We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
Maybe interesting for somebody new ... but for the old gamers we have to pair in party to make endgame content. What is killing my joy:
- pings mountains - disconnecting - dissapearing portals after dissconnecting - cannot join same instances for no reasons when or eaven without party - Azurite Mine porting into-outo location not working correctly - 20-30 seconds ports to or out of location - ping in hideout 200 ? - nerf dmg for more pushing buttons or make like we have to sinergize the skills together? So we do not piano flask but piano skills? - one week farm league content Expedition casualy bring me ... 50 c... no ty i skip. Will buy fragments and do Elder all day long cos i earn there - trading ... ... ... give us like some chest where i can put what i want to sell and let it buy for other trought game no in browser i have to find somebody than back to game than he sell it already or dont respond and 20x repeat - trade bots... clever algorithm? - another type of currency? are not you see how many scraps, shards, orbs,... we already have to colect? - dont showing real DPS or Multiplyers (have to use PoB to find out what is my next upbrade) and i am not saying anything about the minions you never now what thay have crit, stats, speeds, etc. DONT make another league just use advice from content creators and fun base merge them togehter in some cool way you know that (like items from expedition will autopicku the guy from expedition like nets on monsters is casting by npc) and fix issues what they are in the game already i would be happy soo much :) Anyway thanks for cool game Regards Fall Last edited by FallFromTheWall#1509 on Aug 13, 2021, 7:52:24 PM
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Well you've seen this a thousand times already this league, so I'm just going to add another: I QUIT. And god damn it feels good. No, I don't expect you to care about my leaving out of some self-centered wish to be anyone's center of Universe, I just hope the remaining 40-50k players in the game do the same in as fast as possible and at least the Alpha Testers and Streamers can play on their own, kinda battle-royale like. Experience taught us a huge chunk of those sticking with the game past first league impressions are done with the league mostly 1-1.5 months into it, imagine the numbers in a couple of weeks.
It's ironical how Expedition mainly talks about resurrecting dead people to uncover their treasures. Imagine if we could bring back people to the game by doing league mechanic :) Mainly someone who spends A LOT of time in game, a lot more than some people trying to casually enjoy POE, but what finally drives me from the league (even though I generally play at least 2 months in) : A) no fun to be had - you've managed to allienate so much of your player base that it's insane at this point B) lack of proper response towards an extremely bad player retention league, on top of it being extremely unenjoyable B.1) Lack of raw currency drops and extremely limited viability and availability of league mechanic is what turned people away from the game so fast B.2) Your stubbornness with acknowledging real, IMMENSE feedback from your community, to which you were sworn to back in the days. That bond seems so broken right now B.3) Going the politics route and employing streamers to make sure your message was heard (which is ironical, cause you didn't wanna hear your players' opinions) and then doing nothing about the current league because your business model revolves around turning a profit at league start and ...well, Expedition is dead B.4) HAMMERING down on the god damn VISION that has allienated, enraged and frustrated so many people away from the game with the classic bait-and-switch POE that just changes perspectives over their own product 180 degrees in a matter of months. You've lost at least 100k people on league start in 6 months (check Ritual vs Expedition) because you've given players a kind of game and now you're trying to turn it into something completely different. C) Employing streamers like Baeclast crew and now Zizaran and Mathil. I don't have anything against these guys personally, but the type of content they put up, time they spend in trade league and their vision of the game is NOT consistent with the reasons this game became so popular. None of them can relate to the zoom-zoom meta and while I applaud their professionalism and I trully respect their dedication to representing SC Trade players, they're not able to simply as they don't have the experience. It's like having an answering machine and asking it to realise you're in a mood. While I'm sure they have the best interests in pleasing the angry masses at the moment, they're just not able to reliantly and succesfully relate why such a big chunk of your current player base feels the way they do at the moment. And then you're just ignoring people like PathofMatth, Cutedog, Grimro and hope it's ok? No, that's not gonna happen. Cause you won't trully touch bases with the core reason of what's causing this, all this dancing around the bush will have no real effect. D) Build diversity? Sure. Build viability? HA! ( Thanks, Ziz ) It's not the fact that people can't play the game anymore following some obscure-depths-of-the-internet builds, it's the fact that those suck tremendously these days, based on the nerfs. Sure, people can league start whatever they want, but then it falls off before maps and what do you know? Poof goes your 40% leaguestarters. E) Crafting. As non-deterministic as it can be. Probably gonna get worse. You don't realise how wrong you are about this, Chris. It's crafters that kept the game progression alive a lot of the leagues because the items that drop ( be it rare or uniques ) are completely useless. And then you're nerfing crafting mechanics (aisling, ultimatum harvest?), replacing them with ROG? The trickle down/up mechanism in an economy based game IS what made POE so special and you're just killing that with no second thought which just shows you're disconnected with how things simply work in SC Trade. The changes you've made are 100% too drastic and you've ignored QOL and bugs for so long that it's all just too much for people to handle. It's also truly amazing to me how you've done nothing REAL to 'fix' this league and you're just ok to let it die. Peace out! Last edited by Smurfstefan#1360 on Aug 17, 2021, 10:16:29 AM
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i am level 93.. not even a single exalted or has dropped yet. I have virtually no luck getting maps to drop. I do T10 maps and get T3 maps dropping. Its really hard to stay interested in a league this damn horrible. Im pretty much giving up at this point. I have asked many different people what i could be doing wrong and all they can say is.. "im not having those issues.. you must be doing something wrong"... Really??? Like what? Like doing every low level map I can get and still have only one watchstone so far?? Like getting people to give me T10 maps to run and MOVING that one watchstone to that side of the map and getting T3 maps from it? Like doing expeditions over and over again and barely making any currency at all from dealing with Teujen? (or whatever his name is). I know that they want only "elite" players to play and they are certainly pushing away the casual gamers for sure. I think Chris Wilson displayed his contempt for us NON streamers when he state that Crafting is a reward for smart people... which I take it to mean that since we dont craft that Chris Wilson just called us stupid. Thanks Chris.. nice to see your true feelings. In the meantime they talk to people like ZiggyD and actually listen to these "elite" players and their suggestions on the league but NEVER ask use NON elite players what we want. Well I can tell you what we dont want.. and that is to reach level 93 and not get even one damned exalted orb and stuggle endlessly to get even one red map.. YOU hear me??? I have not gotten ONE map over T10 to drop.. NOT ONE. This league sucks and this game sucks. Im not wasting any more of my time on it this league. Maybe the next league will be better... but i certainly doubt it.
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Listen guys. Why are there no company representatives on the ru forum? If you don't have people, hire. Advertise hiring an employee who will at least translate all hotfixes and news, and at least occasionally communicate with the players. # rollbackenerfs
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" Rather, only one thing is needed ... the rest is not important. I join the posts of numerous players that they want to make a game for streamers and empathetic elite players. Although there is still an opinion that this was done in order for the value of shares to fall. For redemption. And as for the people .... perhaps there are few examples in history and the present time, when opinions were not taken into account. P / S: then let them be consistent and leave the Steam platform. One server for 20k is more than enough. Last edited by dobers#2115 on Aug 25, 2021, 10:08:56 AM
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" Yeah feal the same game is not optimized for casual players only for the try hard. Last league i had fun with my overpower casual low budget build now i die all the time and dident even get to t16 maps or any of the end game bosses...i regret spending money on this game now... |
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I would like to add it to the selection mode of the game, and I would like to express my hope.
that mod is.. [no red flask] itemrearity up [no mena flask]Soaring gem acquisition establishment up [no set Amulet and rings.to only punch]stats Double value everyone, staff
Nice to meet you Personal Computer Gaming I am a 35 year player from Japan. I'm excited every day to get to know everyone through this game. I will do my best every day to collect knowledge of English and wiki. |
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" See you next league! |
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" +1 Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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My first impression on entering the website: "Give us your money! NOW!"
It's packed with ener... mtx ads. |
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