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kinda sad to see that 3rd party progs and private searchers WAY better than official trade...
bots still rule over economy

and worst part is harvest barelly was seen even after farming full week + 3days and got only 1 add attack... not fun at all and sad
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Feb 10, 2021, 4:46:51 AM
TreeOfDead wrote:
kinda sad to see that 3rd party progs and private searchers WAY better than official trade...
bots still rule over economy

and worst part is harvest barelly was seen even after farming full week + 3days and got only 1 add attack... not fun at all and sad

Could you explain that a little bit for somebody who did not play for years?
I really loved this game as I started to try it in january 2021... but the performance is so bad that I can't play..

I spent about $40 and then I reached act 5-6+ and now it's really starting to have bad performance.. it's like the further I get into PoE the worse the game is performing.

So I don't play PoE anymore and I hope patch 3.14 focuses ONLY on performance.

i tryed the game for last 3 days , played around 30 hours , and i will discribe this vary shortly , this game its so good with so much potentional its the best on a market action rpg now ... with alot of content... BUT it feels like i play game 1999 , no auction house , so much addon optimisations who makeu feel we live 20 years ago ... selling stash for money but game its free, and u cant trade and selll without them ... oh wait u can but its headache ... and so many headache not tuned utilities in the game who cause u headache ... pls this game have good idea and tats all , but sometimes just an idea and lots of crucial mehanics like trades, economy in game information ( everything in utility mehanics ) dosent work than the game its garbage with a good idea ... who wants to read and play/trade trough the broswer more than anyhing in the game ? i mean i wont play it i deleted it alaready after 3 days ... its sad to have good ideas like this but with 0 utility . feels like its vary vary vary low budget game. Dont ever make free game and than ask money for stash item xD i rather will pay for the game and see everything works and its tuned inside ... sorry im out :) cross fingers for diablo 4 and poe 2 ... if they fail like this than we hadto wait another 15 years for next action rpg games wich its sad
i started playing sometime in 3.11 (only casual, 1 char to lvl 85 or something).
You got me hooked (....yeah the longterm effects of covid-boredom medication) and i played more in 3.12 (experienced a leaguestart for the first time and bought my starter pack).
Played a variety of builds and ended up as an extremly undergeared aura stacker (don't laugh... i killed sirus) around lvl 95.
Then i enjoyed the event leagues (mayhem, delve,...) and got my first real taste of theorycrafting with PoB.
You announced 3.13, got the hype-train going and let me ride it full tilt ... into a wall!
This innocent, seemingly positive, line from the Patch-Notes to 3.13 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009157:

Minor New Content and Features

Texture Streaming has been reworked. Many textures that were not previously streamed now are, and the image quality of streamed textures has been improved. This also addresses some hiccups around the first time certain events occured within a session (such as slaying some monsters). This change will be monitored and improved in future updates based on player data.

made the leaguestart really bad.
It was apparently a massive change to the rendering engine, which broke the game for some players (including me).
After fixing some stuff (i play on linux and have sometimes to tinker with steam-proton versions, driver-library versions etc., but it was working pretty good the previous league) i managed to start the game and get my leaguestarter going and the texture problems were horrible...
I needed to change my build into a cycloning one to defend against invisible (not rendered) mobs and more than 1 min after entering an area there were still textures not loading. After some research i realized, i was not the only one affected. In the following weeks it got better and i played a couple more builds, but the excitement was somehow gone.
I realize that there will be problems with technical updates (and i really like that you are working towards fixing performance issues longterm by providing engine updates), but my suggestion would be to separate technical and content(leaguestart) updates as much as possible.
A major technical patch a few weeks before (or after) leaguestart would be good, so there would be time to react (for players and developers) to review the most serious issues, find workarounds etc. Then you can go ahead with the leaguestart.
I guess that is where i have a different opinion from tbone469 (2 posts above)
...and I hope patch 3.14 focuses ONLY on performance

Do not focus on performance upgrades/engine changes at leaguestart at all! Introduce them before a leaguestart as you did with the redownload patch of 3.11.2 so there is time to identify and address serious bugs before the leaguestart.

