Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

ST seems to hit multiple times on the return flight.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Daarknight wrote:
Melkrow wrote:

Can u link your gear/gems and the tree, AS IS, so I can do the math on that and see if I actually get your correct DPS.

Because the same math I did for my lvl82 shadow got my DPS correct within 10 points (minor rounding issues).


12,447 dps

Thanks, I was doing the auras wrong. I'm still missing something, with correct aura (assuming wiki values are correct), I'm arriving at 12182 DPS for you, which is a lot closer than the original result of 10.8K before I changed aura calculations.

OK, figured it out, I forgot to factor in 8% attack speed from Kreyten. It all adds up now.

Last edited by Melkrow#0726 on Jan 30, 2014, 6:12:37 PM
Bumping to put it back on first page.

Also I'm having a really really hard time finding a decent weapon for this build. There's one on poe.xyz for 45 ex...

not cutting it anymore
I bought this yesterday, found on .xyz for 6ex

I'm probably going to be selling mine for something like 15-20ex.

Feel free to msg me if you wanna negotiate.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Last edited by Mathil#3128 on Jan 31, 2014, 6:05:50 AM
Is there anyone in this thread that would be able to help me with gearing?

I just sold my other characters dagger for 3 exalted, and am still quite new to the game. When it comes to pricing I'm generally lost. I do know about XYZ, and am just hoping to gear this character as well as I can with these 3 ex.

If anyone wants to shoot me a message in game I'll essentially be on all day, will tip for good help/finders fee.
Selling my complete ele-ST buzzsaw gear. ON DOMINATION
Using the same spec as above nad level 85 my stats(buffed) are:

Spectral throw dmg(6-linked ST in tabula): 11549 . Real dps much higher ofc.

5000 evasion, 82%(121%)fireres . 77(79)coldres. 82(108) lightning res. -48 chaos.
4182 hp.

Can handle all maps and most if not all affixes. Some bosses are hard.


Contact me ingame to discuss price. Will remove parts as they sell. IGN: karnarang / karnface

Last edited by karnfield#1109 on Feb 1, 2014, 5:26:30 AM
Last edited by trehalose11#1674 on Feb 22, 2014, 10:03:24 AM
trehalose11 wrote:
One another thing. I use heavy strike still. Some monsters like undying alchemists(?! those spindly humanoids that use shockwave/lightning spells), they seem to avoid my spec throws, even though I have resolute technique. It's hard to kill them sometimes, so I pull out my heavy strike to kill them.

Just reposition yourself or type /oos and they'll 'unbug'.

As for the Labirynth boss, all you need to do is avoid his one-shot mechanic aka empowered attack which activates when he consumes corpse. Kite around until he eats all of them or use detonate dead. You must also bear in mind that devourers spawn all the time in the room so he will continuously have possibility to empower himself. Overall I wouldn't recommend tackling this fight until you get about 5k+ health and are familiar with fearful desync that might screw you.
Last edited by borek664#0255 on Feb 1, 2014, 9:22:38 AM
Last edited by trehalose11#1674 on Feb 22, 2014, 10:03:43 AM

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