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Was playing this game for like ~1 year or so, nothing professional, just an average player killing his free time after the work. I got fed up and quit, so here are couple of thoughts about this game.

Positive things:
Amount of content

Now lets talk about negative things:
First of all i would like to say, that it is very sad to see so much potential being lost and thrown away, really sad...

Your game is sick, if I could describe in two words those would be "BALANCE CHAOS", this is what happens when there is no set cap for anything especially damage output. There are countless of mechanics without any damage cap stacking with each other in every fight in ways you cant predict, resulting in "one shots", huge lags, delays between skills and actual damage received etc...

If you would have had actually set the maximum damage, healing, leeching etc outputs in the beginning of the game and built every content around those numbers it would have been a huge success, resulting in stable economy and stable gameplay where players would actually be able to understand the reasoning behind their character deaths, or where there would actually be some sort of power caps to the certain tier maps and monsters, not like now where you can have the build that is worth 100EX but take T2 map with reflect damage and you die instantly... its just Bullshit sorry...

This "uncapped power level" is ruining the whole build diversity. On the one hand the passive skill tree is accessible nearly equally with any character, so the build possibilities are wast. But in reality introducing stronger and more powerful bosses to the game result in the outcome where only handful of builds are viable for the end game content or even T15 maps.
To put it in short, there are builds with power caps that can be reached quite early and there are builds without those caps that are viable for the end content. The worst thing is that you constantly concentrate on those uncapped builds to create the end content and push it further to the point where there is less and less diversity in builds available..
And this is due to the main problem which I already addressed - there is no power cap for the end content or any other content. It feels like the game is actually leaning towards the content that is less and less balanced because every high end build feels like an exploit or a hole in the system that can give a character very huge boost of his abilities and without that huge boost its barely possible to enjoy the game.

On top this there are a lot of mechanics that simply do not work but they are presented in the game. Determination and armor for example, it should reduce physical damage by quite a lot right, but even if you achieve ~50k+ armor or so using determination, that would mean nothing against elemental damage.. But if so, then why the hell there are a lot of options available to seek this build? In my perspective this is just a trap. Elemental damage reduction in my opinion this is just overcomplicated design, why introduce the cap at 75-78%? Why not make it a 100%? instead now we are forced to choose warcry, charges, flask to basically achieve that ~100% of elemental resistance which we could achieve easier using items. And onece again you could make it so that the end game content would be viable only for those who reach 100% resistances If you still want to make the content challenging.
Different mechanics are cool approach to the character building, but they have to offer same opportunities. But now there is handful of the actual mechanics that are worth seeking, and good luck finding that out when you area new player and everything on the skill tree looks equally beneficial.
Same goes with items, which is too hard to determine if the item is actually good. On the outside the game looks pretty straight forward - you smash things and you take items, you find one with better option, you use it... And go for another one, better etc.. But in reality its the opposite - Oni Garoshi the item is valid for the end content, for really powerful builds.. The only way to get the item is to farm it in tutorial... at lvl 5... Really now, you call this balance?

This game needs to be reworked to the point where it would be smarter to release the new game based on this one.
But first you would need to set the end game content as the power cap and build everything around that so that the builds, characters, skills and all the content in the game would be balanced and all the builds and all the classes would be viable for that end content. And using different characters would mean playing a game in a different manner, melee, archery, magic etc.. Not like now where you a melee char and give him a bow, or where you pick a mage and smash everything with a sword using summons...

Now its just a balance chaos further driven by the power creep, because its just easier that way...

Not worth time, especially considering the amount of content that you actually need to learn and spend so much time on. Even though that content might not be working on the long run, so you actually need to spend time learning what works and what doesn`t. So basically each player is working as a beta tester and you actually ask money from those players... Splendid plan...

[/quote]430714 edited out... not the right thread,found him on many other threads with the same stuff anyway.
Last edited by BlackPulsar#5393 on Aug 4, 2020, 12:53:54 AM
BlackPulsar wrote:

430714 this is your profile name? you played since 2017,not one supporter pack... are you here from blizzard? :))))))[/quote]

Yes man, I came here from Blizzard and I buy supporter packs before I try the game... You sure know what you are talking...

I really like the guys who are checking the profiles of the players to evaluate their "skill?" Guess what, it doesn`t matter because each player is different.

Now I don`t really need to be buying supporter packs to feel obliged to criticize the game, or I don`t really need to be a Youtube streamer to do so either. But if you feel this is necessary to state the opinion, then maybe just for you, little sunshine, I could buy a supporter pack, if that would make any difference... I could also spend some more time on Youtube to look at what kind of META build I could copy from someone and later brag on the forum about how everyone else sucks, because my copied build is valid for the end content, while others aren`t...

If you think actually gives you some sort of worth over the others, then you need to take a step outside once in a while, to see how real people are living their lives...
430714 wrote:

Yes man, I came here from Blizzard and I buy supporter packs before I try the game... You sure know what you are talking...

I really like the guys who are checking the profiles of the players to evaluate their "skill?" Guess what, it doesn`t matter because each player is different.

Now I don`t really need to be buying supporter packs to feel obliged to criticize the game, or I don`t really need to be a Youtube streamer to do so either. But if you feel this is necessary to state the opinion, then maybe just for you, little sunshine, I could buy a supporter pack, if that would make any difference... I could also spend some more time on Youtube to look at what kind of META build I could copy from someone and later brag on the forum about how everyone else sucks, because my copied build is valid for the end content, while others aren`t...

If you think actually gives you some sort of worth over the others, then you need to take a step outside once in a while, to see how real people are living their lives...

edited as this is not the right thread for me to criticize people's opinions...
it's the profile name that's more suspicious and some purchase would have confirmed for me that you are an actual player and not just here to bash the game because there are more threads where you've been saying how much you hate it.
Last edited by BlackPulsar#5393 on Aug 4, 2020, 12:29:19 AM
Worst supporter packs ever.
Worst supporter packs ever. why are u making it hard for people to want to spent money. A character effect that looks shit in town and hideout someone was off that day. U can do better than this. Now u get no money from me this league sad
i like the support pack realy... and Heist.... REALY AMAZING !
This league is one of the worst league, not becouse heist is bad but becouse of massive bugs, many logouts from heists and i just died by 1 shot in white heist map that was 10levels below my level when i was playing one of the most tanky build you can get now in hc... WTF is wrong with you GGG, first harvest and now this...
Well done GGG... well done!

Anyone notice the supreme download speed?
I have a very poor internet connection. Harvest took 6-7 hours to download, Heist took 2-3! That has impressed me more than anything else.

Heist LOOKS amazing. A taste of PoE 2.0 I think graphically. Sure the league mechanics need a few tweaks and bug fixes, but I'm really excited to see all that Heist has to offer and wonder how this will affect PoE in the future.
I've not played much at all of the game recently, but came back when I saw a new league was about to start and I was looking for a different game to play. I like that the league is 3 months, as that is about my atention span for this sort of game.

So I am basically a noob with minimal understanding of the game mechanics, I could easily be a new player.

This game SUCKS.

If anyone who really is new tells me they are interested I will tell them not to waste their time. And certainly to give PoE2 a hard pass.

The game mechanics are actively against new players, the bugs are massive and seem to be the exact same every league, and veteran players have given up expecting GGG to give a shit.

If I can be bothered to write a review on Steam it will certainly be negative.

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