We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
Back after four years away, feel like a new player again. LOL.
Game has gotten significantly better though soo good job GGG you pulled me back in and I even blew like $300 on new packs because of it. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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I'm about 80 hours in the game... wanted to spend some time and not jump to conclusions. So I love most everything about the game I have only one issue. It seems like all the gear, items, etc is always for another character class. I tried a few before I decided on marauder and everything I've picked up that's good has been for other characters. Is this a way to keep players on a never ending grind?
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He, my 1st league. Got ~100 hours this league, got 2 reliquary keys during this time. Rather rare thing. And both times got stuff that cost alch orb...... it's shame. Whould be more exited to get something really nice in a such rare thing.
So the how it looks now - rare thing brings greate dissappointment. Newb
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well i really had fun in this game! but my frist impression is just this game isnt good at all for my sanity so im quiting! btw live is not fair after all. at begginer i was really thing GGG is a developer that put hearth on that, now i see that is just a messed up fucking bussiness.
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dunno what to say, very complex, very intense, sometimes annoying to die promptly without knowing who or wht killed me.
Last edited by bobZ_roX#2903 on Jun 27, 2021, 11:57:51 AM
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To be fair I am not a new player but a returning player (I took a break after Blight, because of burnout and the fact that the story of Betrayal did a 180 on Catarina's previous lore to my irritation). Playing through the Ultimatum league I realized that the Witch says it best "Too. Much. Clutter."
It was fine up until act 5 when all of the extra mechanics started being added in. During the campaign, whenever I saw a smuggler's cache, abyss, or delirium mirror I groan, because those broke my focus and they give rewards that are only important for specialized builds. The mechanics themselves feel like redoing previous leagues (Delirium feels like a reskin of Breach, Ritual & Ultimatum of Perandus, Heist of mapping). There is so much going on that I can't keep up with all of what is happening. One thought I had is to move most of the past league rewards to heists in order to give them a different place from mapping (removing the rewards that drop other places, like unique items, fragments, and standard equipment). |
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I feel like there are way too many things to do when it comes to late game content. Just make it guaranteed to encounter a league mechanic of choice (or 2/3 from prepared pool) insted of running a map for 20 minutes doing Cassie, Deli mirror with backtracking, current league mechanic, alva, breach, abyss and so on
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already tuned to 8%
Strongbox seem 24% according to datamine Unsure about rogue exile Master is 1% each? Deli is scale with other league mechanic, Harvest is 4%? Say without watchstone And the following has 8% each Breach Abyss Legion Blight Metamorph Heist Ritual 92%^7 = 55% chance does not have above (Breach-Ritual) at all., and Heist in map itself only drop loot and nothing bother you. I would say people will be mad if the base chance is tuned down again This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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Hey . Just a casual feedback from a casual gamer . Please add a zoom out option at least for standard mode ( with option do disable/enable from option menu ) .
I know it gives to the difficulty / atmosphere ..something.. , but i just want to enjoy the game and not go hardcore mode on it . I like the setting game play atmosphere and i'm not into grinding like a mad man because i'm old and no time lol. This mode with zooming in so much feels for me like i'm playing in a hybrid resolution of 640x480 with 1920/1080 lol . I keep coming back to the game from time to time (on act 5 now) and the camera just ruins my mood to keep going . I hope an option will be added in the future :) |
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This is the most popular post so I do not want my comments to be missed:
I watched the stream about 3.15 and I have a couple of issues with it. First of all, I can see where you are getting at about the balancing, but you have to remember who is your base. Is the largest "percentage of your players" are everyday casual players or the so called "one-percentage" players that you seemed to be "targeting" with the changes. I am a casual player ever since beta and I am still playing. These changes will affect you casual player base who is "the money makers for PoE" that purchases your micro-transactions. If you alienate your main player base by making it much harder then you will reduce your "monetary" base at the same time. I was speaking with some of my associates who play PoE and they said they continue to play because of several reasons, but their major issues that it is currently hard enough for them. If it becomes harder that it is then they will move on to another system. Now, some of us have some "item" that we created over the years by either drops or trade. One such item is "Hungry Loop", and after much investigation added certain gems in the slots and you changes make these items worthless because they cannot be recreated by removing the "nerfed" gems from the items. All I will say it that, you and the devs may think this is good for the game, but did you think your community will like it. If your community is staying strong then you have been doing something right. In my opinion, taking this hard stance, will most likely damage or reduce your player base of "casual players" the money-makers for PoE. We do not care about the so called "one percentage players" who are determined to bet the leagues in 2 days of less. I have been playing for all these years because I enjoy the game. There are some areas, bosses, maps and other that I haven't even beaten yet, but I continue to play and purchase micro-transactions. So, do not base the game status on these "one percentage players" or "talking heads" of PoE. Remember "who is" your base and you will continue to thrive. BL |
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