Otherwise i am optimistic for 3.14 and think you made a great game, or i would not have stuck with it during the bad texture times.^^
I appreciate the added difficulty Maven adds when witnessing boss fights.

Her placement, however, has made it impossible to see in some arenas, blocking the view of most of the area. (added side note, boss arena in Factory has the ceiling/roof intermittently reveal/obscure arena ... hard to position yourself out of the electro beams when all you can see is roof)

Difficulty is one thing when you can do something about it or at least learn why you're dying. When you can't SEE ANYTHING to learn from ... just grrrr

Thanks for taking your time to listen to a noob's opinion :)
I want to offer my first impression of the game too but I will offer it from 2 perspectives one as a new player 2 as a player that was here from the beginning

New player gameplay :
1 hour of gameplay 3 hours on websites/searching for helpful guided and how to play the game
(Frustrating and Not Fun)
Old player gameplay :
Been here from the beginning so he has gradually learned everything about the game, did not actually need to learn everything as there were small / few mechanical / crafting wise, etc updates every league even if a league was as complex as 3.13 it was just that to learn as he knew everything from the previous leagues

New Player Crafting:
Looking for Craft of exile / Wiki for a couple of hours until he manages to understand somewhat what currency he needs to farm to do the specific craft and ends up
Breaks his build as he did not know that more / increased are different and that he cant get that craft on that base and so on ... because obviously
(Not fun and Frustrating)
Old player crafting
Has filter modified to get the exact ilvl / Influence / Base so in 5 crafts with fossils has perfect weapon/armour etc and laughs on the new player as he broke his build ... feels good man ...

New Player Farming(Grinding): gets 1 shot by everything for no reason what so ever (that is what he believes because he is seeing a huge amount of armor huge amount of evasion and capped resistances so in theory according to any game ever he should be just fine .. ) and needs to pay an old player to pass his Sirus and get rid of that quest log because at this point he does not know how to work the interface and disable it and ah yes forgot to mention his screen is always full of items he does not know about the filters
Old player Farming(Grinding): makes a broken build as there is always one because he has years and he knows it and just does carries and takes all the loot from the new player because well GIT GUD NUB yeah don't worry you don't need that Awakened Multi-Strike / Awakened Spell Echo...

The point that I want to make is that as a new player there are way too many things to learn mechanics 200 types of crafting 500 ways to do currency, things that an old player did not need to learn so because he was here and only learned 3-4 things every league that is saying a lot because the old player believes that somehow they are good because they have the knowledge but in reality, if they would have so many mechanics to learn ... well I don't know if they would say hey it's fine we don't need Harvest, it's fine we don't need Spelslinger, it's fine we don't need Toxic Rain, it's fine we don't need ...Whatever you people want to brake/nerf in the future No-one is saying the old players don't have their value, as is due to them supporting the game has ended in this state and it is a good and decent ARPG (I'm not saying very good/extraordinary because of the lack of smoothness, crashes, bugs, that we get every beginning of the league, and yes I hate the UI ) well I hope someone reads and understands what I wanted to point out here

learning 2 mechanics and 2 crafts per league vs learning everything from the beginning of time is not fun and it's frustrating

Because at the end of the day people just want to play the game not getting stuck in Path Of Building, Craft Of Exile, installing filters/mods for easy lab, currency calculator, etc etc, etc that is just not fun it is effective but not fun removes the fun from the game
Path of DC 2

Sorry we did not expect to have so many players this season.

Truly we cant ever fathom

Don't worry someday we ll buy some new servers for you.

But as of now only streamers allowed
I really would enjoy to post a feedback and some suggestions here, but I don't have enough four letters' words to express my thoughts about this league start. The game is unplayable for me. This is the time when I deeply regret for having bought one of the last supporter packs. And also, for the few minutes I manage to be logged in, I have the disgusting pleasure of reading those first players doing things I'm really not interested about. Please give us a simple option to disable those announcements of first player doing this or that, perhaps this option could even save some server activity.
«Macte animo, generose puer, sic itur ad astra»
cant give a first imperession as you cant play

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