overtake PoE. I would have said you are full of it. With the slow drip updates for game development, and this inexplicable "vision" GGG has had from league to league. I guess I was wrong. In short, loot explosions are fun. Think Diablo 3 release day on how a game fares when it treats decent loot like it is a mageblood. It didn't do well right? Why would you try to mimic that strategy. Stop nerfing minions, who is quitting PoE because minion builds are strong? Who is quitting the game because minion builds now suck hind tit? The game needs to be fun, stop trying to suck all the fun out of it because you want to "slow it down". |
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