Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

While going crit is the endgoal of such a build, it isn't necessarily better for mapmods/survivability.

A basic lifebased crit version will have less life and more issues against mapmods compared to this build. The biggest benefit to Mathil's buzzsaw is that all mapmods outside bloodmagic are no problem at all with some barely affecting you.

Quick list of things that get harder with a life crit version(whether elemental of physical). Enfeeble, half regen, no regen, reflect. It's obviously better for clearspeed though.
Last edited by kasub#2910 on Aug 6, 2014, 12:44:56 AM
how much mana do you have left with all 5 auras? im using this guide as a base to run an ele reave with carcass jack and planing to pick up some reduced skill cost nodes and possibly mana leach if needed and drop the blood magic do you think it could work? (bear in mind its been said mana cost is going to be reduced in the expansion)
Level 75, running level 18 gems (including RM and have Alpha's), when running 5 auras I'm pretty sure I have around 4 mana left. Maybe it went up after I last checked, but I suspect it's no more than 10. Wouldn't know about others.
86 lvl with 19 reduced mana have between 20 and 30 mana
hi guys, this is my first account and i decided to play this build because it seemed like a lot of fun

before i ask my question, here is my gear

I wouldnt say i am very wealthy, (a couple exalts saved up), however i would like to know what the easiest and most efficient path to take in boosting my DMG or sustainability in farming maps.

Basically i want to take this character to the moon, but in my current position in time i would like to know what the best route to take would be in terms of upgrading gear!

Any advice would be appreciate! thank yoU!
I have 18 mana left now, apparently 4 was some time ago.

Upon first glance I'd try getting WED on the second ring and the belt, that's probably the cheapest way of boosting your DPS. Afterwards you could obviously look into getting a 6L but it'll be expensive. Maybe look around for an APS capped foil. Running WED gem is also more important than faster attacks, I think. I'd also drop Hatred and run Purity of Fire instead but that's me.
PrayUnotmyprey wrote:

Any advice would be appreciate! thank yoU!

WED on belt and ring will go a long way. Your biggest upgrade is obviously a 6 link but if you want immediate gains you could use your savings to buy a lvl 20 corrupt wrath/anger which will give you a substantial boost until yours level up to try corrupting them yourself.

Aside from that, quality of ST and LMP will net you 20% attack speed which is nothing to scoff at. If you wanna msg me in game I can bro deal you lvl 20 anger/wrath should you decide to go that route.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
I have been thinking of doing this build, i do have an alphas howl on my ele wander but im going to make that character into a EK build with the patch, But i do have my doubts, i can't do either pure evasion or pure armor i need to do a hybrid build since that the sort of gear i have laying around, but for evasion to work you need quite abit of it, you can't run around with a few hundred evasion and hope to avoid attacks, and if you can't avoid attacks you need armor to not get down to a sliver of health each time you get hit,

One key thing of the build is that it's a ranged build. so avoiding 50% of all hits are easy by just not standing in the middle of everthing. but then we have the ranged they are alot harder to avoid and without any evasion or armor you can't take many hits before you're dead.

Whats your opinons on this?
Sure a lightning coil will help with this but it's just to expensive for me. all my currency goes towards my main build this will be made by stuff i have laying around no one wants to buy, so getting the extra lightning resists won't be cheap enough for me.
Nailroth wrote:
Sure a lightning coil will help with this but it's just to expensive for me. all my currency goes towards my main build this will be made by stuff i have laying around no one wants to buy, so getting the extra lightning resists won't be cheap enough for me.

It's really easy to avoid damage with this build, its big advantage is mobility and you shouldn't be trying to facetank anything so you don't need to focus just on stacking evasion, just try and get it on your items where possible. Running PoL/PoF reduces incoming spell damage a lot and you can also use a taunt totem to help with trickier fights.

Lightning Coils are not expensive - 10-20c - especially if you buy a lowish roll and socket it yourself but having said this, it's also not essential (I didn't have one until level 80) - a good 5l or 6l will do you just as well.
Last edited by covaruk#0619 on Aug 8, 2014, 2:12:22 AM
This is currently my gear and I'm thinking of swapping the setup I got on my boots with cwdt-EC-IC. My question is what level is considered "optimal" for cwdt. Also increased duration works even if it's maxed out since it's a support skill right? Last I'd like to know what you guys prefer on your flasks because I didn't pay so much attention to them but realised how powerful they are recently.


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