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+1 for vamps :D
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead

After playing quite a bit to get a grasp on the way things balance in the game, Fusings are way too rare a resource for their necessity in the game. Due to their horrific ease of disappearance, they should at least be on par with Jewelers Orbs where if you turn in a 4 or 5 linked item, you get that back in fusings.

I have played a ton in Metamorph and have never cleared more than a 100 yet... Makes no sense. If the RNG of getting 5 or 6 links were better, then maybe this would make sense. But GGG is already claiming 1500 or so can make a 6 lined item (if you get the recipe), which there is no way I have ever gotten that many in a league. To force us to get that many by the majority of it being bought is a really bad design.
I edit because it's really a special game, but that's why we put ourselves in its states and that the disappointment of the atlas is great.
It’s impossible to write items, skills so masterpieces and not succeed in writing a nicer end game script. It's a problem of artistic direction, that's for sure. There is something wrong with the exterior maps, the relief feeling. Often the maps inside or in caves are better.
Last edited by Sigfried2642#6061 on Feb 1, 2020, 2:42:43 AM

I have to say I love this game! I'm pretty sure i've spent more on this game than all but 1 other game!

However, I have to say the most annoying and frustrating thing that makes me want to stop playing is that my inventory is so full ALL the time! I LITERALLY have no place to put the loot I am picking up! That being said it is entirely my fault. Because, even though I am a fairly intelligent person, and have a bachelor's degree, and have almost 900 hours in the game, and love playing, and theorycrafting new builds, and learning about new interaction between all the mechanics ... I CAN NOT SELL A FUCKING THING!

And when I do try to sell something I know immediately I have listed it to low as I get 10 whispers as soon as I leave my hideout! LUL ... THIS makes me not want to play the game! I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times specifically because of this issue! It's sad I know. I am a baddy player.

However, this problem that I have could be fixed with one change. And I know that there are many many many other new players who have figured out the tree, gems, tags, weapons, armor, and ascendancies all to have our face smashed in by the lack of an Auction House!

Jeeebus Fucking Hell why don't you please get an auction house! I have lost currency on trades and have had the joy of this game crushed under the idea that I am vendoring Exalted Orbs and putting trash out for sale! Just make the AH already and quit stalling! It is literally the ONLY thing preventing smart players who want to play the smartest game on the market from playing and spending money on your beautiful game! HOLY SHIT stop listening to idiots who advocate against the AH! It is only a reasonable trade system for scams and RMT and all other kinds of market manipulations! There is no interaction to be had at all in the PoE trading experience! It is literally (1- alt+tab to a 3rd party webpage and hope its current and correct. , 2- input some item or mods and hope you get a piece of gear that is a match or close enough to a match that you MIGHT be able to ballpark the fair market price for an item. 3- use this info to find the list of seller of an item similar to what you're looking for and then HOPE that they are not price fixing the item or that they are actually answering trade whispers!). It is the biggest cluster fuck of economy management in any game that I have ever played!

There is a reason we have stock exchange trading floors!

Other than this one HUGE flaw your game is amazing testament to the intelligence of the players and people who play games! Except this trading system which is a moronic blight on the beauty of Path of Exile!
since many years this is the 1st time I enjoyed so much to play the atlas.
Thank you for that !
A thing to do is about dailies. Personnaly i like to play Jun,Zana,niko. Einhar and Alva are really not my cup of tea.

But whatever my preferences for dailies. This is bad to be nearly 0 for what you like and about 200 for what you don't play.
Maybe with an option sacrifice 2 or 3 dailies from a master you don't play to get a random new one ? This is not famous.
Anyway, there is something to do here.

Thank you again for this amazing game ! Cheers !
Last edited by Zat0ichi#7171 on Feb 7, 2020, 6:12:51 AM
Zat0ichi wrote:

But whatever my preferences for dailies. This is bad to be nearly 0 for what you like and about 200 for what you don't play.
Maybe with an option sacrifice 2 or 3 dailies from a master you don't play to get a random new one ? This is not famous.
Anyway, there is something to do here.

yeah, i have same problem.
yeah, i have same problem.

With the end game content, we are probably many.

The simple and best option should be to be able to choose a master in "favorite" that gives him a +%chance to get his daily with the boss kill.

I think, it's really important for the end game content and explain what happened with me :

I really enjoyed to do the conquerors again and again.
But after many conquerors loops when you have a bad luck to spawn a conqueror with many many maps... Ouch!!! for the mind ! (btw fortunately we can continue to spawn them with low tier maps after the 1st!//great idea!)
And when sometimes, you do 2 or 3 loops of conquerors without a good reward (shit happens)... it is really hard to continue to enjoy !
if during this hard time, at least you are still able to get the master daily you like :
You are able to continue to enjoy to play. Because this is not purely frustrating rng, you feel free and active to play something you like.

