
Roexile wrote:
No replies by GGG. They are not even acknowledging there is an issue.

GGG shouldn't have to waste their time posting in every feedback thread. It's clear GGG would have read this and taken it on board, because of who the OP is. GGG know that we think doorways are stupid; they don't have to justify to you why they aren't fixing them at the moment, or why they don't ever intend to fix them (if that is the case).
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
dudiobugtron wrote:
Roexile wrote:
No replies by GGG. They are not even acknowledging there is an issue.

GGG shouldn't have to waste their time posting in every feedback thread. It's clear GGG would have read this and taken it on board, because of who the OP is. GGG know that we think doorways are stupid; they don't have to justify to you why they aren't fixing them at the moment, or why they don't ever intend to fix them (if that is the case).

Who am I?
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
You're a good, prolific racer (14th overall score in season 4), and you know what you're talking about. That alone doesn't mean your feedback is correct, of course. But it does mean it's worth them reading it to figure that out for themselves. I'm not saying you're special, there are lots of racers whose opinions they should take the time to listen to. I'm just saying you're one of them.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Last edited by dudiobugtron#4663 on Dec 11, 2013, 1:06:48 AM
dudiobugtron wrote:
You're a good, prolific racer (14th overall score in season 4), and you know what you're talking about. That alone doesn't mean your feedback is correct, of course. But it does mean it's worth them reading it to figure that out for themselves. I'm not saying you're special, there are lots of racers whose opinions they should take the time to listen to. I'm just saying you're one of them.

I appreciate the compliments, but I don't think of myself as a top tier racer. I think I'm significantly worse than someone like boof or cwu.

And I wouldn't ever want people to listen to me "just because X", I think my arguments should stand and fall based on their own merits and nothing else.

That's why I made a video demonstrating what I mean, because it should never be an argument from perceived authority but rather an argument based on facts.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Every race I feel the pain of doorways. A monster walks through desyncd and you cant hurt him, cant attack through the door then suddenly you are ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR DYING.. Doorways are really frustrating especially in races. Certain maps have way too many of them back to back causing a lot of monster / player desync. Half of the time ranged attacks and spells visually go through the door but DO NOT hurt the enemies. This is a pain for someone like me going ranger spectral. /oos is a must for all of these fights.
SlixSC wrote:
And I wouldn't ever want people to listen to me "just because X", I think my arguments should stand and fall based on their own merits and nothing else.

Yes, of course. And if GGG have the time to read and properly consider the merits of every feedback post, then good on them. But if they don't, then they still probably would have read and considered the merits of this one.

By 'listen to' I didn't mean 'agree with'. I meant 'hear out'.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
It's not a big deal just play around it
PolarisOrbit wrote:
It's not a big deal just play around it

Playing around it involves going slowly. There's a reason this is in the race feedback forum.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
It's not a big deal just play around it

Posts like yours only give GGG a bad excuse to not fix their game. It's kind of funny, how in the closed and open Beta days people were too busy circlejerking so nobody ever thought:

"You know what, this is kinda weird, doorways are basically invisible walls that block your attacks for no reason. This is obviously not intended, better report it."

I can honestly say that in my 15+ years of playing video games I've never seen a community defend invisible walls.

"Oh invisible walls, nah that's fine, just play around it, it's no big deal."

edit: So what you are basically saying is "this aspect of the game is shit, but that's fine"

Sorry, I don't play that game and LOL.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 11, 2013, 8:49:28 PM
PolarisOrbit wrote:
It's not a big deal just play around it

Useful stuff here.

Heres my problem with this point of view:

GGG knows what their problems in the game are.

They design a specific race and specific zones for it "Decent".

Descents third zone is riddled with tiny trees all over the place.

They include Rhoas on said level. Both of these have huge Desync problems, and then you put them in the same zone. Why doesn't the 2nd zone have rhoas, and the third zone bandits? It would solve a huge piece of the issues.


So we have a time where aesthetics are never compromised ever, and worsen the game experience for everyone. Doorways (Especially Doors themselves) were added as a choice, and they are in general the worst part of racing on any indoor map.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on Dec 12, 2013, 2:47:43 AM

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