At least to me, they are the number one cause for desync, to a point where I am shitscared of walking through a doorway if there is only a single mob within a 5 mile radius of it.
Why do doorways have to be so small? Why not double their size so that players don't get stuck as soon as there is one mob close to them. I don't even think this is a server issue, but poor hit detection. The reason I say this is... when using spectral throw through doorways, your attacks will occasionally simply not register at all, I'm sure everyone has experienced this before. This isn't even a problem with the servers or lag, but hit detection. Doorways seem to have a "blind spot" where player attacks and movement simply aren't registered properly. Please, everyone test this yourself, you can easily verify this by simply finding a doorway and trying to attack a monster through it, half the time it simply won't work. You can spam /oos as much as you want in that case, it just does nothing. Again this is a problem with the game itself and not desync or lag, so the best solution would be to simply double the size of doorways to allow players to get through them without falling victim to either desync or poor hit detection. I'm not even asking you to fix the hit detection itself as that might be an inherent problem with the game engine, but for christ's sake I can't be the only one getting really annoyed by this. It's just very frustrating when you are trying to walk or attack a monster through a door way and it's just not happening. And in my opinion this is basic stuff that any game should get right, knowing that doorways cause desync and don't have accurate hit detection, why the fuck would you make them as tiny as possible, is it just to piss people off? And the absurdity of all of this is that I'm not even complaining about desync, because I've come to accept it as part of the game (and it can be avoided in most cases*), but about the size of doorways because they cause desync. How absurd is that... #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Nov 30, 2013, 2:38:39 AM
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Agree. Leaping through doorways is not always easy either.
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Agreed can't it be solved that if you use the secondary mousekey or keyboard keys on skills it's treated as Shift+skill so pathfinding doesn't trigger? Holding shift all the time is annoying.
The situation looks like that with or without resync.(Rather without because in Races you die pretty much instantly) I had several rips through doors recently. Like some Champ Molten Shell Goats in Descent getting attacked by me from a safe distance and I die instantly because pathfinding told the server to get really close. Descent Champions warp me into a room. Pathfinding issues seems also to be the case in certain areas such as Docks when click on a point and the server takes the longer path. In Areas with tree Pathfinding sends you into a tree also resulting in rips in areas such as Western Forest when a pack of suiciders is chasing you. The second annoying reason is that the server resyncs you every 2-3 seconds on stun not on stunlocks. So either remove stunlocks and give players a "cannot be stunned" phase or spam the shit out of resync packets. This is really annoying at the beginning of races. You don't get a coral ring, so you go the risky way. You end up in Flats/Hailrake against big packs and do the hit and get away but unlucky for you 1 white mob stunned you and you do only after effect damage and the rest attacks you too. You try to get away the second hit but forget it you are stunlocked and won't resync because of a 2-3 sec delay you will most likely die. On my rips this season I would accept 4-5(forgot if I survived CT) as my mistake but the rest were either stunlocks or pathfinding on the server sending you right into the pack. |
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" The video is a very good example of a real desync death. Yes, he probably forgot to hold down shift, but still. When seeing someting like that, one would like an option to "always shift click" on some skills. However, I fear that would be counter intuitive as we are so used to shift click = stand still and release shift = you can move. |
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Sorry but most ARPG games I played are only closing in on meleeskills without AoE effect.
PoE closes in every time if there is no LoS to the target not holding shift. You only have to hold shift on your primary mouse button. I know there was an issue in CB that aiming through doors wasn't possible but the solution to add autopathing is horrible. Players will see if their skills don't do damage and move closer but creating an action the player can't control is really annoying. Normally a any class has a skill for door spots such as Groundslam, any arrow, ST, FP, Ice Spear, EK etc. Doors are used to control packs in hard spots. Nobody wants to resync dead because some pathdfinding triggered and send them in a room they wanted to avoid. |
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Replied in your other thread before I saw this one. Totally agree, doorways are a nightmare.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea: |
![]() | breaking...and heart breaking! Watching that video...oh would be nice if this game had save points, or checkpoints so that if you die to something like this, at least you dont lose your characher that took so long to get and work just go back to your last save point, so you only lose your progress since the last save, or checkpoint.
Watching that video almost makes me not want to even put the time in, and the investment, but the game is so much fun and challenging, that its VERY hard to walk away from. I too notice that door effect, i try to Spectral Throw through the doors, and shots go nowhere. I throw Fire Traps in the doors too, and monsters walk right past them, and take no damage, the traps dont even trigger! Im like WTF? Game breaking indeed. ...and packs of suicide monsters caused some weird stuff to me too, i thought it was my imagination..or maybe my weak laptop ... glad to read this stuff! I may be crazy but now i know im not going any crazier than normal! hahahaha.. Also i notice weird things like when i right click sometimes my char jumps forward all of a sudden? WTF?? Rt click doesnt move me, left does! is that desync too? I play on normal so far, only been here a alert! GG edit: fix typing Last edited by Slippster#3887 on Dec 1, 2013, 4:53:38 AM
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" I sounds like it; or actually more like resync, i.e., you were desynced before it happened. An automatic resync is enforced now and then putting you back in "right place", where your character is on the server. I am not really sure what triggers a resync.. time, damage, stun.. perhaps (and /oos ofc). I do not think it happens more on right click than left click in general but it may happen more often for the skill you have on right click? Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Dec 1, 2013, 8:04:53 AM
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What happens is when you click on a monster you can't attack with an attack skill, your character moves to try to attack them. Because doorways are so narrow, the monsters on the other side of it will almost always be desynced as to whether they are visible or not. So, this means whenever you click to attack a monster on the other side of the doorway, chances are it's not actually visible on the server. So, while on your client you are attacking it happily, on the server your character desides to go on a pilgrimage to the other side of the doorway and get surrounded by monsters.
It makes me laugh a lot to think about what it must be like to be that character. "OK, so I'll just try to attack that enemy from a safe distance and... No wait, I moved through the doorway into a bunch of enemies instead." Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea: Last edited by dudiobugtron#4663 on Dec 1, 2013, 12:22:15 PM
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" And this shouldn't happen. In every other game you would see the character attacks the wall or refuses to cast the skill. So guess what's a better solution? Don't do anything or see an effect that makes it possible to see the monster is only there on your client or walk in into a room full of monsters you wanted to avoid. I stay with the first possibility. I don't want to have got some kind of aimhelper that does actions I don't want to make! |
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