In my case, I'm crazy about Jun for ofc pure breachstones and scarabs for profits. But mainly because with the syndicate, I feel I can influence much more in a goal. There is ofc still rng in the process but how to say...This is an acceptable rng because it's more than : yes or no, 1 or 0, spawn or not. It's deeper in the choice and then interesting.
So, as long as, I was doing my conquerors loops with behind my Jun dailies that was really good. But since she is 0. I play naturaly less and less... Until your next update ofc :D. I'm sure you will fix this !

Post is too long for my archaic english ! Sorry for that and hope it's understandable ! Cheers !!!
So after finally getting to maps with my first characters I have some wishes/feelings:

First I want to say that I really love how GGG improved this game and how fun it is now until epilogue.

1. I wish there would be character change.
I know this game is about interesting characters with lore behind and a lot of builds, but when I saw how much GGG is going to change the characters models and animations in POE2 obviously to please the main crowd while I love how bizzare they look like now (the old ones, yes I'm the one who loves templar character, even his animations), I wish they would really make alternative choices. Also if this game is about to run a lot of builds with a few classes, even more I wish there would be a way how to make them different.
And the way how it would fit this game would be similar to scion class, only they will not appear on the starting screen, instead you could invite the character into your hideout and then say that the current character want to rest for a while and ask the other character to take over for some time, or something like that.

It would be funny if the league would be named "legion" and you would be able to switch your character :p
Or it would be a support pack I would want to pay for. On the other hand I'm not sure how long this game will keep me interested, so maybe it doesn't matter.

2. I have a problem with endgame being fun.
I love progression of my character, but I had to ask a lot what I should do with maps. and when I started to do them, it became stale. The skill tree is almost complete and I had to buy my unique equipment so there is nothing to progress, nothing to look forward, only challenges.
All the NPCs spawning in maps are fun, but I'm missing my own progress. I'm OK with skill tree, but I think it is unique equipment which breaks this feel of progression down for me. At low levels it is too OP, so any other drop is useless, but it is still OK, because I progress in skilltree, but in higher levels it is not good enough, so all depends on your build and if it is not the same build over and over which can progress into higher maps, it will all breaks down the joy of trying new things.
and the crafting I have is or useless or absent at level 75, and it does cost 1+ chaos, which feels like too much for me.
I love unique equip, but it is the kind of thing I wish I could go for at maps and with basic maps/bosses, because then they could be stronger and I would see some way how to be stronger with my build.
Also I wish there wouldn't be more unique versions of 1 equipment - like Yriel's forstering, because I want all the variants, so I will have all hunters look the same. and it is not possible to get this equipment in epilogue, only after a lot of time, which is then useless, and I need it around level 70-75.

Also I have a problem that all the things I gathered in league are good for nothing because I get nothing for playing standard, and with the next league I will start again with nothing and I will not be able to gather good equpment for my character again, so I will have to buy everything and that is not what I would feel good about.

So maybe if there would be self-funded league, but funded from standard league or if standard league would have some cosmetic rewards as well, so it would be rewarding to create some characters there atleast for the first time?

I know that players who are just trying builds don't have those problems so maybe this is how it was meant to be - just trying a build, getting to maps and end it. Maybe I want too much.

Have you played Demon Hunter in D3 when started ? It is the same feeling ! That's why quit D3.

Should we all play Mana Guardian to feel like a normal game ?

p.s I'm mad at myself that I've supported this league.
Last edited by fizo1#6088 on Feb 12, 2020, 3:12:18 PM
I'm gonna write my impressions below. Long post incoming.

This account is old. Game felt good to play but it was too complicated for me. I did a witch up to lvl 60 or something I think and then I quit. After playing other games and not having anything else to play I started watching youtube in my free time. One video here, another build guide there, and I reinstalled the game.


New player experience
So, new player experience => horrible, truly effing awful. The IGN guy was really nice to you guys for giving you a 7.6. The one-shot mechanics in this game are absolutely horrible. I played a tank so that I could learn the game, the bosses, and I still get one shot sometimes. How am I supposed to learn the game if I get one shot?

If a jugg can't tank an Izaro hit past the second lab, now I don't wanna say poor game design, but it is poor game design. I mean it would be ok for the lab to be this hard if the ascendancy points weren't locked behind completion. I got one-shotted 5 times, and then a necromancer did it for me (thank you man, forgot your name). Wasted 2 hours while doing nothing. Same with Uber Lab, just random one-shots, until finally and I got lucky and didn't get one shot (Izaro hit left me with 300 hp) and finished him off. It would be fair to at least have 3 tries and no loot if you die, or something more beginner-friendly.

Don't get me started with the Trials. Oh, man. I spammed so many prophecies and maps. Why do you get the same trials if you already unlocked them? Had to look up youtube videos and find channel 820 and pay 20c for a trial I was missing => poor game design

They are a pain for the pc, the fps, the eyes, your hp bar, your fingers, your heartbeat, for everything. Up until red maps, I could sort of do them deathless if I dodged properly (dodging with a tank, very intuitive system). Now I simply stopped doing them. They feel unrewarding in red maps. In white and yellow maps they are ok for a jugg (don't know how they feel for other classes).

Uniques are like 95% useless. I dropped so much useless stuff I can't even remember. Loot filter is a must in this game. Should be built-in, not having to watch youtube videos to find out how to install it => poor game design

There definitely is some weird scaling with damage and defense. I killed Sirus 2 times so far(first 2 times solo), failed it the third time with 10% because a storm spawned at the door and a guy I took with me to speed up the fight wasted 2 portals (not his fault though). He can't really one-shot me, but bosses in red maps sometimes can. What? Like Sirus effing Awakener of Worlds does not one-shot me and red map bosses do? I Even asked someone in global for help with the map boss (after losing 10% xp) and he said: "lol what a boss" after killing him with some minion build.

XP loss on death is not a good system.

I can't do metamorphs because I sometimes die and lose 10%, map bosses sometimes one-shot me so I'm not doing red map bosses anymore. Conquerors sometimes one-shot (Veritania) me so I don't do them until I level up (great game system). I would much rather prefer that if I died I would fail the map, all the rewards taken away, no atlas completion, but don't take my XP away. I worked for that.

Yesterday I died to: a guy joining my game with Iceshot and freezing my game for 5 seconds, a boss doing some move I've never seen before (not losing another 10% XP to him so most likely never gonna learn his moves), the other boss I mentioned earlier that killed even the guy with the minion build, and Red Map Vaal Temple cost me 2 deaths. I was running with a guy that has really good builds and he got one shot. I died from 3 hits. I could sort of tank them with Herald of Purity and positioning (playing tank by the way, which can't tank). Killed 2 of the guys, and then the one that does the spikes from the sky, instagibbed me. He then proceeded to open another Vaal Temple map, finished the bosses after dying 3 times, to 3 hits and then left the game. He was playing a Miner in that fight by the way.

Sounds good, doesn't work. Lags, lags, lags, and more lags, frame drops, stutters, freezes, and then some lags. I might not have the best pc, but I have an i5-4460, gtx 1070. Should be waaaay more than enough for this game set to medium-low.

Feels nice to explore it, but very poorly explained. Had to watch a youtube video to find out what to do next. Conqs weren't spawning, and the map said Tier 8-9. I had a map with the same name that said Tier 1/2/3/4 in my inventory. The logic was: "oooh. so I put watchstones in, and I run a map, and the watchstones turns the lvl 1 map, into lvl 8-9." WRONG. It meant I had to run a lvl 8-9 map to spawn a conqueror, so I had to buy one. Wasted a whole day trying to spawn with no success. Having to watch youtube videos to understand game systems is poor game design. Is it really that hard to make a little "i" in the map region and say "In order to spawn Conqueror you need to run "x" lvl of map. Running a low map lvl will not spawn Conquerors?"

Also Conquerors spawning in zones where you already have all the Watchstones. There should be a warning, I don't know, something.

The good

Absolutely great. Loving the Exalt drops, hoarding Chaos, Divination cards, trading with people and so on. Really nice system. I wish there was an Auction House.

Maybe I am lucky with my encounters, but people seem to be nice in this game. They help you with this and that, explain things to you and so on.

It's soooo much fun. I absolutely love it. And it is (at least feels to a newb) so rewarding. My first session was 6 hours. I started at 10 pm and went to sleep at around 4 AM. Couldn't stop. 10/10

Feels nice to play but not for my build, I usually ask for help from someone, and it's a nice encounter. The rewards are nice. Soundtrack is awesome for that encounter.

Conqueror fights
They feel awesome. The soundtrack is amazing voice lines are awesome (except Sirius whiny human voice). I wish I could fight them as soon as they are available and not dodge them until I level up.

Tanking the whole screen feels nice. It's nice that the game can offer this feeling of "oh man, I'm strong". This build is really tanky. Seeing the portals appear in tight spaces and monster spawning (from conquerors) on top of the other monsters and just holding your ground feels nice. Pop a Vaal Molten Shell, look at the value go down. Pop a flask. Intense stuff. Love it. (Hate the 1 shots though).

Story mode
Loved it, listened to every line, checked all the dialogue boxes. Really nice story. Feel sorry for Nessa.

Build diversity
It's nice that you can have a build for this, a build for that. Love it. Makes the game feel fresh.

I like running missions with him. He is funny. Don't really go to the Menagerie to fight the monsters a second time in the cage, but he is a nice encounter in maps.

Unique Maps
Really like this concept. They are cool to run.

Abysses feel nice to play, go explore the caverns find some loot. Nice stuff.


This game is a Vaal Orb.
Last edited by DannyNickCT#2239 on Feb 24, 2020, 9:42:00 AM

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